Enesh Burrow
Under the hills of the southern Enes Isle, live the Badger Tribe. They dig into or under the hills setting traps and camouflage over the entrances. Though the Badger Enesh live within the earth, these homes should never be confused with holes. Holes are at best bare sandy affairs and at worst dirty wet pits crawling with vermin.
These are Burrows, and that means protection, comfort, and a warm hearth.
Purpose / Function
Home is very sacred to the Badger Enesh. To them home is where one can be safe from outsiders, predators, and storms. It is also a place of healing. At home a Badger Enesh can be vulnerable as they treat their wounds, rest soundly, or mourn the loss of a loved one.
Rooms in an Enesh Burrow vary between ten to twenty feet wide in diameter. Walls gently curve into the ceiling which reaches a peak nine feet in height. Larger rooms use perpendicular arches to add stability to the roof and walls.
Tiled trap doors are often the only entry into an Enesh Burrow. These trap doors are disguised to look like moss covered stones. When one peels back the tile however they're able to descend a wooden ladder into the Burrow. Many Enesh trap these entrances with tree snares.
Sensory & Appearance
Visitors upon opening the trap door entrance the smell of wood smoke wafts upward. Looking down, dim firelight illuminates the bottom of a ten foot ladder. Once the visitor has descended they look through an archway and see the common room. a patchwork quilt of animal furs line the floor and if barefoot they discover it is soft and warm. In the center a fire lights and heats the room driving away the clammy chill from outside.
It smells like earth, and smoke, and cooking herbs.
It smells like home
Contents & Furnishings
Clay pots filled with supplies line the walls. Rough hewn tables, chairs, and occasionally beds adorn the rooms. Cushions made of rabbit fur and filled with downy feathers pad every seat. Most walls have small hooks and dangle tools, weapons and clothes.
Hazards & Traps
Traps litter the outside of an Enesh Burrow (snares being the most common). Many times a Badger Enesh will step outside onto their "porch" and find a would be trespasser unconscious while dangling from a nearby tree.
At first an Enesh Burrow starts simply. A camouflaged entrance opens into a single large common room with a fire pit in the middle and a disguised chimney in the roof. The longer a Badgr Enesh there though more rooms and traps are added. A well lived in Burrow can be expected to have not just a common room but a food cellar, bedrooms, a kitchen and even a washroom. For the biggest of the Burrows there is even a second common room that acts a decoy in case an intruder finds their way in.
Each room within an Enesh burrow is a domed hemisphere. Every doorway is reinforced with a stone archway to provide strength and prevent collapse
No windows adorn any room but all have ventilation shafts allowing fresh air to flow. The common room has the most abundant light with a stone fire pit and camouflaged chimney in the roof. Additional rooms are often lit by torchlight
At first the walls and floors are hard packed earth. As a Burrow becomes more lived in, tile is added and is secured by wood ash cement. This is then dried by a temporary fire pit in the center of the room. Some Enesh even go so far as to glaze the tiles along the walls creating a decorative mosaic. Most Enesh carpet their floors with soft animal hides that they have stitched together
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