Seeing rune Spell in Age of Gray | World Anvil

Seeing rune

Blue is a Color that can show up in almost any place. In its negative state, it can influence one's perception of the world, their surroundings, and distort what is true and what is an illusion.
That's why a seeing rune has been created. It draws its power from the positive state of Blue, giving clarity and showing the truth. It can also store messages, but only those that are truthful to reality.  

Creating the rune

The creation of the seeing rune isn't that hard. One just needs two drawing/painting materials that are Blue and Green (One can create the rune using only the Blue Color. Green adds the ability to hear the truth).
It can be chalk, paint, a crayon or ink, however, the quality and purity of the Colors contained within that material will influence the properties of the rune. As such, even though they are really expensive, sticks made out of pure Pigments are the best choice for the runes.   Once the drawing material is ready, one needs to choose the medium. Depending on the needs of the caster, it can be a piece of paper or even a wall.   Next, one needs to draw the rune itself. It isn't a hard symbol, however, making a mistake during this phase could lead to random, sometimes dangerous consequences.   During the drawing, the mage expends some of the Blue and Green contained within their bodies. The amounts of those depend on the strength of the rune they want to create - how long it will last since activation, how many people will be able to use it, how many rules are placed on it.  

The stabilizing circle

Normally, the rune doesn't have any circle around it. Most of the mages add it to stabilize it or add additional rules to the activation of the rune.
Adding just the circles stabilizes the rune. That means that since the creation of the rune until it completely loses its Color, it cannot be removed in any way. Trying to destroy the medium it is painted on (like burning the paper or demolishing the wall), will leave the rune suspended in the air.
Adding the symbols to the circles, on the other hand, influences who and under which circumstances, can use the rune. For example, the rune could be modified so that the message within it can be seen only during the day, or only by a specific person. It can also exclude a person or a group. However, creating rules that would be paradoxical to each other, burns the rune and the Colors within it, leaving a Gray mark.  
Mysterious stranger
Lately, in various cities an unusual type of a seeing rune started to show up. It is adorned with a stabilizing circle that is made specifically to block the use by the Witches (which would require a pretty strong initial source of magic). Anyone who activates said rune, besides being able to read the message contained within it, can perceive the full extent of the influence of the Witches both on themselves and the other people.  

A masked stranger

Lately, a group (or is it only one of them) of strangers wearing the same mask started to show up in various cities drawing those masks. None of them have been captured yet. All of them wear a dark blue robe that covers their entire body, and a mask bearing a visage of a Yellow smiling sun, with its rays emanating from its sides.   The runes made by them can be also recognized by their signature. Every one of those strangers ends their notes with a single letter.
Seeing Rune Stranger large.png
A stranger drawing the rune by Revyera
Main use:
Dispelling the illusions, perceiving the true visage of something, leaving the truthful messages.
Outlawing the rune
What's curious, is that the knowledge and the art of creation of seeing runes aren't taught in Academias influenced by the Witches. What's worse, possessing one can be punished with prison, or in some places, with a death sentence. People there are blinded enough that before they touch the rune themselves, they will consider it a heresy, and an affront to the Six Monochromes.

Activation and the use

To activate the rune, one just needs to place three or more of their fingers on its main symbol. If they meet the conditions of the rules written on the circles, the rune will light up.
The fingers that touched it will be marked with small blue and green symbols. Since that moment, the one affected can perceive the part of the truth the original creator wanted them to see. If there is a message left inside of the rune, as soon as it gets activated, the one who activated it will be able to see burning blue letters floating before them. No matter the language they normally use or if they can read at all, they will understand the meaning of the message.   Depending on the strength of the rune, the length of its effects, the number affected people or the length it stays usable, varies. Once the Colors contained within the rune get used up, it will turn completely Gray, and, after some time, turn into ashes.

Cover image: Unmodified seeing rune by Revyera


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Dec 11, 2019 15:50

I like how you've incorporated the symbol into your articles, and clicking it is like taking the (ironically) red pill in the matrix.

Dec 11, 2019 15:56

Happy to hear you like it. :D