Caleian Excubitor Military Formation in Allucimere | World Anvil
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Caleian Excubitor

The Excubitors are the Caleian Emperor's elite guard, sworn to defend the Emperor no matter the cost. They often follow the Emperor into public settings and guard the Imperial palace. The Excubitors were founded in 743 IV to replace the previously disloyal Praetorian Guard as the Caleian emperor’s Imperial guard. An elite group of roughly two hundred soldiers, the Excubitors wear full plate armor, decorated in purple and designed to hide their body at all times. An extremely loyal group, each Excubitor has vowed to and will give their lives for the emperor without second thought.

Many have questioned their loyalty before, specifically due to how none throughout history, not a single one, have ever betrayed or disobeyed the Emperor. Given the extremely shaky history of the previous Imperial guard, the Excubitors' loyalty is unbelievable. As such, some have taken to speculation and conspiracy, claiming the Emperor controls them through blood rituals, dark oaths or arcane spells. None truly know the reality behind their unbreakable loyalty save for the Emperor himself.



Only the most elite legionaries of Caleia are selected for potential recruitment into the Emperor's guard. These recruits are often hardened veterans, having lived through decades of battle already and are often suggested to officials by proud generals and commanders, as becoming an Excubitor is seen as a great honor, both for the soldier and for the commander who led him. Once chosen, the potential recruits are sent to military camps outside of the Capital, or in recent years, Muntasium. There, potential Excubitors undergo an extremely secretive training process and once they finish, they don their armor in a private ceremony, vowing to never take it off again.
August 9th, 743 IV
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
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Ranks & Titles

Cover image: by Julien Berneron


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