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Lord Commander Thom Lapín

Lord Commander Thom Lapín (a.k.a. the Immortal)

The Chevaliers of the Knights of Tupaux have had many commanders over the years, yet none have achieved nearly as much as Lord Commander Thom Lapín. A war hero, legend and inspiration to all Knights, Lord Commander Lapín is credited for leading his knights to several victories, all of which he has been able to outmanoeuvre his foe and devise strategies that allow him to win a battle before it even takes place. The Lord Commander's most famous victory occurred early in his career when he was just a Knight. An army of heretics worshipping the Old Gods had arisen to overthrow the Church of Saint Tupaux. The heretics had won many battles in this religious war due to their superior numbers and guerilla tactics. This war ultimately ended in a victory for the Church, however, because of Lapín's actions in the final battle, The Battle of 12 Points.   At the head of a small scouting party, Thom Lapín was ambushed by the full military might of the heretics. Lapín immediately ordered his men to ride as fast as they could to the Chevaliers main camp, a few miles from where they currently were. Meanwhile, he would stand and hold as many of the heretics back as he could until reinforcements arrived. Despite heavy complaints from his men, Lapín ordered them to leave and warn the Knights.   Taking a stance at the crest of a hill, Thom looked down at the 12 large units of heretic soldiers amassed against him, and the roll of their laughter as they realised what Thom was planning on doing. Dropping his heavy shield, Thom instead drew his parrying dagger, along with his sword and stood his ground, patiently waiting for his enemies to advance. Believing that this was a joke, the leader of the heretics sent forward a single unit of their soldiers, consisting of 500 warriors, to kill the fool with a death wish.   The heretics marched up the hill to face Thom, tiring themselves out as they did so, until they broke into an exhausted charge as they got within 30 feet of him. With superior skill and speed, Thom was able to easily kill the first few heretics that approached him, but then they were on him. All of the training and finesse that was drilled into him when he was a Squire was gone, as he desperately scrambled to survive and simply kill the next heretic before they could kill him. Thom kicked, punched, bit and stabbed at anything in sight as he did all he could to make sure he made it through alive. He kept reminding himself under his breath until it became a kind of chant, that reinforcements wouldn't be long and in between stabs would continuously pray to Saint Tupaux that that would be the last soldier. Eventually, Thom was not surrounded by attacking heretics. He looked around himself for the first time in what felt like days to find that he had won against that unit.   That sense of victory was short-lived, however, as he looked down towards the rest of the heretical army to find that the remaining 11 units had all started their advance upon the hill. Despite the injuries, he had sustained so far and the difficulty he felt in just trying to lift his arm, Thom readied himself, resigning himself to at least dying well. Just as he believed that all hope was lost, a horn blew behind him. Recognising the horn as belonging to the Knights of Tupaux, Thom turned in time to see the Chevaliers in full force cresting the hill. A smile stretched across his tired and bloody face at the sight and, raising his sword in the air with what little strength he had left, he let out a mighty warcry, signalling the Knights to charge the enemy. The army would win the day, quelling yet another heretic uprising, while Thom Lapín would cement his place in history books for his deeds.   Born and raised in the Cathedral, it was never an option for Thom to do anything other than serving the Church. Much like many of the poorer families that live and work within Cathedral grounds, Thom's parents were unable to pay for his education at the Cathedral. The Tupaulian Church, however, had a scheme in which they would accept children into their schools, without tuition, as long as they performed certain duties and swore their lives to the Church of Saint Tupaux.   It was clear to all, student and teacher alike, that Thom was a cut above the rest. Excelling at everything he did, both academically and physically, he would draw the admiration and envy of his peers. Despite his young age, Thom had begun lecturing his teachers on theology and mastering sword techniques that only veteran soldiers had managed before. As with any child that stands out from the rest, Thom was subject to a great deal of bullying in his youth from the physically larger, but mentally less adept students.   This bullying would continue for the entirety of his time in the Cathedral's school. He would be harassed, insulted, beaten and humiliated by the little thugs that were threatened by him. Yet, despite all of the abuse, young Thom never retaliated. All of Thom's mentors throughout his educational career, from both the school and the Chevaliers, noted that he always gave off an air that he knew he was destined for greatness. It was this surety of his fate, this arrogance, that led him to remain aloof when confronted by the bullies time and time again.   Upon graduating from the school at the top of his class, Thom was given his pick of roles within the Church. Magisters, Knight-Captains and High Inquisitors alike all clamoured for his attention, eager to recruit him to their branch of the Tupaulian Church. Young Lapín had already decided the course of his future before graduation, however, and ignored all offers except for the Knight-Captains. Once he joined the Chevaliers as a Squire, Thom found himself amongst more kindred spirits who did not have time for petty deeds such as bullying and instead were just as dedicated to their duty, and just as arrogant, as Thom. Quickly making friends, and finding himself the leader of a group consisting of both commoners and nobles, Thom's military career progressed with far less tension than his school career.   Earning accolade after accolade while serving and learning as a Squire, Thom would yet again find himself at the top of his class and ready to be promoted to the rank of Knight, at the tender age of 18. The week leading up to his Knighthood Ceremony, Thom was given leave to celebrate however he wished. Following the aid that Thom gave his friends in their studies, they were also able to graduate at the same time, so they decided that they would all take an impromptu road trip together.   As far as the Knights and the Church were concerned, the young Squires were going on a pilgrimage to the Saint's Cave to reaffirm their faith before taking their vows. In truth, the young adults would travel to Sylvahn where they would pay for passage to the pleasure isles of Villa de Greg. Upon arriving, the Squires were overwhelmed by this haven for decadence and hedonism. It didn't take them very long to be swept away by the myriad of vices openly on offer in the settlements markets, brothels and smokehouses. This indulgence in excess would ultimately spell disaster for many of the Squires however as, while drunker than they had ever been in their short lives and flying high off of whatever they had been smoking, sniffing and swallow, Thom and company began to get aggressive. Shouting at innkeepers and prostitutes, demanding that they be served right this second, their attitude began to escalate until the paranoia induced by the narcotics kicked in.   This proved to be the final catalyst for Thom as he began to believe that the prostitutes and paupers in the brothel in which they were staying were laughing at him behind his back. Hearing whisper where there were none, seeing sneers where there were only confused stares, Thom drew his sword. Egged on by the other Squires, who also drew their weapons, Thom rounded on the nearest bystander. A young serving girl had arrived to clear their table for them when Thom swung his sword at her. The blade did not stop in its arc until it had sunk into her shoulder and was stopped by a rib.   What followed was pure chaos as the other patrons and employees ran for cover as the well-trained and armed Squires fanned out into the brothel and began slaughtering them. Some of them tried to put up a fight, being armed themselves, but even when drunk, they could not withstand the might of the elite would-be Knights. Word travelled quickly throughout Villa de Greg and Greasy Greg's mercenaries soon arrived at the scene, but it was already too late. They walked into the brothel to find a room that would not have seemed out of place in a slaughterhouse, and the Squires were all passed out on the floor, having collapsed after the drugs finally overcame them.   What came next happened quickly. The Church had been informed of the Squires' actions via its network of Inquisitors. They broke into the cells in which Thom was being held and spirited him away, back to the Cathedral. As for the others, the nobles were able to rely on their families to work out a deal with Greasy Greg for their release and for all charges against them to be dropped. The commoners, however, were not so lucky, and someone had to be punished for the murders. The executions of the Squires from poorer backgrounds were made public, and once their heads were removed, the crowd cheered as they knew that there were fewer monsters in the world.   Thom would never let go of the guilt and shame of what he did that night, as well as the fact that the Church decided to save only him. The Inquisitors informed him that no one would know that Thom was there and that, if he wishes to continue his military career, no one ever will. To this day he remains tea-total, drinking only water or juice, and zealously fights against the use of drugs amongst his men.
Current Location
Bright blue
Ebony hair, swept back into a quiff and a thick beard, cropped close to the jaw
Aligned Organization
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