Defying the Gods Myth in Aewyn | World Anvil

Defying the Gods

  Sinkholes, floods, volcanoes, drought, and sickness - this is what happens when we don't listen to the gods! They are teaching us a lesson about defying them. You always want to be on their good side, or your city might end in Aewyns Hollow like Trelvang.
  These are stories as old as religion itself, that the gods are all-seeing, and that we should never try to defy them, or it might have consequences.   In Lakai religion is a big part of their history and their daily life - Aagaido as the biggest religion their beliefs are quite different from other cultures in Aewyn. Magic isn't illegal but it is seen as extremely disrespectful to use it for your own needs, as it is believed the gods are the true wielders of magic. Lakaians don't live in fear of the gods, but they do live in fear of them doing something big enough to anger the gods because of the consequences it might have upon their country. Natural disasters are presented as proof to these stories, and especially one event, that happened locally to only a single city: Trelvang. Though it hasn't always been this way; the Lakaians used to believe that magic was a gift from the gods, and the old religion Alesy talks about this - though not forgotten, Alesy is rarely seen in Lakai in current times.   Tales of defiance in Tållund is often uttered in other towns of Lakai - stories of people practising magic and them being influenced too much by the nearby countries. Tållund lies in the northern regions of Lakai, close to Seiwania where magic is extremely important for the people.  


  Most of the older generations around Lakai believe in the wrath of Gods, and that they shouldn't disrespect them. These are also the very same people that tend to spread stories. Younger generations are beginning to look differently at things and seeing the elder generation as gullible. Connections to the other countries around the world have made them more aware of other options and explanations to the things happening in the world.

Does it hold any truth?

  The short answer is no. The longer one is, that there is no evidence for the events to be connected to the use of magic and defiance of the Gods.   But when you are a believer in something, it can be hard to look at the evidence with different eyes, and that is why the stories are seen as truth to a large part of the population in Lakai.

Natural dissasters

  Any disaster can be presented in such a way, that it fits the narrative of Aagaido. And that is exactly what has happened through centuries, where disaster are explained as something they called upon themselves and that there is always someone to blame.    

Aewyns Hollow

  The most used disaster is Aewyns Hollow, that is seen as a prime example of how magics shouldn't be too much in the hands of people, and that the gods wish for us not to use it too much.  
Aewyns Hollow
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Dec 30, 2020

Cover image: by CatRobi