Haldir Ethnicity in Allatar | World Anvil
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The Haldir Dwarves are the decendants of the Dwarven expeditions into the East of Allatar    Renowned for their work in jewellery and runic enchantments, their work was highly prized, especially during the dark days of the Last War


Major language groups and dialects

Haldir speak a dialect of dwarven called Halfir, most dwarven speakers would be able to understand the language well enough as even thousands of years of seperation has changed the language much.

Shared customary codes and values

The haldir are sworn to their kin and their hold, which is held above all other commitments. They work towards what is best for their collective over their individual needs, to do something that hurts the hold and benefits yourself is a grave sin and can result in exile or shunning of the individual.

Common Dress code

Haldir tend to dress in a similar manner to each other, as a sign of respect, wearing elaborate or flashy clothes is seen as a sign of putting yourself above your kin, which goes against their ideals. As such, they tend to wear plain, practical clothing on the outside.    Underneath their clothing, hidden under gloves or shirts, they will wear the elaborate jewellery they fashion, always given as gifts and never made or purchased for themselves but presented as signs of respect for other dwarves.

Common Taboos

The biggest taboo for the Haldir is selfishness, that which harms the Hold above all else. The idea of putting yourself before the good of the collective is an unthinkable act to most Haldir.


Beauty Ideals

Like all Dwarves, they are proud of their beards, though the Haldir wear theirs more clipped and sculpted than the long, braided beards of their western kin.

Gender Ideals

Haldir, even more so than the dwarves of the west, have very little gender difference, either in in appearance or culturally. All dwarves are expected to assist in the tasks that need doing when they're needed.


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