Fotiá Character in Akadimía | World Anvil


Fotiá (a.k.a. Surtur, Hephestus)

Ancient Fire Giant

The ancient myths refer to the Fotiá as the god of fire and forge. Generally referred to in the masculine, the ancient fire giant is believed to reside in the wastes somewhere in the Marais Wetlands. He is the patriarch of all fire giants.  

Southern Younger Races

The Drákos peoples have associated the ancient mythos of the fire giant with Hephestus, the son of Hera.  

Northern Younger Races

The Norjord and Rus peoples have associated the ancient mythos of the cloud giant with Surtur, Lord of the Fire Giants.   Surtur stands ever alert in Muspelheim, brandishing his sword that shines brighter than the sun. At Ragnarok he will be responsible for setting the world on fire, burning it down to make room for the new one. Prophecies say that he will even destroy Bifrost under his weight and that of his subjects.


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