Margot Lytton Williams
Margot Lytton Williams married well, into a family with a particular reputation for sharpness (magical and otherwise), ambition, and a desire to triumph.
A specialist in Sympathetic magic, she was part of a major research project during the Great War, specifics unspecified. Her husband is posted overseas for the duration.
She favours brightly coloured dresses, absolutely up to the mode, that draw the eye. (Her coral dress at one of the houseparties is quite similar in design to this coral and net frock from 1916. She's a cousin to the Georgiana Lytton who appears as a minor character in Sailor's Jewel.
Bound for Perdition
During Bound For Perdition, Margot is working closely with - and having an affair with - Temple Carillon. She's a regular guest at Hawk's Breath, and she is interested in whether she can get Reggie Hollis to share any useful information.
Three Graces
Margot's past choices come home to roost in Three Graces thanks to the attentive investigation of Lizzie Carillon, Alysoun Edgarton, and Thesan Wain
Margot's husband, Reynold, was in a diplomatic post in Paris up until the fall of the city in 1940. They spent most of the rest of the war in the United States. They return to Albion in the spring of 1945.
Margot's husband, Reynold, was in a diplomatic post in Paris up until the fall of the city in 1940. They spent most of the rest of the war in the United States. They return to Albion in the spring of 1945.
(Click on the title above to learn more about Margot's role in that book.)
Married name
Margot WilliamsEducation
Schola, Salmon HouseFamily
Marries Reynold Williams in 1905
Sympathetic magic specialistFemme fatale