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After Earth

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With a rabid increase in political ideologies creating more divides and wars escalated until there was no trace of the human race. What was left in it's place were two artificial intelligence systems designated as X and Y, both continuing to fight the war in the stead of their creators. Although these systems arrived too late to make an impact or to win the war all they could do was pointlessly fallow their programming.   What started as cyber attacks that had no baring on the real world, evolved into proxy battles between two android factions. The two struggled until time seemed to hold no meaning to the AIs or the Androids who obeyed them. It could have been estimated that more than 100,000 years passed until one system prevailed over the other, however regardless of which was the victor neither was capable to thinking beyond the war, perhaps neither would have been capable of understand what it even meant to be victorious.   Although the planet healed with time, the surviving AI continued to obey it's programming, and continue to fight a war without an enemy. The Androids which continued to do their Master's bidding are controlled through a delusion of freedom and the need to protect said freedom from their enemy. However with such a system in place a new natural law will reveal itself with a harsh lessen. "Order cannot exist without Chaos to oppose it and even artificial will find a way."

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