Selulon Character in Alfee's Creation | World Anvil
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The deity of healing, farming and the sun itself. She tamed Kon'rel's plants, and gave the gift to the mortals to share. From her gardens does the berries of Divine Life grow. Revered and worsuped at every farm in some form no mater the nation. She brings soft light and care to the ill, food to the hungry, and the burning wrath of the sun apon those who would deny others such things. She is less of a fighter then her half sister Mel'Melorn, but is a force to be reckoned with might of the sun behind her burning her enemies to dust. In the floodplains of the nation of Lavos worship of her is at the forefront of every city and town. Each ruler of Lavos rules from a throne set at the base of a golden statue of Selulon as without her mercy the heat of the desert would bring ruin to the nation. In Laven tradition she leads her Bull, Ankol across the sky, while Ankol carries the sun in their horns. Her herald is Viercaar, who lays the cloth of dawn before her each day. At dusk it is [name of cat god here] who welcomes her back past the horrizon with the mantel of dusk.

Divine Domains

Sun, Light, Healing, Farming, Plenty, Gold


Family Ties

Daughter of Hurn and Kon'rel Sister of Zeffon Half-sister of Mel'Melorn
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Glorious Light Bringer, Healer of Cyanti, Sun Wrath, Gold-like-Grain, Keeper of the Gooseberry, Åellen Ges Cyes, Heralded by Dawn, First Light

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