The Core-Energies System / Calibers Physical / Metaphysical Law in Alfeon | World Anvil
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The Core-Energies System / Calibers


Calibers are a type of special ability wielded by an individual that gives them an advantage over others. Though originally classified as an anomaly, over time as Calibers became more and more common, they became more recognized as certain genetic traits being expressed. Calibers are a function of an individuals race, morals, personality, health, situation, mental state, and hereditary factors. Often times, Calibers will manifest in following themes of their life (IE, a distressed child who grew up in a volatile household will manifest more volatile Calibers, while one who grew up peacefully will express more passive abilities). Calibers can also be manifested and/or affected in cases of extreme emotions and trauma (IE overwhelming grief, anger, or fear). Though, not every individual gains Calibers in their lifetime, rather relying on the right nature and nurture factors, to win an almost lottery-like chance. The average time period for Calibers to manifest in individuals ranges depending on the race (See each race for their manifestation period).
Caliber's operate off energies, with the whole basis of it being known as Core Energies, a type of energy that everything has, regardless of it's state, though it changes forms depending on where it's kept (IE, kinetic energy, potential energy, heat energy, electrical energy, etc). Only some beings can turn other forms of energy into the main energy that Calibers use, known as Bio-energy, which is invisible to the naked eye. Bio-energy is what makes something alive, found mainly in vegetation, animals, insects, etc. Though, should one possess the correct Caliber, one could imbue a very basic form of life into inanimate objects such as a pile of boulders.
The more energy found in a living thing, the stronger it is. Creatures given enough naturally produced energy overtime will eventually develop sentience, otherwise they will simply be a hardier race (IE much more immune to injuries, stronger, faster, etc. The sentience cannot be achieved by artificially giving them more energy). This allows trees, given enough, to become the race known as Priments (humanoid trees that can walk, converse, and construct, as well as think sentiently). Though, there are exceptions. Given a sentient species, and gift them with more energy, the stronger their Calibers will be (however, Calibers require a higher level of Bio-energy in order to form within individuals, should they not possess enough, they will be ordinary individuals and unable to possess any type of Calibers). Should they possess large quantities of energy, and no way to control it, the Calibers will be more sporadic, volatile, and dangerous. Though, given enough Bio-Energy, an individual can be overloaded, much like any circuit or battery, known as Energetic-Overload in which case, the individual will display symptoms to disperse the energy in the follow ways: hyper activeness, stronger Calibers, Calibers being partially activated sporadically, a swelling pain in the head and heart, veins standing out and/or glowing, seizures, shooting off the energy in the form of Pure-Energy shaped as miniature white bolts, and even eyes glowing. Should they be unable to disperse the energy faster then they receive it, one of the following could occur: the individual explodes in a blast of energy (often looking similar to a supernova), the individuals Calibers activate in a powered state resulting in the physical destruction of the individuals body, they release an energy shockwave leaving them unharmed except for being unconscious and completely empty of energy requiring time to regain it, their entire body being ripped from the inside out and imploding them into nothingness, their entire body being eroded away into Pure-energy. Should an individual experience Energetic-Overload, they will feel immense pain, a quickened heartbeat, headaches, and feel as if they are having a panic attack. Using their Calibers how they normally would is recommended to help disperse the energy quicker, which allows for individuals being overloaded to use this to their advantage in battle, being able to use their Calibers much more without tiring. Individuals can train in order to increase how much energy they can hold without symptoms, which in turn will cause them to naturally generate more energy (as every creature with Bio-Energy does, which requires sustenance), which allows them to use their Calibers more and for longer. Individuals must always be generating more energy, due to them losing it through taking action, processing power, and also them letting slip a few strands into the area surrounding them (as heat dissipates from a hot object into the air).

Origin & History:

The first Caliber, known as 'Energize', (the ability to charge various parts of one's own body with extra energy, allowing for massive strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, pain tolerance, and defense) appears in a young individual in 2023, kickstarting the study of Calibers, and the supernatural. The great scientist, Fran Hewitt spearheaded the research, doing as a school headmaster. This indirectly lead humanity to weaponize Calibers, inadvertently creating the Homo Saurus / Demons species. The demons sparked the Earth Reforming Calamity, which in turn created other powerful species such as Fyaries and Draconics. Following the Earth Reforming Calamity, humanity rediscover the demon species, but this time to have empowered their Calibers with help from Apocrylis Sintalus, making them even more formidable opponents ignoring the abominations they have become through testing. They also learned to corrupt their Bio-Energy, making them all the more stronger. Overtime, as Calibers were rediscovered, other humanoid creatures (such as Fyaries, Priments, Kekamotos, Homo Gigas / Giants, and so on.
As time continued, the sentients knowledge of Calibers increased, learning how to measure them, the Bio-energy Calibers use, and so on in 4450.

Other Info:

Calibers behave different for each, though humans are the only known species to possess a variety of Calibers, and not a finite amount (as seen with Fyaries). Kekamotos, Bir Weyn, Homo Gigas / Giants are the only one's incapable of weilding any Calibers, due to many factors, and Dwarves, Noctua possess the smallest of Calibers.
  There is a defined way of measuring an individuals Bio-Energy, detailing their Calibers, and other such details. Though the process isn't classified, it is not talked about due to it being complicated, hard to explain unless by an educated individual, and quite boring to learn about, resulting in the sometimes vague explanations.
  Pure and Bio energies can be corrupted into Dark-Energy, which appears dark-purple or black, or purified into Holy-Energy, which appears more yellow or white. In this case, should one be used offensively against the other, it will be much more destructive, or if both used offensively, or one defensively and the other offensively (instead of stationary) then they will cancel each other out. All three of these energies, if focused into a high and dense enough quantities, becomes visible, in the shape of beams, bolts, and so on. They can also be used to bind objects or atom & molecules together, making a bond much stronger than any glue, welding, or so on.
  If an individual possesses the correct Caliber, they could drain a target of their energy. Should they drain enough, they can kill their target. This can also apply to an individual expending too much energy to perform a work (as theorized what happened to the legendary John Henry, who also theorized to have possessed a Caliber known as 'Mountain's Strength', it is unproved), since having a total zero energy is only found in dead beings and objects without any charge or such.
  Bio-Energy is used to explain how individuals get the sense of 'feeling watched', having sensed another individuals Bio-Energy. As well as explaining how some people are empaths, with individuals with strong emotions having their energy carry that emotion with them to the empaths who pick up on it. This also explains how one can sense the 'social energy' of a crowd, get a 'bad vibe' off of an individual, and other such similar situations.
  As is the case with Homo Sapiens and their varieties, two individuals can bear a child that can possess some combination of the two parents abilities (IE, a father who can produce spikes on his body, and a mother who can control metal as with her mind, the child might be able to produce metal from their body and extend it out a great distance and in any shape they like. Or merely possessing the same two abilities (if one parent could spit acid and the other could breath fire)). This allows for extremely powerful abilities to be formed, and has encouraged many individuals to have many children (sometimes in abusive households or through illegal means) in order to raise a successor to a family name, heritage, legacy, throne, or so on, that possesses far more power than any competitors. This hereditary factor can also occur with a newborn child possessing the same Caliber their ancestor (four, five, or even more) generations ago possessed.

Caliber Classifications:

Though Calibers are more strictly defined as supernatural abilities (such as telekinesis and telepathy as portrayed in Lily Scientia Alledria), some individuals can devolope anomalies of Calibers that do not behave as other Calibers would, resulting in the different classifications of Calibers. Being more loose as to the definition of Calibers, one could say that the very existence of other races (such as Fyaries and Kekamotos and so on), in of itself is a type of Caliber due to them being anomalies through extensive exposure to radiation and energetic decay from weapons used during the Earth Reforming Calamity, even though several races already possess other abilities. In order for an individual to 'activate' a Caliber, they must concentrate on the process of doing so (IE, Lily Scientia Alledria would concentrate deeply on her mind producing the energy to grab a hold of, and manipulate objects around her). Overtime and with training, individuals can have this 'activation' become more and more second nature, able to do so on a whim and without thought, as one would learn to ride a bike or use a gun.
This type of Caliber manifests as a physical attribute in individuals, changing them from their race's usual appearance (as is the extreme case with Homo Saurus / Demons being experimented on as Homo Sapiens and drastically changing their physical and mental attributes). Though in the lesser and much more common cases, only one thing will change about an individual (IE having a very long tongue like a frog, or possessing very long and sharp claws, patches of scales in addition to dragon-like limbs, and so on). These Calibers only take as much energy as any normal physical action with an individuals body would take, and require no activation to use, since they are a part of the individuals actual physical body, and the change is permanent.
This is a Caliber classification that contains abilities that only change an otherwise normal-looking individual to their race, once activated (as seen with Colton Diaíresi Toa's ability to turn into a demon). Though very advantageous at times, these types of Calibers can only be used every so often, and when used, exhaust the individual greatly, causing them to have a need for rest afterwards only after the usage. But during the period of usage, the individual is regarded as either a huge asset, or very dangerous. These Caliber's usually require much more effort to activate, and/or require a lot of willpower to deactivate (such as an individual having a Caliber to turn themself into a bear-like being then returning back to their normal humanoid-self), though never accidentally manifest fully when first appearing, but rather manifest in small changes (IE, the child temporarily growing sharper teeth, a more muscular body, or lengthening their nails for a period of time). As such, often times it takes training to learn to fully commit to the transformation, unless spurred on by strong emotion or a traumatic experience. However, these Calibers are not limited to entire body changes, but to smaller portions such as changing part of the individuals skin to metal, or transforming a hand to a blade, and any physical transformations are always temporary (even if they can be held for a very long time. Killing an individual while they have a transformation occurring will change them back to their normal state).
This is the most common type of Caliber that manifests in individuals. Those with this type, possess an external ability that requires activation, though at times when first manifesting, the Caliber might be accidentally manifested, especially so if strong emotion or trauma is introduced to the individual. This Caliber requires more action to take a direct action on a living being or physical object, (IE, an individual concentrating their will to produce fire at their palms), and drains energy during it's use rather than making the individual almost exclusively feel exhausted after the usage (as Metatransformative does). The bigger the action taken with these Calibers, the more energy it drains. These Calibers, if proper training is introduced, can become some of the most powerful abilities. Metability Calibers can never physically transform the individuals body, even the smallest of fingers, at least not directly (IE an individual having the ability to control metal into a liquid state could cover themselves in the metal to form an armor, but it would not transform any part of them physically). Not to mention, those with Calibers will also have their body change naturally in small ways to be able to adapt to their own Calibers and be completely immune to it. (IE an individual who can shoot lightning from their fingertips would be much more resistant to electricity). This is not always the case however, with some individuals having small weaknesses (such as the lightning individual being able to have the electricity forcibly drained from his fingertips) or can even be so overwhelmingly large, they require special technologies to not destroy themselves (IE being able to blow up anything around them, but not being immune to the blasts or fire. Another example would be being able to erode in an instant the terrain around them, but that would include the ground their standing on).
This Caliber is similar to Metability, but does not require activation, but is rather more of a state. An example would be a modified version of Lily Scientia Alledria's telepathy. While her Caliber requires her to make effort in order to converse with others mentally and read their minds, one could possess a Caliber that lets them read minds automatically upon contact, whether they wish to or not, risking them being overwhelmed with information of the targets mind. Omnipotence is another example of a Metapassive Caliber.
Metapassive Calibers are one of two options: the failure to gain control of one's Caliber, resulting in it going on it's own (IE, if Colton failed to control his Demothest Mastery, it could result in parts of his body being covered in Demothest, but it would not be considered a Metamorphing Caliber, not being a part of his physical body, but rather just attached to it), or a Caliber that is always present in a way that does not change the individuals physical body (IE, an individual could charge any batteries around them by simply walking within distance, and it always occurs regardless of the individual's state of mind, physical state, concentration, and so on). This type of Caliber is very hard, if not impossible to improve with training, meaning those with this Caliber are often stuck with the Caliber they have in the way they have it.
  Skiffs, Stischts, Vanks, & Flets:
(Pronounced: Sk-if, and, St-ish-kts) Skiff is a derogatory term for those without Calibers, and Stischt is a derogatory term for those who possess Calibers. Vanks are derogatory terms for non-human races, and Flets are derrogatory for Homo Sapiens. They're often used at times to rile up certain individuals, insult them, identify them, and so on.

Caliber Anomalies:

Some Calibers are so rare, they have their whole own section due to their uniqueness. Or in some cases (as with Colton Diaíresi Toa), a a few Calibers that always come together as a group might occur. These grouped Calibers are known as 'Ability Gauges', and can vary just as much as regular Calibers. Though these Calibers/ Ability Gauges can be much more powerful than other Calibers, they can also have the biggest setbacks and risks of backfiring, making them a huge tradeoff.   Exalted Damned: 
An Ability Gauge that gives the individual a set of Calibers that operate off Dark-Energy, and another set that operate off Holy-Energy, with 1-2 (rarely three) Calibers that operate off both. This Ability Gauge is one of the most powerful, combining the two extremes of mortality.    Blossoming Flower:
Rarely an Ability Gauge, but most often a single Caliber. In the case of the Blossoming Flower, the Caliber(s) rely very heavily on Holy-Energy, and being very strong against darkness and dark beings, with the Caliber(s) themselves being very strong, but also very costly. Rarely at times this Ability Gauge will have a Caliber known as Light-Core, in which case they carry an aura that heals and encourages growth and health of nearby organisms, as well as resistance to Dark-Energy, and empowers others that the individual considers allies. Unlike it's more vicious brother, Light-Core transfers much more gently to successors, leaving it's previous owner with a sense of 'fulfillment'.   Demonic Emperor:
An Ability Gauge that's bestowed upon the leader of demons by Apocrylis Sintalus. This gives the individual the Caliber known as Demon-Mind, the ability to completely control any and all demons, and Dark-Core, the ability to have a much stronger influence over Dark-Energy and dark beings, as well as more resistance to Holy-Energy, and the immunity to the insanity that Apocrylis Sintalus's presence often inccurs. Dark-Core is a very unique ability that can only be granted to one individual at a time. Should it be transferred to another individual, it will kill its previous owner.

Caliber Death:

Should an individual have a manifested Caliber, and train and learn to fully control it, they will see it as an extension of themselves, every much like a limb. They will come to rely on it and form their life around it. Though it's very hard to fully remove a Caliber from an individual, at least without causing extreme pain and possibly permanent physical and/or mental damage to the individual (vice versa with giving an individual a Caliber unnaturally). Should it be accomplished successfully, the individual would be in great distress, finding their whole way of life disrupted. It would be similar to losing a limb or being crippled, and takes a long time to recover mentally from.
Another thing that can happen in relation to energies and death, is should enough death be dealt, an area can become 'cursed', full of the dark hateful energy of the disaster, making plants and animals more scarce in the region, with a dark atmosphere. A similar thing can happen should a weapon take enough lives, it can hold darker energy or be stained permanently with the blood of its victims, making it a cursed object that fuels demons and dark creatures but terrifies other beings, especially those of a good alignment.
Also when an individual dies, their soul remains for a bit (about 10 minutes), this can give the chance to those with the correct Caliber to use the soul, bring the individual back to life (fully or nefariously), weaponize the soul, or capture it. Soon after death, the soul will realize its dead and either depart for the next life, guided by Death Incarnate, or it will get lost and reside in the world as one of the many Core Spirits.
Metaphysical, Supernatural

Caliber Dispersion & Object Inhabitation:

When an individual with Calibers is killed, due to them having higher Bio-Energy than other individuals, they release in their energy in different ways. Should they be killed violently and instantly, they can release this energy very quickly, in the form of energy shockwaves, explosions, or their Calibers activating a last time. Should they killed be more slowly, their energy will drain out without visible symptoms as their body weakens and dies.
However, those with strong enough Calibers can, upon death, inhabit their energy (their souls essentially) into certain objects. The object however, must have a source of significance to the individual, which prevents the individuals energy from inhabiting a small rock on the ground. Examples of this can be armor or a weapon the individual equipped in many battles. Objects with energy inhabited into it can have various effects upon those who use it (IE, a helmet could allow an individual to converse with the previous owner of the helmet, or receive visions from the previous owner, only upon donning the helmet on their head. Whereas a weapon would only do such effects or inflict strong emotions or desires upon being gripped, rather than it dropping from a shelf and hitting their shoulder).
Objects can also be inhabited while the individual is still alive, making it an object they can pour additional energy into to boost their Calibers and prowess in battle. One could learn to manipulate this into making objects that serve as traps that upon being used, overwhelm an individual with fear, vileness, and so on. Objects that have gone through inhabitation will continue to exhibit their energy for a time period that depends on how often, how strongly, and how old it is, with the more intense of these factors reduce the time it is useful. This can also be used to create weapons that an individual could use in battle that boost their abilities (such as seen with Colton's swords) and unlock more of their potential, given the right factors (IE adding a scope to a gun, an extra external battery to a machine, a solar-panel to a car, more rockets to a plane, etc).

Caliber Bonds:

Core-Energies (more specifically and often times, Bio-Energy), can be used to form 'bonds' between individuals. Sometimes the bond comes automatically with certain situations (in the case of two individuals being related by blood. Since their genetic makeup has similarities, so is the Bio-Energy they produce, producing a type of bond between the two. Or where two Calibers/Ability Gauges (IE, the Exalted Damned and Blossoming Flower Ability Gauges) have a preset connection due to their natures), or in other cases, the bonds must be built from the ground up (IE, in the case of an individual meeting and growing closer to another individual, resulting in them becoming significant others).
Should a bond form between two individuals, this can affect the individual greatly, from their Calibers, to their personality, to their mental and physical health. In the presence of the individual a person has bonded with, their energy will be more powerful, resulting in them being happier and healthier, with their Calibers receiving a slight boost. Should the individual be in danger, a person, filled with emotion and desire to protect, will experience large boosts to their Calibers, making them stronger (this is how a parent who seems completely normal, can lift a car high enough to free a child under it). Should one individual involved in a bond be killed, the sudden breaking of the bond can leave the other individual in severe grief and a state of feeling lost. Similar to losing a limb or Caliber, if not more so in some ways, due to the individual having come to depend on the bond in many ways (IE, a marathon sprinter would be vastly affected by the loss of their legs). The sudden breaking of the bond can create 'Energetic-Whiplash', damaging the individuals mental and physical health in various ways (as depicted how a bond of rope between two objects, when one object is suddenly taken away, or the rope is snapped, the other (or both) objects can be affected, especially if they are using the rope bond to balance themselves, causing the objects to fall).

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