Hudamen the Sword-Eater Myth in Ageosum | World Anvil
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Hudamen the Sword-Eater

Hudamen Eghesa was a Sathian Berserker who fought in the only battle of a war between Sathoth and The Tentacle Synge of Taldefa. and was nicknamed "Sword-Eater" by his friends for this specific fight. Hudamen was launched into the fight from his Berserker Launcher Detatchment landing in true Berserker fashion, ax-first into the wall of archers sent to screen the Taldefans forming up. He howled with frenzied rage and slashed at anything that moved around him. Two Taldefan knights were caught out of formation and decided to engage Hudamen as best they could. The first knight landed a hit with his mace to the side of Hudamen's helmet, breaking off his faceplate before Hudamen performed an armbar, grabbing the knight's wrist as he followed through the strike and breaking his arm at the elbow. Hudamen then wheeled around, hacking with his axhead, pulling back and ripping the helmet off, and exposing the knight's face. Hudamen then tore the knight's throat out with his teeth in full view of the entire enemy army! As the knight fell to the ground, Hudamen roared again. The Archers fled behind the shield wall and left the knight and the berserker to duel, paralyzed with fear. The second knight drew his long, single-edged, gentleman's battle sword, and went for some poetic justice in the name of his friend. Hudamen attacked, ax raised, this time leading with the vicious spike on the backside of the ax, bellowing with his mouth wide open. Seeing an opportunity, the second knight stabbed Hudamen in the face! He ran Hudamen through, stabbing through his open mouth and out the back of his neck, dull side facing inward, missing the spinal column by a hair's breadth. Totally unfazed, Hudamen walked onto the sword, driving it up to the hilt, grabbing the knight who stabbed him, and burying his war pick into the knight's face, heedless of the helmet, stabbing him three times and dropping him to the ground. He, again in full view of the entire Taldefan Army, snapped the sword in his mouth, throwing the hilt and pulling the blade out of the back of his neck. He then famously shouted, "Your steel tastes like suckling pigs, Taldefans. And your flesh like sweet milk-wine" He walked over and heel-stomped the first knight, crushing his skull. "WHO'S NEXT?!" He shouted, his face and neck still fountaining blood. The Taldefan host answered him by collectively spinning on their heels and walking straight back to Taldefa. The End.

Historical Basis

Historical records of border Skirmishes between Taldefa and Sathoth are rare to find, at least the original writings. The Taldefan Temple of Knowledge records reference some skirmishes, this particular one is in the background. The Eugenic Police don't mention them at all. However, that is far from unusual. The Eugenic Police records show evidence of heavy doctoring, which is very in character for the Taldefans. The Temple records are more independent, kept around for more objective study, and reserved for Priests and high ranking Military Commanders. The Eugenic Police version is the one that commoners would know (legally) because of the Temple records being said to be "hold knowledge too dangerous for the ordinary Taldefan to handle." The Temple records do contain a mention of a "border patrol routed by a surprise attack of Jumping Barbarians" which is likely a reference to Hudamen or a similar event.   Sathian records are mostly intact where Taldefa is mentioned. They were the primary focus of Quests by Adventure contractors paid by the Kelsummian Empire. Of the ones recovered, Hudamen is mentioned by name at least twice, Once from an imported scribe's report on the border skirmishes. It describes him and a few others launched into exposed Taldefan archers and being engaged by Taldefan knights. They "killed the knights quite theatrically, causing the archers to flee, building a cascading route sending the host back to Taldefa." However, it is from the Berserker's own historical paintings we get the gory details. One dated to the week after the supposed date of the skirmish shows Hudamen's launch, his faceplate getting knocked off, him getting stabbed in the face, even breaking off the sword. All in color, recorded in the Berserker shrine in Othoth. It was recovered a few years after Sathoth fell by independent adventurers.
Date of Setting
C. 950 U.V.

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