Venraghs Species in Age Of Sentinels | World Anvil
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Smaller than a fully grown Asian Elephant, Venragh’s were known as Forest Tornados, as they would demolish everything in sight. They are generally gray, and resemble elephants, except for a flap on top of their head they use to store food in. Their snouts are wider than an elephant's and they have 4 nostrils.   There is a legend written about them, which has also become a children's bedtime story.   The story goes: Cobla was an odd little boy. He was born with an elephant's trunk instead of a nose. He was bullied at school and in the small village he came from, Frinth, he was seen as the village freak. Ridiculed and humiliated, he retreated and became a hermit. But besides his Mage talents, he could speak to the Venragh. But only later on in his adulthood was he made aware of this.   When young adult Mage's come of age, they go on Hooduroo, a journey on their own to find their true souls.   On Cobla's journey, he came across a lone Venragh, blocking his path. He tried to run in front, behind, scare it and even run around it, but the Venragh wouldn't let him through. After hours of trying, and feeling defeated, Cobla quietly spoke to himself, "please let me through". To this, the Venragh made a bleating sound through its trunk which Cobla instantly heard and translated as "You can pass now".   And so the legend goes on to say that Cobla's relationship with the Venragh grew from strength to strength. He became their spokesperson for the Royal house, where he negotiated for them and as a deal got them unlimited vegetation in the North, in return for their help in the fields and with helping to transport the citizens.
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