The Crowns of the Gods Myth in Alashar | World Anvil
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The Crowns of the Gods

At the beginning of time, when the light was new, power and chaos were everywhere. From this chaos, formed the Crowns of the Gods, crowns that when worn by mortals make them gods in their own right. These have been lost to time, scattered across the world, but some sit, waiting to be discovered in hidden depths and forgotten places.


The myth of the creation of the worlds speaks of order emerging from chaos, power forming to create all things. This is when the worlds of Bralis formed, and things took shape. Legends tell of pools of power that lay dormant, not coalescing with the rest of the worlds, instead forming large circles of power. It is said that the gods were once mortal, and that it is the power of the birth of all things which granted them their being as celestial deities.

Historical Basis

This of course, is only partially right, as many of the gods already existed before the birth of all things, and simply made their way to Bralis. The gods were set to rule a massive expanse or worlds, but they were still few in numbers, so they devised a plan. Bohan , smithy of the gods, was tasked with creating deific crowns to grant powers upon mortals who the gods deemed worthy of ruling all things with them. He created quite a number of these crowns, of various powers, but a curse placed on the gods meant that their power too was tied to these crowns. Should any deity die within the realms of Bralis, their essence will revert to a crown of power, which will be flung far and wide across the worlds of Bralis. Any mortal who can overcome the challenges created during this, can claim not only those diefic powers contained in the crown, but may take on the appearance and being of any previous owner of the crown.


This myth is known within those who study religion, the gods, and some schools of magic, but is not a commonly discussed or held belief among common peoples.

Variations & Mutation

The common populace of most of the worlds of Bralis hold that the gods were created from nothing at the birth of the worlds, and a large comet in the sky marks the death of a god. There is no mention of crowns or transfers of power in common parlance.

In Literature

There is records of a massive comet in some wizard's texts, and in the journals of Feldspar. That comet was the crown of Anir, marking his death and the passing of his power back into it's raw form.

In Art

The comet of Anir was captured in a number of drawings and paintings, primarily on Alashar, as it could be seen most of the world across.
Date of First Recording
Date of Setting


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