Captain Cyril Varant Character in Aland | World Anvil
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Captain Cyril Varant

Captain Cyril Varant (a.k.a. Admiral Bloodwrath, King of the Sea)

In the city of Sylvahn and its surrounding areas, tales are still told of the infamous Admiral Bloodwrath. The admiral was a pirate who had conquered the seas and all who sailed them, even the Grand Sylvahni Fleet were no match for him. He raided and pillaged all across the coastline of the continent and even raided some Serpéan ships. This helped to further his legend as he became one of the few in Bastique who had cannons on board his ship. Many were the merchants who would rather try their luck with the cold, capricious waves than stay and face the guns of Bloodwrath's flagship, the Decadence.   Known as the scourge of the seas, Bloodwrath was a thorn in the side of any seafarer, however, he had a particular interest in the Sylvahni fleet. The reason for this stemmed from the greater challenge that they posed. Having risen to the rank of Admiral amongst the pirates and being crowned the King of the Sea, Bloodwrath found that he no longer found any enjoyment in the easy victory or the richest prize. Instead, he would raid the large, hulking, well-armed and armoured vessels of the Serpéan fleet or the smaller, faster triremes of the Sylvahni navy.   So great was the piratical Admiral's need for an even greater challenge that it led to one of the most famous events in naval and Sylvahni history. The Admiral antagonised a Serpéan patrol sailing around the shores of Eastern Serpé by firing across their path. Rather than staying to take them on as he normally would, Bloodwrath instead gave the order to retreat. His crew, while confused at the order, carried it out without question.   Meanwhile, in Sylvahni controlled waters, another ship under Bloodwrath's command used a similar strategy, firing at a Sylvahni patrol and immediately retreating once the patrol moved to engage. Both fleets, taking the bait placed by the Admiral and his men, followed the pirates to a reef that lies between the two continents. Here the pirates met with the rest of their fleet and turned to take on both of the attacking fleets at the same time.   After several days and nights of fighting, and the loss of thousands of gold worth of ships, Admiral Bloodwrath was victorious and christened the site of the defining moment of his career as the most feared pirate Aland has ever known Le Récif de Cimitiére.   Shortly after this battle, Admiral Bloodwrath abdicated his throne and retired as a pirate. Some say that he died from injuries that he had sustained in the fighting, while others believe that he had reached the pinnacle of his career and decided to quit while he was ahead. The truth is that Bloodwrath could see the sour direction that the pirates were going in. Despite all of the sins that the Admiral had committed, there was always a sense of honour amongst thieves and all were expected to keep to a code. Over the years that Bloodwrath had ruled the seas, however, he could see that the younger generations no longer believed in honour and were growing crueller. All attempts to correct the course that the pirates were taking failed and Bloodwrath no longer felt that he could rule over a group that he no longer believed in.   Admiral Bloodwrath retired, living a peaceful life on a secret ranch that he had purchased using the vast amount of gold that he had amassed over the course of his career. Leaving behind his life as a pirate, Bloodwrath began to go by his birth name once more, Cyril Varant. Cyril would spend the next 20 years in peace, marrying a local man that he fell in love with, and spent his days raising and looking after his animals.   A year after the death of Cyril's husband, the Sea Guard finally tracked him down. However, instead of the chains that he expected them to arrive with, they came with an offer. In Varant's absence, the pirates had grown worse, attacking ships more regularly as they came to and from the Sylvahn. They had even begun raiding inland as many villages had been left in smoke. Unable to turn a blind eye, and with needing to get away from the ranch where he created so many memories with the man that he loved, Varant accepted the offer and became the Captain of the order he once fought.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In his prime, Cyril Varant, then known as Admiral Bloodwrath, was a monster. He was heavily muscled and taller than most. He cut an imposing figure and anyone who faced him found themselves severely outmatched. For someone as large as him, Cyril was also deceptively quick, able to parry even the swiftest of cuts with his blade.   Now, in his old age, Captain Varant has lost much of that strength and speed, yet this does not mean that he is to be taken lightly. He is still incredibly strong and more than capable of looking after himself in a fight. What he may have lost in strength and speed, he makes up for with wisdom and experience, fighting smarter rather than harder.

Identifying Characteristics

Captain Varant can easily be identified by the various injuries that he has sustained in his illustrious career. From horrific scars that cover his chest, neck, face and arms received at the end of a blade or from the fires set by an archer's burning arrow. He is also missing his right ear after a run-in with the business end of a Serpéan rifle.

Apparel & Accessories

Rather than wearing the official uniform of the Sea Guard, (a navy blue cloak, trimmed in gold so as to denote his rank as Captain, over leather armour, the logo of the Sea Guard emblazoned across the chest piece) Varant and his elite unit, The Old Guard, all opt to wear the armour they wore during their time as pirates.   A leather, ankle-length coat, over chest plate made out of a Serpéan metal that is as strong as steel but much lighter. The trousers are of a thick wool and simple leather boots are worn on their feet. The Captain wears his bastard sword, made of the same metal as his armour and named 'Baleine Blanche', at his hip at all times. He also comes equipped with a flintlock pistol, taken from the Serpéans, as well as the standard-issue bow and arrows, made out of Iron Wood taken from Triste Woods.
Lawful Evil to Chaotic Good
Current Location
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Current Residence
Steel Grey
Medium-length grey hair tied into a messy, half ponytail and a full, grey beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, heavily creased from age and scarred from misadventure


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