Aria Soulchaser Character in Aeterra | World Anvil
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Aria Soulchaser

Waderwalker, Windrider, Archwain

"One hundred and one years ago my grandmother bartered away her magic like a few to keep me here in this world. Each candle I light today is a thank you for the exchange that drove her crazy." Ari used her magic to light another candle before she settled on a cushion to pray to her ancestors before the celebrations began. "I like the candles because they remind me of the power my ancestors gave me."

Divine Domains

Change, Realms

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ariannai is six feet tall with long curly hair. The color is dark gray but has streaks of silver that makes the coils shine. She is a bipedal hoofed humanoid with a fawn tail. Around her dark gray goat-like hooves she has tiny silver ringlets. Her ears mark her as Orrish. They are horizontal and v-shaped. Her skin is gray, but she tans in the sun and it looks like tarnished silver. She doesn't have a full set of lower tusks. They never grew taller than her other teeth.

Body Features

pale gray skin, a fawn type tail, black nails and hooves

Identifying Characteristics

Wrinkled skin over her left breast

Apparel & Accessories

The Wilds Long dress

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aria was born in in the southeastern part of the wilds with her mother, Arubran and her father Mialrux (Mial) Her mother was Falanian, but her father was Orrish. Falanians are long-lived, with hircine tail and legs, both of which she inherited. Mial died when Aria was in her 40th summer. She was little more than a preteen. Her mother left her with close friends Shel and Atlug. Shel was a Firedancer, and Atlug was an Earthstrider. When Aria's magic emerged they were excited to find she was a rare type, a dual elemental. with two elements, she would take on an aspect of nature as opposed to just using an element. As water and air, aria manifested ice Ari helped care for Rahka. They became close like siblings until Shel died.

Gender Identity

She identifies as female.


Like all Orish she is Pansexual.


Aria was educated at home. Her mother taught her her first three languages as soon as she could talk. although her father was a ranger, and she would have gotten to test for ranger school from military school, for her safety she didn't go to the regional military Conclave. aria learned to fight from Rahka's friend, Iggy, and later by Gradin.


Aria freelance translates historical, rare books, and legal documents in her free time. One week a month she tutors the princes and princess of Ublynis in languages.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Aria gained the title of Archwain at birth. later she master both water and Air gaining the titles of Waterwalker and Windrider. In Hopetide, Queen Brilyn elevated her to nobility for serving as her midwife and then contracted her as a royal tutor for her son, Prince Daelyn. Aria has an honorary degree at the Ubynian University for her work in translation. Queen Lenorel kept her as a Royal tutor to her three children.

Failures & Embarrassments

After a year of study at the cathedral, Aria could not advance beyond Initiate.

Mental Trauma

After shel died, Rahka insulted her and told her to leave. Aria was so heartbroken she did not return for around 30 years

Intellectual Characteristics

Ari has become very reserved in the past few years, but around her close friends she is quietly playful. Her patience is not as gentle as most long-lived people and she will not let people walk all over her. She has learn never to issue threats she is not willing to follow through with. She views magic as a gift that requires discipline and responsibility. Ari likes to read and listen to stories. She is equally at home in libraries and nature.

Morality & Philosophy

Aria holds close to orrish beliefs. She honors and prays through her Ancestors, and tries to keep to the path of the goddess but not being wastefual and maintaining balance in her use of nature even when she is in hopetide. she grew up in a home that practiced Warrior's Hospitality and Orrish ettiquette.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Although aria speaks language relatively fluently, she can't use contractions. When she is drunk she tries.

Likes & Dislikes

Violently dislikes fish and seafood.

Vices & Personality flaws

reads late into the night instead of sleeping, then she sleeps late.


She baths a lot because


Contacts & Relations

Adopted Family

Social Aptitude

Aria is quiet and stiff. She offends people when she speaks. Instead, she found people consider her a high-bred lady by her remaining quiet.


Ari has become very reserved in the past few years, but around her close friends she is quietly playful. Her patience is not as gentle as most long-lived people and she will not let people walk all over her. She has learn never to issue threats she is not willing to follow through with. She views magic as a gift that requires discipline and responsibility. Ari likes to read and listen to stories. She is equally at home in libraries and nature.

Wealth & Financial state

Aria invests in her Gradin's Merchant company. She owns over a quart now and though she can afford a home and staff of her own in Hopetide, she would not live there for most of the year. Some of her money supports an orphanage in Hopetide
Divine Classification
Warden of Chaos
Current Location
Year of Birth
11740 ME 99 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Aria died as she was born during the longest night.
Large eyes with slightly upturned outer corners. The iris is reflective silver, with a dark outer ring.
waist length kinky oily charcoal gray hair with silver highlights
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale gray, but tans quickly in the sun
6' to 72.1 inch
220 pounds
Known Languages
Common(Wayfarers' & Seafarers'), Orrish, Falanian, Egrelian (Palatial and common) although she can translate these languages and speak them conversationally, she cannot use contractions and sounds formal.


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