Kolokine Ore the Gods Blood Material in Alestion | World Anvil
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Kolokine Ore the Gods Blood

The Kolokine ore is found deep beneath the surface of Alestion. It is an unbreakable substance the Gods Blood many call it. Some say it comes from when the goddess Benaile wounded Tyus the god of the forge and land. When his blood fell from the heaven it created the Kolokine. The first to discover the ore was the ancient race of the Gelma. Its said that these people use to be of flesh and blood but after finding the Kolokine they changed. Using the Kolokine for so long the bodies transformed into what the are now giant crystals who walk the earth. There origins have been lost to time even still the Kolokine persisted showing up in time of strife and great victory being wielded by both Heros and Great Evils. The Sword of Ashatar this sword wielded by few is a force of power whoever wiled the sword is both feared and respected for within it hold the powers to destroy a nation. The Sword of Ashatar is the most famous of the gods blood weapons it was simply the first there have been 23 weapons forged of the gods blood though many more may still exists but these are the ones know to I. The methods of making the metal are lost upon the world but its said there are two places that know what to do. The Great Dwarven Smiths of the mountains of Kord, And the lost line of Elmendur a branch of the royal family that was lost but some say there descendants still hold the key to the metal.


Material Characteristics

The Kolokine in its most purest form is a liquid. Though none has found such a pure sample since the forging of The Sword of Ashatar. The one that has been found since is like a shard of glass. The Kolokine has a hue of white in its ore form. When the ore is melted down and made into a weapon it has a white hue the metal is so clear it can be seen through

Physical & Chemical Properties

The Kolokine is described as being warm to the touch and gives a sense of home when in its presence. Kolokine in its ore form is just as sharp as a blade and could easily cut a man in two.

Geology & Geography

The Kolokine can be found in almost any part of the world the Gods blood was first found underneath the Capital city of Tychus. Though many more places have sense found gods blood to the far east the Country of Touvant has even found it within the depths of its land. Though Kolokine can be found anywhere it is usually found deep beneath the crust of the land.

Life & Expiration

The Kolokine has existed sine the dawn ancient texts talk of great weapons forged at the beginning of day made metal of white hue where one could see the other through the blade. Even still The Sword of Ashatar Has Existed for Twelve Thousand Years and is still passed down the royal bloodline. Legend has that when The God Ceto rises from its sleep all land and sky shall burn and, when there is nothing the gods blood will remain.
The Odor of the metal can be desribed as heavenly sweet and brings back memories of home.
The Dwarf Known as Kalgebor Drawnhammer who forged the Hammer of Dawn sats when forging the hammer he took a lick of the ore and it tasted like his mother homecooking.
Clear with White Hue
Boiling / Condensation Point
Melting / Freezing Point
Common State

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