Water of Light - Prompt #3 New Medical Cure, Treatment, or Breakthrough Technology / Science in Aetheria | World Anvil
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Water of Light - Prompt #3 New Medical Cure, Treatment, or Breakthrough

Prompt #3 New Medical Cure, Treatment, or Breakthrough – Water of Light
During the early years of the Resettlement, the need to re-create the lost Water of Light became apparent but no one knew how to make it and the Archives were unclear.
The only clues they had found were cryptic verses in the Tear’s Archives. “The Oracles say to overcome the Blood Magic, both sealed ones must submit to it from the beginning, together wade through the land of darkness and madness to the end, to the other side of death while submerged in a pool of the waters of light.” Myles had found a similarly mysterious note on the only reference to a cure in the Healer Archives. An afflicted mage who was married to a healer had overcome it. “Together, they went through the land of madness, from beginning to end, from dusk to dawn, to bathe in the water of light and thus they survived.” Neither Daisy or Myles knew what the Water of Light was or could find how to make it. …
“Ask grandfather, Mommy, he is waiting,” Asha mumbled, then she snuggled into his shoulder and fell back asleep. They both looked puzzled. “Isn’t High Lord Adamos in the light?” Shadz asked quietly, referring to the now ancient oracle being dead for thousands of years. Daisy nodded thoughtfully, “Yes, since Karstien’s 400th birthday, but there may be another way.” She placed her hand over the Oracle stone, it glowed. She closed her glowing eyes, her brows furrowed in concentration, as she attempted reach through time to speak with someone who hasn’t lived for several millennia. If the Water of Light mentioned in the archives was a cure, Adamos and the Oracles would know of it... She hoped. …
Asha and Daisy put their hands in a pool as Myles dropped the oracle stone in the water. They both pushed their power into the water, glowing until the Oracle stone floated to the top. The water turned golden and effervescent holding the healing magic and oracle light. “That’s amazing,” Colby declared softly as Shadz knelt next to Asha and touched the water. Miles nodded, As long as the Oracle’s stone remains in the pool, it will retain its healing power, but once the morning sun hits it tomorrow, the power will dissipate, and the stone will sink. It can only be stored in enchanted obsidian bottles.     <^><^><^>
Note from Healers Hall
‘Water of Light’, a specialized healing solution created by combining healing magic and oracle light magic in pure water to create a golden glowing, effervescent liquid that will partially heal any wound or reverse the effects of poisoning. When ‘Water of Light’ is distilled using a magical, life-glow powered flame such as the Flame of Aetheria, it thickens into something with the consistency of honey but is neither oily nor sticky. Used in a device called Oren’s Column of Gold, total immersion in concentrated Water of Light is the only known cure when one is ‘shadowed’. Water of Light is used in many healing potions and as a wound treatment. It has an analgesic quality which relieves pain as it stimulates stem cells to heal tissues when poured onto wounds. When drank, it is energizing and healing for periods of time and has shown the potential to boost innate magic, but when consumed by someone using blood magic or dark water, they become violently nauseous before falling into a coma like sleep with a fever, only continued treatment will help them. If further treatment is not given, the Shadowed one will return to their previous level of contamination and possible suffer from advancing insanity.


Stimulate wound healing at hundreds of times the normal rate. Counter acts most poisons and venoms.


Can only be made by combining Healer's magic and Oracle Light magic in pure water. Since there is only only living oracle, Lady Daisy devotes considerable time and energy to making sure the tanks at the Healers Hall are kept full. Can only be made from the magic of a living being. The energy cannot be duplicated fully and therefore it can not be synthetically made.
Discovered by the Ancient Oracles and Healers of the Lost Temples of Light during the Second Kingdom of Aetheria 50,000 years before the Cataclysm war.
Access & Availability
Very limited because of the limited number of people with the magic to make it.
It is simple to make but very hard to store. It must be kept in enchanted obsidian bottles or tanks or it looses its healing properties.
Rediscovered by the Oracle Lady Daisy and the Healer Lady Asha after a visitation from the late Oracle Lord Adamos.

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