Seraph Character in Alma | World Anvil
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Seraph is a member of the Gathering, a man who brings Morgan to the place when she is seeking refuge, and who goes onto numerous missions for the Rectoress. He is de facto only fighting man associated with the place, and he also tries to avoid conflict nowadays as much as possible. Whilst being over sixty, he is still a skilled warrior and kept a lot of his skills intact.
  What most people don't realise is that he used to work for a guild of assassins. He was known under the name Carolis then. He became famous when he was discovered, not by his fault, in the court, after killing a nobleman, and he singlehandedly made his way out, over the corpses of the Palace Guard. Not long after, he went into hiding and some believed him dead.
  Many of his friends form the guild went on to become members of the Valant Brotherhood of True Faith, which places them on opposing sides, with Seraph being loyal to the Goddess Cult and Gathering. He had managed to keep his new loyalty secret amogst his old companions and is generally avoiding becoming too well known again.
  Seraph has no known romantic relationships, although some speculated he might have been involved with one of Priestesses who were slaughtered in the attack on the Old Temple. If true, this could be a source of his fierce loyalty to Gathering and its current Rectoress, Anabel.
  This loyalty is only comprimised by his friendship with Antoin, a Mage of considerable power, who used to be lover and with whom she parted under unpleasant circumstances. Seraph, knowing them both well, decided not to take sides, and both friendships somehow survived that.

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