Order of the Seraphim in Agora | World Anvil

Order of the Seraphim

Infused with holy blood by the clergy to creature enforces of good.  
Blood Hunter Level Features
3rd Rite of the Righteous, Prayer of Recovery
7th Selfless Valiance
11th Brand of Damnation
15th Blood Curse of the Miracle Worker
18th Archangel

Rite of the Righteous

Upon joining this order at 3rd level, you learn the Rite of the Righteous esoteric rite (detailed below).   Rite of the Righteous. Your rite damage is radiant. When the rite is active, you gain the following benefits:
  • Your weapon sheds bright light up to a radius of 20 feet.
  • Your rite damage is maximized against fiends, undead and creatures with an evil alignment.
  • You add half of your proficiency bonus to your Wisdom saving throws.
  The one drawback of this blessing is that it cannot be utilized against those of pure intention. When you make an attack against a creature with the Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral or Neutral Good alignment, you must make a Wisdom saving throw against your Hemocraft DC.   On a failure, you must redirect the attack to another creature within range or cancel the attack. At 11th level, you can ignore this limitation.    

Prayer of Recovery

Upon joining this order at 3rd level, you seek to prevent harm from befalling others where possible. You have a pool of d6 equal to your Blood Hunter level. You can use an action to select a creature that you can see within 30ft of you. You can expend a number of these d6 to heal the creature. The target regains a number of hit points equal to the rolled result of the d6 expended. The maximum number of dice you can expend in a single action is equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) .   Your pool regains all expended dice at the end of a long rest.  

Selfless Valiance

At 7th level, your own corporeal form is expendable for the sake of others. When a creature that you can see within 30ft of you is targeted by an attack or spell, you can use your reaction to have the attacking creature make a Wisdom saving throw against your Hemocraft DC. On a failure, the creature targets you instead.   You can use this feature twice per short or long rest.  

Brand of Damnation

At 11th level, a creature branded by your Brand of Castigation is to face judgement for thier transgressions. When the branded creature deals damage to an ally creature within 30ft of you the creature takes psychic damage equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) .   At 13th level, the psychic damage the creature takes is doubled.  

Blood Curse of the Miracle Worker

At 15th level, you gain access to the Blood Curse of the Miracle Worker for your Blood Maledict feature. This is not counted as your number of blood curses known.   Blood Curse of the Miracle Worker. As an action, you can touch one creature that has died in the last hour. That creature returns to life with 1 hit point.   Amplify. The revived creature returns to life with half of their hit point maximum. Once you have used the amplified effect of this blood curse, you cannot amplify it again until you complete a long rest.  


At 18th level, you emulate the oaths of devas so closely that you are granted ascendance. As an actin, you sprout six white wings that shed holy light. Creatures within 30ft of you upon activiation must succeed a Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the start of your next turn.   For the next hour, you gain a fly speed of 60 feet and your Rite of the Righteous deals an additional hemocraft die of rite damage.