Alfar Species in Aerubus | World Anvil
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The Alfr (Plural: Alfar) are an ancient race that seems to predate humanity by several thousand years. The Alfar have been around long enough to see the worst of what The Wilds and Old Gods have to offer. Their people once held dominion of a fair portion of the known world and some say even beyond. A Long Winter set upon them and from the darkness came armies of beasts. Bred for war and fueled by the eldritch magics of the old gods the armies of monsters beset the kingdoms of the Alfar for centuries. Now their people are wildly diverse and distrusting of large organized empires.  

Twilight Alfr

Ability Score Increase +2 Dex, +1 Int
Size Medium
Speed 35ft

Darkvision: You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   Keen Senses: You have proficiency in Perception.   Wild Ancestry: You have advantage on saves against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep.   Trance: Alfar meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day in place of sleeping. You gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep.   Cantrip: You know one Cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell list. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it.   Extra Language: You can speak, read, and write one extra language of your choice.   Skilled: You may take proficiency in an additional skill or tool of your choice or you may take expertise in a skill or tool in which you are already proficient.

Basic Information


Alfar are predominantly humanoid in appearance. Often slender and graceful their body often marked by animal features. Twilight and Day Alfar have ears similar to a hare with tails like those on many types of deer. Night Alfar have ear and eyes like those of many canine species. Dusk Alfar have ears and eyes of feline species. Star Alfar have triangular ears that seem covered in feathers, blackened nails, and eyes similar to those of birds of prey.

Genetics and Reproduction

Alfar reproduce in identical methods to humans. Their gestation lasts for roughly 200 days. Unlike other hominids the Alfar enter estrus once a year. Twilight and Day Alfar around the beginning of the month of the Hare, Night Alfar around the beginning of the month of the wolf. Dusk Alfar around the beginning of the month of the Cat. Their period of estrus lasts for 30 days or until conception occurs, outside of this period the chance of conception drops drastically making pregnancy extremely difficult to achieve.   Alfar are also capable of hybridizing with humans, leading may to speculate some sort of common ancestry.

Growth Rate & Stages

Alfar mature physically at about 14 years of age.

Ecology and Habitats

Twilight Alfar prefer life in organized cities, Day Alfar prefer their woodland homes and rural communities, Night Alfar are known to live in cities. Dusk Alfar live in nomadic communities within the Southern J'dhar Desert

Dietary Needs and Habits

While all Alfar are capable of surviving on an omnivorous diet. Night and Dusk Alfar are capable surviving on a purely carnivorous diet without suffering negative effects.

Biological Cycle

Aflar appear unaffected by age until after the age of 86 were they seem to begin slow physical decline. Around age 435 they enter the elder stage of life and few Alfar live longer than 650 years. Once a year Alfar enter estrus

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All Alfar have eye capable of seeing in low light and near darkness. They also have sensitive hearing and sense of smell.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Alfar are often given nicknames before they reach maturity. These 'child names' are then usually abandoned by all save close friends and family and are seen as highly uncouth to be used in public. After the age of maturity the Alfar adopt a given and family name.

Beauty Ideals

Where once Alfar hated their animal qualities now most Alfar see them as great assets to their appearance and physique. Many Alfar find clothing and jewelry to accentuate their animal qualities.

Courtship Ideals

For the Twilight Alfar courtship is similar to humans. Day Alfar tend to avoid long courtships in preference of to-the-point encounters. Dusk Alfar request some sign of affection of their partners be it monetary or some other material possession. Night Alfar court through power, one side will prove their worth through expertise or conquest often over other possible suitor.

Relationship Ideals

Twilight Alfar typically pair into monogamous groups. Day Alfar dislike being bogged down by any relationship outside of temporary pairings during mating periods and for child rearing. Night Alfar form rather strong bonds among their mates which they have sired children. Dusk Alfar typically have several partners they frequent but their choices are often based on the qualities to be passed to their children rather then flippant choice.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Ravens and Owls are seen as good luck to Twilight and Day Alfar and as such go unmolested through settlements and cities. Canine are often treated as societal members within Night Alfar societies even having their own established rights and the same can be said for felines within Dusk Alfar tribes.


It's said that the Alfar where not always the way they appear now. Once they where without their animal features. A group of kingdoms came together fearing their short lives would be snuffed out before the next winter passed. They contacted The Wild and sought an audience to request one of the spirits bless them with longer life. Coyote heard their plea and disguised himself as Hare to meet with them. Tricking the ancient Alfar he got them to bare their souls to him so that he might bless them with long life. Instead he warped them into prey for himself to hunt through the long night.   The Alfar where set upon by Coyote's wild beasts and scattered across many lands forcing them cower through the nights. Raven approached the Alfar and offered them relief from their plight. He gave them eyes that could see through the dark night, beastly keen senses and feet as swift as the hare they now resembled. All Raven asked for was for the Alfar to remember their friends in The Wild.   Some Alfar sought to gain favor with Coyote in hopes he might undo his curse. The trickster god of The Wilds did remove their curse but only by transforming them into hounds, more hunters to find their cursed kin.   Still some other fled far, far south until the hot desert sands prevented them from walking further. They sought help from the spirits of the land and where aided but Cat. A favor for a favor the Alfar of the south gave offerings to Cat in exchange for passage. Then the offerings turned into praise, and praise to prayer. Soon the southern Alfar became the greatful followers of their feline patron and as a gift Cat changed the curse Coyote had placed on them. Turning them into creatures of guile and poise not unlike itself.
Scientific Name
Homi S. Ferus
Twilight Alfr, Day Alfr, Night Alfr, Dusk Alfr, Star Alfr

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