The Kingdom of Fimra Organization in Age of Gray | World Anvil

The Kingdom of Fimra

Over two hundred years ago, close to the center of the continent, there existed a kingdom called Fimra.
It was mostly known for its textile industry, being one of the bigger exporters of textile products and clothing. It owed it to the large populations of Tall Wayfarers thriving there, whose "fur" is harvested and used in the production of the apparel.
Their big numbers were also a reason why for a very long time (before the Chlorophonia started being created), Fimra had a lot of traveling merchants.  

Fimra Royal Family

Amongst other royal families from the neighboring countries, Fimra had what would by many be considered, the weirdest rulers.
After all, it was the only country where the ruler was a Smeltspark.
Queen Rhoana was considered by many a wise, but eccentric person. During her entire rulership, which lasted for over 200 years, she adopted and raised over 50 children. She also loved to keep various animals, and whenever any of them passed away, she ordered to enlarge the graveyard they were buried in. At the same time, another name would be added to the wall in one of the rooms in the castle.
Rhoana's "father" was also a Smeltspark, who ruled for 300 years before her. Like his daughter, he was wise, however, he also was a cruel and strategizing man. After all, he was a product of the Age of War.
The ruler before him was the man who created him, and after 700 years, almost no one remembers his name.

The day an entire country faded

Then, at some point, two hundred years ago, in a matter of seconds, an entire country lost all Color. It became Gray and started seeping out the Colors of all living things there. Only some of those furthest from the ground zero managed to escape, barely holding on to their lives.
Now, nothing lives there. The ground slowly crumbles, turning to dust, the trees mineralized and turned to stone, and the water within rivers instead of flowing, stopped.
Dissolution Date
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Monarchy of Fimra
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Official State Religion


87% Beteclaw,
10% Smeltspark,
1% Huerustler,
1% Rockwing,
1% Human and others

Foreign relations

After the Age of War has ended, Fimra's relations with its neighbors have slowly mellowed down. There haven't been any conflicts between them for a very long time.

Cover image: by Revyera


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Aug 23, 2019 06:39

So a smeltspark is some kind of robot, like DnD's Warforged?   Also, is there some kind of hazmat suit one could wear to protect themselves from the color-leeching effect long enough to find it's source and diagnose the problem?

Aug 23, 2019 08:14

Yeah, smeltsparks are something like warforged from DnD.
And there are hazmat suits like that, although they work way better against Colors than the lack of Color (this type of technology has not been advanced enough yet as the fading of Fimra was one-of-a-kind type of event).