Snake Style Kung Fu Profession in Alcirya | World Anvil

Snake Style Kung Fu

​Snake Style Kung Fu seeks to tap into the Yin power of darkness, building up forces of negative Chi. The Snake Master will stand his ground in combat, swaying slowly from side to side, examining the opponent. When attacked, the response is to whip back or slump to the side. At the first sign of an opening, the master attacks with a single finger strike, channeling dark Chi into the enemy's body. This strike can leave the victim crippled, damaged or merely gasping for air. And a light stroke from the master can reverse all the damage. Throughout the world, there are less than fifty masters and students of Snake Style, each keeping their training secret. Entry into their dark studios requires a blood oath of loyalty. Betrayal is rewarded with a sentence of death. Costume: None, formal clothing preferred. However, Snake Masters tend to cultivate very long fingernails, up to 2 inches, especially on the index fingers. Stance: Upright, feet at right angles and slightly apart, hands held over chest, one cupping the other with index fingers extended.​
Years to Study
​Normal, but formal, long fingernails (upwards of 2 in.)​
Alignment Requirements
​Any non-lawful and evil.​
Attribute Requirements
Wis., (14), Cha. (14)​
Number of Attacks
Base Damage
Free Move
Dodge, Parry, Fingertip Attack (one), Palm Strike, Choke​
Purchaseable Moves
Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, Automatic Parry, Multiple Dodge, Combo Parry/Attack,Death Blow, Pull Punch, K.O./Stun, Critical​
Allowed Powers
Up to 2 from Art of Invisibility and Chi Mastery. Up to 2 Zen​
Recommended Skills
​Language, Calligraphy, Spellcraft, Religion.​


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