Divine Repulsion Physical / Metaphysical Law in Ah'shi'berö | World Anvil
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Divine Repulsion


Arcane Particles are defined as the stabilized magic which remains without the need of continued casting. This includes, but is not limited to, Artifacts, Permanent Enchantments, Attuned Magical Items, Staffs, Armor/Weapon enchantments, and Extra-Planar summons fully manifested in this Plane.   Divine (Deity) is defined as the Deities which walk among us in this world such as the 12 Divine, Directional Divine, and other Divine.   Thaumaturgy has been defined by the voluntary and permanent changes to the surrounding area which happen with the intent of a Divine (Deity) when it manifests fully in the Physical World. Otherwise known as a miracle.   The Material Realm is defined as the physical world in which this research was done, this paper was written in, and the world mortals most commonly live in. This includes all mundane objects within the physical world.   The Space Between is defined as Eldritch space. The area between the Planar Boundaries where Warlocks and Witches often pull from for their magics.  


Petra-Class Eldritch Particles (PCEP) have long been studied as a magical middle ground between the Arcane and Divine (Spell) fundamentals of magic (Weinstein, 999). Given this fact, numerous attributions to Laylines, Aspects, and Divine (Deity) were used as base points to compare growth and scale of Eldritch magic reactants (Won et al, 1023; Locke et al, 1031). By measuring the growth and scale of PCEP we can in turn compare Aether, raw magical energy, volume in a given area, object, or being by comparing their unstimulated measurements to their magically stimulated measurements to determine how much Aether has been created without the need of magical sight or vision enhancing magical items to make magical aura visible (Thage, 923; Thage, 934; Weinstein, 999, Dofund et al, 1014). Magical vision, natural and magic item assisted, were also used in this test to note any measurable difference as a precaution.   We have known for a very long time that the level of PCEP stimulation and reactants created are not changed by any known measure of Alchemical circles or Eldritch spells (Ya, Sommer, & Zander, 844. Conhubble, Punambra, Lee, & Cio, 1007). With this knowledge in mind this study found that the creation of PCEP and accompanying Aetheric volume increased exponentially upon the meeting of the inner sphere of aura from a Divine (Deity) and the aura from a Divine (Deity) which oppose each other both physically and conceptually.   Additionally, past studies in both the fields of Angelic technology and Phase Fields, specifically Orichalcum Phase Fields as it pertains to this study, have found replicable measurements both in controlled and blind studies in regards to measuring increases in Aetheric saturation by the density of the field (King et al, 1012; Martin, Martin, & Jäger 1015). The effects of Planar Resonance and Spiritual Harmonics were used in this study as both a proof of concept and additional mapping resource as per the standardized formula (King et al, 1012; Brooks, Kayor, & Ask, 1021).   Lastly, the volume of Aether naturally stimulated by the survival instinct both separate to and in conjunction with Alignment has been taken into account with standard Alchemical Deviations of less than 0.01% being removed from the results of this study per Backbreaker’s Law (Backbreaker & Backbreaker, 1008; Caimlan, Dionder, & Xai, 1024).   Upon culmination, this study has found an unknown occurrence with perceived models of Divine (Deity) auric interaction in both physically manifested Divine (Deity) when within aura totality and with Divine (Spell) scrolls created by them within the same field. This unknown occurrence manifested, while unobservable through traditional means, as a “shadow” in Eldritch Reactants and Aetheric production that is Chaotic in nature. This unknown “shadow” reactant behaves like an Arcane particle in the Space Between until material alteration by Divine (Deity) auras alter the physical world around them. The more opposing the aura the stronger of an effect was seen. This effect is referred to as Divine Repulsion in this paper.   Divine Repulsion is the phenomena attributed to the innate and involuntary negative Alchemical Spiritualist reaction of opposing Divine (Deity) manifestation through their overlapping auras. This involuntary and scaling manifestation of reactants are a “shadow” physical arcane particle which exists because of Divine (Deity) existence, yet outside of, Divine (Spell) principles.  

-Literature Review-

This study finds an undiscovered gap within mapping as it pertains to magical calculation and Divine (Deity) manifestations. While the study of scrolls and Divines (Deity) have been a topic of research for well over a century previous studies have not used the more recent magical advancements nor taken into account findings of Planar Harmonics with interplay from The Space Between (Jawanaman, Hopadopper, Blowbonbar, & Welinevur 989; Jäger & Jäger, 1011; Jocon, Camron, & Sinoski, 1029). The findings of this study do not have a single 1 to 1 comparison in any known field of research available to the researchers of this study. Nor were related findings of any statistically significant field given upon inquiry to the Crown’s College, Church of the 12, Urlon High Academy, Gnome Et All, Jäger Organization, or Ragnarök Library.   Though focused on the field of Druidic Seeing, through Ritual Elderwine, one study with references to a “shadow divine (Deity) force…” was found in the Stone Hold Library of Is-land (Greatbeard, 1004). However, this reference, upon inquiry to the Grand Druid Circle, was deemed by them to be a representation of inner spiritual malignancy rather than a measurable unit. Taking this into account no known literature to this “shadow” particle has been known to have been observed. Groundbreaking study protocol were used by the researchers of this study with review from both the Crown’s College and Gnome Et All prior to publication.  


Harmonic Tuning

Past measurements of the magic lingering within scrolls have used strictly Arcane methods which, while accurate to their field, do not deliver a clear picture despite the practical usability. The most common measuring method being pinpointing the specific Jinn-Class arcane matter being researched and matching it with the standard entropic decay per its alchemical weight (Reven & Fledlebagiggle, 1028). Given this study aims to map readings from arcane and divine (Spell) sources measurements of Divine (Deity) aura readings used by this study were done with the latest Adjudicator Brass Harmonic Strings tuned to the resonance of the physical realm, the base dimensional barrier, and The Space Between. The strings were supplied by Gnome Et All and the tuning was done by each Divine (Deity) themselves, their high priest, each member of the research team, and a un-tuned string for a control measurement.   Measurements of the Harmonic Strings for the physical realm were tuned as per the standard aetheric flux with Samsarian Pressure taken into account and negated through use of Deadstone filters (Long & Treeborn, 987).   Measurements of the Harmonic Strings for The Space Between were tuned in accordance with Divine Myth Manifestation and a Lesser Tome of Hildil given and supervised by Gnome Et All and the Jäger Organization (Peterson, 1010).   Frequency measurements were taken one minute before, one minute after, and during the entire measuring process for each Divine (Deity), Divine (Spell), and Arcane scroll suspended.  

PCEP Reactants and Degree of Totality

PCEP reactants and totality of divine aura repulsion (DoT) were measured by the use of mercury pools with Aetheric crystals submerged within them. Each crystal was constantly purged by Alchemical Spiritualist magic circles carved into the crystals to prevent the innate regressive entropy associated with crystals (Locke & Hornswin, 1017). The measurements were then channeled through standardized alchemic processes as defined by the current Gnome Et All standard.  

Total Aether Saturation and Phased Orichalcum Field Density

Total Aether Saturation (TAS) was measured by both traditional means following the Rose Worm law and through Angelic Measurements of the standard Phased Orichalcum Field Density (POFD) with Rose Worm care being supervised by three representatives of the Crown’s College Druidica Department (Namegiven, 965). Measurements of the POFD themselves used High-Light rune flow sequencing with redundant Alchemical Sigil backups. Measurements were taken both with and without Divine (Deity) alignment to account for potential Alchemic Drift (Locke, Richard, & Pudren 1027).  

Spiritual Barrier

An alchemically made spiritual barrier was placed within each room re-enforced with Deadstone to measure spiritual drift, alchemical alignment, and reactant movement. An additional barrier was set up with the same procedure as the others, but Dytonically isolated to use as a control (Nagi, Bill, & Icebreaker, 995).  

Scroll Suspension

Lastly, seven cantrips were used as scrolls for the study. Six of the scroll spells were made 100 times by an original Divine (Deity) source, with each Divine (Deity) making a batch of 100, and then split into two groups of 50. Within each group of 50 each spell was copied onto a new scroll. Group A were copied by Arcane means while Group B were copied by Divine (Spell) means. Each group used standard copying practices as accepted by the Crown’s College, Gnome Et All, Urlon High Academy, and the Aquan Study. Upon being copied each group of 50 was split into groups of 25 where each stack of 25 were cast by an Arcane or Divine (Spell) caster. Casters did not know which group of scrolls they received. The blind sorting method used Gnome Et All Extant sorting.   Sacred Flame was used as a control for Divine (Spell) drift as it is the only known spell with a constant Eldritch Reactant point in Aetheric Volume which comes from a Divine (Deity) source.   A 7th spell scroll, Eldritch Blast, was created in batches of 50 each by the Aeon of Geas and Aeon of Supernal as a control to account for and measure Eldritch Classic Deviation and Eldritch Reactant Points. The scrolls were, as with all others, created, copied, cast, and suspended under both Crown’s College and Gnome Et All classical standards.  


Scroll Suspension Analysis

See Table 1 for Scroll Suspension Analysis (SSA) data results. Upon completion there was no change from either source, caster, or copying method on Sacred Flame or Eldritch Blast. This follows previous research in regards to passive particle manifestation decay both physical and conceptual (Jäger, Jäger, Kindo, & Gin, 1007; Double, Single, & Triple, 1025). Every other scroll resulted with an increased percentage, Classic Deviation, and Eldritch Reactant point per Aetheric Volume above accepted parameters based on previous research (Treefeller & Mudslinger, 1001; Carter & Yonin, 1003; Hine, Yoman, & Pansion, 1030). This increase also was only present when a scroll was cast and suspended within the Divine (Deity) aura from overlapping Divines (Deity) which oppose each other in a physical or conceptual bases with an even larger increase when oppositions cover both the physical and conceptual.

Spiritual Barrier

See Figure 1 for Spiritual Barrier data results. The control barrier had no reaction whatsoever with any of the Divine (Deity) auras, manifestations, or other stimuli focused on in this study. These results fall in line with previous research (Yato & Bub, 1003; Dind, Pearacini, & Verdone, 1027).   When under the influence of Divine (Deity) auras from Jack and Fenrir ethereal feedback was created around the barrier, but no reactants were formed. When under the influence of the Divine (Deity) auras of Urlock and Boothra an ethereal feedback field was created in the form of a visible aura around the Divines (Deity) and the reactant path on the other side of the veil was measured and tracked. When under the influence of the Divine (Deity) auras of Tazalque and Yako a stronger reactant path towards the barrier was seen as expected when the Divine (Deity) of the East and the Divine (Deity) of the West come together. Leading to lesser alterations within the surrounding area. Visible auras, gusts of wind, enhanced plant growth, increased solidity of wood, and other previously known Tier 2 Divine (Deity) auric manifestations were found (Jonson, Come, & Korn, 967; Condor & Anders, 1000; Fardnard & Kolon, 1003).   When under the influence of Rodica and Sharik their Divine (Deity) auras resulted in an Ethereal Flipping to the spiritual barrier with Eldritch Reactants manifesting on this side of the veil creating storm winds, altered grounds, magical separation, ethereal lightning, elemental conjurations, wild transmutational effects, and other Tier 4 Divine (Deity) auric manifestations in line with previous studies (Condor & Anders, 1000; Fardnard & Kolon, 1003; Gnome, 1003, Possible & Stoppable, 1007).

Total Aether Saturation and Phased Orichalcum Field Density

See Figure 2 and 3 for the TAS and POFD data results. When measuring TAS by POFD by millimeter the TAS was found to have been within standard Alchemical Spiritualist Parameters per previous research, see Figure 2 (Thage, 932; King et al, 1012; Jäger, Flibadible, & Cao, 1013). When accounting for the Harmonic Separation significant differences from standard Alchemical Spiritualist Parameters were found, see Figure 3. By separating Lawful and Chaotic aether generation through harmonic separation this study found an increase in Chaotic aetheric generation in line with opposed Divine (Deity). A here in undiscovered Hyper Saturation of Lawful and Chaotic aether was measured when the inner auras of Rodica and Sharik overlapped in measurable totality.


See figure 4 and 5 for PCEPR and DoT data results. When measuring by traditional means the results are within previous findings, see Figure 4 (Weinsten, 999; Condor & Anders, 1000; Locke, Richard, & Pudren, 1027). When separating Divine (Deity) aether by way of Harmonic Tuning reactants measured do not follow any previous research in both the number of particles manifested nor in the DoT where they manifest, see Figure 5. Particles manifested do not align with the Lawful aether as previously believed, rather the PCEPR appear to manifest in line with the Chaotic aether. Notably is the gap in particle creation between Tazalque/Yako and Rodica/Sharik. Two spell purges, a Divine Purification, and two additional blind randomizations were done after the first scan, however no measurable difference was found.

Harmonic Tuning

See Figure 6 for Harmonic Tuning data results. Across all experiments Harmonic Tuning remained the same, save for one. When the scroll of Thaumaturgy was cast within an opposing Divine (Deity) aura and by a cleric of an opposing Divine (Deity) that gave the magic to create the scroll to begin with the aetheric volume for the Eldritch Reactant Point doubled from .05% by volume to 1% by volume. Additionally, the Classic Deviation did not increase by the same percentage. When the spell was cast no known change to the Harmonic Frequencies were measured except when the above mentioned circumstance was preformed within the overlapping aura of Rodica and Sharik. During this Hyper Saturation of mirrored Lawful and Chaotic aether the Frequency of the Dimensional Wall dipped in resonance at seemingly random intervals with the Harmonic Frequency of The Space Between. At these moments, when the Frequencies of the Dimensional Wall and The Space Between harmonized, the stability of the Material Realm’s Harmonic Frequency was disturbed with the tuned strings vibrating violently to the point of snapping with a Tier 1 aetheric explosion akin to a Primal Spell (Carter & Yonin, 1003).


Results of this study indicate that a here to unknown interaction is manifesting in relation to Divine (Spell) scroll usage and the presence of opposing Divine (Deity) auras based on the original Divine (Deity) source. The findings indicate this interaction creates a here in to unknown “shadow” particle which remains with the Divine (Spell) even if copied from a scroll with a Divine (Spell) source into an Arcane source and then back again into a Divine (Spell) source by an arcane and divine caster respectfully. Eldritch Reactant Points by aetheric volume, Classic Deviation, mean percentage, all increase.   Manifestations related to Spiritual Barriers flip resulting in a balancing ethereal field on the veil side and reactants manifesting on the material side. The amount of particles manifested increases by two different rates depending on the degree of physical and conceptual overlap of opposing Divine (Deity). The overlap and manifestation appear to be caused not by the Lawful aether generated by the concourse thought or actions by the Divine (Deity), but rather by this Chaotic aether which appears to act on its own accord. Lastly, the Harmonic Frequency of the material plane resonates so quickly and violently when the Dimensional Wall and The Space Between harmonize that the tuning strings snap despite attempts by the Divine (Deity) to prevent it from happening.   In line with the hypothesis, the results of this study support the theory that an unknown “shadow” particle exists and is interacting with the material plane in a way similar enough to an Arcane particle to alter the Harmonic Frequency of the material realm. This particle in question was not suppressed in any measurable way when asking the Divine (Deity) to suppress their auras nor was in increased when asking for them to flare their auras. Given this, the particle in question does not act in accordance with the Divine’s (Deity) will.   Again, this involuntary action as part of the Divine (Deity) aura supports the theory that this “shadow” particle is similar to the involuntary and natural reactionary interplay between opposing Arcane sources such as the Laylines of Fire and Water or Mental Trauma from punishing Gnomish Arcane spell craft (Jonson, Come, & Korn, 967, Wiggaloodel & Xaxaxawine, 1004).   Some results of this study in many ways challenge results from previous studies and the “common belief” of Divines (Deity) as put forth by the Church of the 12 and historians (Ed, Edd, & Eddy, 965; Yi & Liang, 1007)., however, some results, such as the spiritual barrier results agree with previous research.   Despite the unforeseen dichotomy in agreeance with previous research findings the practical applications for these findings are expansive. A physical, or at the very least manipulatable, Arcane particle has a direct interaction with Divine (Deity) and Divine (Spells). Should the means be developed in the future to harness and stimulate this “shadow” particle one could create exponential aether growth on command.   This could lead to health benefits from something as simple as increasing the quality of mother’s milk for more rural areas of the world lowering the infant mortality rate or something more pronounced such as allowing more detailed study of Aetheric Poisoning and its cures. Outside of the medical field one could use this to create a flash point of Arcane manifestation to create runically infused stones capable of far greater magical feats or even an entirely new field of spell craft. Militarily speaking, this particle could be used to increase the longevity of spell books and scrolls, leave an opposing Divine (Deity) component in Arcane spells allowing for increased effectiveness against the Fallen Divine (Deity) by Arcane fighters, or even a lesser form of Ascension leading to increased overall performance. Religiously speaking, this could lead to an understanding of the creation of Divine (Deity) and how their physical forms are made. As the results indicate that Divine (Deity), at least in part, have a natural check and repulsion.  


With a focus on Harmonic Frequency measurements other more traditional and archaic measuring tools such as Tree Syphoning, Totemic Readings, and Layline Fluctuations were not used due to the limited budget of this study. Additionally, Divine Interpretation Analysis was not used to prevent a positive feedback loop in theoretical assumptions given Divine (Deity) and Divine (Spells) were part of the researched aspects of this study. As per the Divine (Deity), one limitation was the small pool of Divine willing to participate.   Two unforeseen obstacles hampered this study and as such could have had an effect on the results. The first being the sudden and ultimately stifling pressure put on the research team to stop this study from the Church of Heidi, Church of the Duality, and the Church of the Twelve as an organization despite half of their Divine (Deity) agreeing to participate. Secondly, the Harmonic Strings used were not strong enough to get more than a few seconds of readings before those tuned to the Material Realm snapped upon the harmonization between the Dimensional Wall and The Space Between. Stronger strings could reveal different results.   Finally, it is beyond the scope of this study to address questions of Ascension by Praxis, Dimensional Travel, Dimensional Repair, Demonic Summoning, Divine (Deity) Resurrection, Divine (Spell) Warrior training, Dragon Archons, Elemental Harmonization, or any field related to the understanding of Wyrd Magics and the workings of Hildil nor to her/its existence as a physical creature.    


This research aimed to find out why a Divine (Spell) from a Divine (Deity) could be transferred to and from an Arcanely created scroll, yet still hold the same Divine (Spell) power. Based on the results of this study it is because of this unknown “shadow” particle which appears to be a bridge between the Arcane and the Divine (Spell) or even the Divine (Deity). It can be concluded that this “shadow” particle reacts in proportion with an opposing Divine (Deity) source with the stronger the opposition both physically and conceptually the greater effect this “shadow” particle has on the Arcane and Material realm. In attempting to better understand how scrolls keep the spells worked into them we expected to find a correlation between a Divine (Deity) and their own power in the power within a scroll. Rather than finding that, we found that it was the opposition within Divine (Deity) auras that had the strongest increase in PCEPR and Aether with Divine (Spells) instead. To better understand results achieved by this study future researchers could dramatically increase the number of scrolls used, get the Church of the 12 to not interfere with the study, create stronger Harmonic Strings, or continue looking into The Space Between. Finally, this study has brought to light, not only a potentially new Arcane particle in the form of this “Shadow” particle, but also, reminds the field of Arcane Studies the benefits of more recent research tools.    

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Metaphysical, Supernatural


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Jan 13, 2022 20:51 by Grace Gittel Lewis

Wow! Presenting this as an academic paper is a really cool idea! You put a lot of effort in here!

Jan 15, 2022 21:45

Thank you very much.