The Legend of the Akane Hayate Myth in Alius Terra | World Anvil
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The Legend of the Akane Hayate

"Hey, mum?"   The young boy shifted about in his bed, restless despite the quietness of the night and the rising of the moon. He rolled about in his covers, turning his neck so as not to break eye contact with the woman beside him.   "Hey mum," he began. "I don't feel sleepy yet. Do I have to go to sleep if I don't feel sleepy yet?"   The young mother sat her tea on a nightstand and leaned in close to her son, embracing him as she lay in his bed. She lay next to him with her eyes closed, gently stroking his hair as if she herself were hugging a stuffed animal to sleep. The boy shifted about again.   "Hey mum, you didn't answer," he said. "Do I have to go to bed yet?"   The mother smiled, slowly opening her eyes and glancing at the child she had hugged to her bosom. She spoke softly, a graceful tenderness to her voice. "Aye little light, you must still go to bed, even if you don't feel sleepy yet."   The boy kicked about a bit disgruntled, protesting, "But I don't want to go to sleep yet. I'm not tired so I don't wanna."   His mother gently chuckled. "I'll make you a deal then."   At this, the young boy tilted his head up, eyes wide with curiosity and anticipation. He let out a small gasp, his excitement obviously getting the better of him before narrowing his eyes, suddenly distrustful. "What kind of a deal, though?" He had known his mother to offer the short end of the stick when forming agreements, thusly being suspicious of her intentions in this new pact. "Are you gonna trick me into going to sleep again?"   Another soft chuckle. "No, I won't offer you any bad terms. I'm gonna make you a fantastic offer that you won't be able to refuse!"   Slightly reassured, the boy lowered his guard, now more curious than anything. "So what's the deal?"   His mother grinned. "Your sleep for a story."   The boy's cheeks puffed up, and he began to think hard. His mother watched him, deep-red eyes focused upon his babyish, scrunched up face. She studied him with a smile, observing all the little quirks and imperfections in his hair and skin before he blurted out his choice. "Mother, I accept your terms!"   She couldn't help but laugh a bit, humored by the uncanny similarities that the boy shared with her father. She chortled a bit, stroking his curly red hair before finally speaking. "Spoken like a true Akane, little light. Your grandfather would be delighted to hear how you said it."   The boy grinned wide, beaming with pride etched across his face. He admired his grandfather and hearing any kind of praise from him made his head swell just a bit bigger. Every time he had a chance, the boy always asked to hear the story of...   "So which story do you want me to tell, hm?"   "Tell me the story of how amazing grandpa was, mama."   She smiled from ear to ear. This was always her favorite to tell.   "All right, small one, let's begin. A story, a story, let me tell you the tale of Akane Hayate...             "...the greatest Blood Hunter to ever live."


Known the world over, there is not a soul in even the deepest corners of Alius Terra who does not know the Legend of Akane Hayate, the most powerful Blood Hunter to ever live, and the only mortal to ever single-handedly destroy a god. Akane is the founder of the Order of Godslayers, the most elite order of the Blood Hunters that stalks only the night's greatest terrors. His adventures across the world to slay some of the wickedest beasts of all time are often times told as romantic tales spun for young children rather than the exploits of one of history's most powerful half-elves, but to many adventurers, he is seen as the ideal vagabond— a powerful do-gooder who's name has been etched forever in the annals of history, most notably for his most epic battle to save the world from pure chaos against the goddess Tiamat.

Historical Basis

While many finer details of the myths surrounding the legendary Blood Hunter are likely more fiction than fact, Akane Hayate was indeed a real person, with his battle against Tiamat for the sake of Alius Terra being completely true. In truth, not too much was known about the Blood Hunter other than that he was a wild card that belonged to no order and began the tradition of Guardian Bindings, as well as the fact that he was extremely powerful from quite a young age. Many of those that knew the man, however, claimed that Akane was an incorrigible do-gooder who held little respect for norms and rules but was willing to do whatever it took to protect the innocent. He apparently also was horrendously sarcastic, with a talent for uplifting toilet humor.

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