Sword of Dancing Light
A famous sword that has been passed down the line of the Elthrals.
Made of Antus Iron, this magical blade is an iconic weapon that is housed in the capital city of Alzuth, and when unneeded it is displayed publicly though technically owned by the ruling Co-Monarch of the Elthrals.
The ornate blade shows expert craftsmanship, the blade is made of pure Antus Iron, it is perfectly sharp and glows bright blue at night. It is embedded into a curved guard that protects the welders hand. The grip is pure black, and has a charm that allows it to fit to the person's hand slightly making it hard for hands to slip. The pummel is ornate with two dark blue star sapphires in it. The sword is balanced for use in either one or two handed combat, and because of the material it is always sharp with no need for upkeep. It was made long before the turning of the era and as such is imbued with magic, from the charm of the grip, to the extra pure color of the light it produces at night, and the almost unearthly quickness of the blade when swung. It was used during the War of the Great Houses.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Location
Current Holder
Owning Organization
7 lbs
55 inches length
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