The Second Ability Spell in Aerlyn | World Anvil
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The Second Ability

"John Allenson. We meet again." John smiled. "Where've you been Seth? While you were gone I worked on my fighting skills. You'll find it's not going to be as easy to beat me this time." "I've been at a fighting school, John," Seth retorted, purposefully not telling his childhood nemesis that he had been learning magic. "Well then, perhaps you'll feel worse when you lose!" John threw a haymaker. Seth's lips curled into a sneer as he caught the punch with one hand. His arm barely vibrated. John's eyes widened in fear. Seth let go of his arm. John threw another punch. Again, Seth caught it and then let it go. "How are you this strong? This is impossible!"  Allenson wasn't huge, but he was a good deal larger than Seth. Physically it made no sense that Seth could stop his punches with almost zero effort. Suddenly Seth felt the urge to show off. Allenson lowered his head and attempted a charge tackle. Seth nimbly leapt almost six feet into the air, landing on his feet behind John. He turned, grabbed John, and threw him into a wall. The force was enough to knock Allenson out. After checking to make sure he was okay, Seth left him lying there. If Allenson did remember what had just happened, his aching head would hopefully be enough to make him discount it as an effect of his concussion. Revenge tasted so good.


Increases the user's physical strength, speed, and stamina. The Second Magician can use it for longer periods of time and to a greater degree. They can also use it to increase muscle memory and dexterity, becoming instant masters of any physical task.

Side/Secondary Effects

Causes the Second Magician's eyes to glow and can induce tiredness.


Inner well of magic.
Related Discipline
Effect Duration
As long as the user wants. The cost of the magic is scaled dependent on usage.
Applied Restriction
Improved dexterity is only usable by the Second Magician. Other abilities are usable by all Mind Magicians.

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