Disciples of the Thunder Lord Organization in Allatar | World Anvil
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Disciples of the Thunder Lord

The followers of the Lord of Thunder are an ancient sect that have only reestablished themselves. While they never completely disappeared, they were a deeply held secret and had only a handful of devotees for generations until recently.
During The Last War, the cult began to grow and spread across the world, speaking of the promised deliverance of the Lord of Thunder, whose shout, they claim, will strip the world of darkness. In reality, the hidden figure that most adherents believe will save the world from despair is of course one of The Seven Lords   Due to the labyrinthine and complex mind, and their ability to plan over the course of hundreds of years like all of the Seven, the average disciple will have little idea of the impact of their ordained task, indeed many of the schemes that they undertake seem at odds with what went before or so chaotic that there can be no greater plan. Only when viewed from a long term view that most mortals couldn't hope to understand, do the plots and intrigues start to form together into a wider plan.


As a secret order, it is not known how many cells operate across the world, and those cells that do function seem to have no formal organisation that matches any other, this is a deliberate ploy of obfuscation by the Lord to help with masking their organisation from prying eyes.


Members of the Disciples are supposed to keep their identities secret from each other, and as far as each group knows, they are the only Disciples of the Thunder Lord. The leader of each cell will be given orders by someone they beleive to be in direct contact with the Lord (although this is unlikely) and set tasks to complete and rewarded accordingly.    Those that do their assigned work diligently and don't question their orders can end up very well rewarded and become relatively powerful in their own communities, helping cement the cult into the highest echelons of societies. However, when the lord slumbers, which they can often do for centuries at a time, (or gets bored and forgets about his pet cultists, which is also not uncommon) then there can be generations without orders and missions. Sometimes the orders will continue to operate, often steered by they leader pretending to still get orders to enact their own whims.

"The Great Lord Knows"

Religious, Cult


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