Tretch - Maggots of the Earth Species in Aeteria - The Shattered World | World Anvil
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Tretch - Maggots of the Earth

Stop the expedition! There down here. Hostile. Too many. Don't come after us.
— Last Message of the River Saint Expedition
Humans are far from alone in Aeteria. Many species survived the ancient cataclysm and have adapted to their new environment. But when Aeteria was shattered, it revealed another side to the planet. There was life deep within the earth. Intelligent life. Hostile life.  

White Monkeys

  First mentions of another intelligent species can be found in some of Aeteria's ancient myths. In Xi'An, people would speak of the "White Monkeys of Mount Tahaen", cruel half-men that would descend upon isolated villages and devour their inhabitants. As the world began to reconnect, those interested in other cultures soon found that many lands had their own "White Monkeys".   The exact details would vary but they all shared the same theme and described a similar creature. Explorers eventually spread their own version, faint sightings of shapes on isolated islands and adventurers that set out to never return. The River Saint Expedition finally pushed past the haze around the "White Monkeys" in 1452 IE. Its final transmissions brought prove of their existence. And gave them a name: Tretch, the old Albian word for monster.  

Monsters of the Deep

  From "On the Fauna and Flora of the Inner Earth" by Alexander von Ganden:   "Perhaps the most infamous creature to dwell within the bowels of Aeteria, the Tretch is a truly fascinating animal. In stature it is similar to a human, but slumped over, with a broad back and long arms. Their extremeties end in shovel-like claws, presumably used both to dig through lose earth and for defense. Skin and face are probably their standout characteristics. The former is pale white, almost translucent on some individuals, and seems to thicken into plate-like formations around their chest and throat. The latter is flat and bulges forward into a sort of cone, small tendrills emerging into every direction."  

"Tretch are mostly found within the lower layers of Aeteria, the Dry Belt seemingly holding the majority of their population. They live inside the islands and rarely seem to come out of their tunnels and burrows. Said structures reach from small dirt holes to vast and complex structures, carefully laid out to avoid any metals related to an island's repulsive factor. They seem to sense them on an instinctual level."

"Contrary to popular belief, some Tretch do rival humans in terms of intelligence and sophistication. The more extensive burrows that have been uncovered confirm this. Same goes for the tactics employed during their ambushes of our airships. All of this hints at a species that is far above the simplistic animal often described. Their society has not yet been observed due to their continued hostility, however."
It doesn't matter how many of those things there are. They're animals. Will make good target practice for our new recruits.
— Andrew Vanderbit, Arcadian Industrialist
Scientific Name
Homo Albis Mundanae
Average Height
1.4 - 1.6 metres
Average Weight
90 - 105 kg
The River Saint Expedition  
One of the greatest scientific undertakings of the Imperial Era, the River Saint Expedition set out in early 1441 with the goal of exploring the Dry Belt and Infernal Layer. A decade-long journey finally brought them to mythical Tahaen Island, where the expedition would meet its infamous end in 1452. Following its last broadcast, a large-scale rescue operation was mounted. But no trace of the 500 members and their 40 airships could be found.
We found nothing. No wreckage, no bodies and no signs of combat. They just...vanished.
— Report on the Fate of the RSE
It is unknown why the Tretch seem to regard Humanity with nothing but hostility. Certain is that it isn't a new phenomenon, hints at Tretch attacks on settlements and ships going as far back as 4000 years ago. Thankfully, they only attack isolated villages and trade convoys and do not pose a larger threat to humanity.

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Cover image: by Justin Sweet


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Jan 1, 2023 16:42

I love the Tretch as antagonists. They appear savage and primal, which is so easy to underestimate what they are capable of. Then with hints of complexity and cunning. I enjoyed reading this.

Graylion - Nexus   Roleplaying
not Ruleplaying
not Rollplaying