Zabishi Settlement in Aerithrea | World Anvil
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The capital of Leonia. Zabishi is a large settlement in the upper northern area of Leonia which prospers due to its trade in local goods and the business brought in by Leonia resource rich nature. The capital contains the Mountain Castle as well as the Sky Oasis two iconic wonders of Arithrea.   Rules by King Tulumak the people of Leonia are happy and although their laws may be strict to some they keeps the citizens safe and keep them loyal. The citizens themselves are very fond of the king and the soldiers and all do their part to help Zabishi for the greater good.   Also found in Zabishi is the Uwanja and massive coliseum where competitions of strength and athleticism are held for prizes to be won. Here anyone can participate in a variety of events for fame and fortune.


The population of Zabishi is the most diverse city in term of species and ethnicities within Aerithrea. Inhabitants range from humans to loxodon and include a variety of expatriates, immigrants and travelers from other countries. It is not strange to see a tiefling from Xylos, a high elf from Ranagarida, or any variety of human from the many civilizations in Aerithrea.     Since Zabishi is a large city and the capital of Leonia you will find that the people here have a variety of jobs and have varying wealth. You have the working class living in Nyondo, the middle class in Kola and the soldiers in Askari. The nobility live within a raised area around the castle called Ishalko and watch over the citizens while making laws and doing various businesses. Although Zabishi does contain a working class population there is not much poverty to speak of as King Tulumak, also called "Umthandi Wokuthula", has made sure to provide for his people and has eradicated the existence of slums through welfare and services provided by Kingdom.


The government of Zabishi is simple with a complex history. King Tulumak stands above all and rules with absolute power with the nobles being elected officials from each tribe that are delegated tasks such as law making and tax law creation. Residents and people staying in the city are taxed at a flat rate of 2 silver per week which is then increased depending on your financial status. Leonia does have a code of law which is upheld strictly and enforced harshly. There are always members of the town guard and other soldiers willing to enforce these laws if need be.


Punishment for the crime committed may include one or more of the following depending on the severity of the crime, who the crime is committed against and the criminal record of the convicted.
  • Death
  • Exile (For a number of years)
  • Flogging (set number of strokes)
  • Hard Labour (for a period of days, weeks, months or years depending on the crime)
  • Imprisonment (for a period of days, weeks, months or years depending on the crime)
  • Fine (payable to city; failure to pay may result in hard labour/imprisonment)
  • Damages (payable to injured party/victim; failure to pay may result in hard labour/imprisonment)
  • Edict (prevents convicted from doing something; faliure to comply may lead to failure to pay may result in hard labour, imprisonment, and/or fine)

  1. Assaulting or impersonating and official, noble: flogging, imprisonment for up to 2 weeks, fine of up to 500 gp
  2. Assaulting or impersonating an officer, soldier: flogging, imprisonment for up to a week, fine of up to 200 gp
  3. Bribery or attempted bribery of official: exile of up to 10 years, fine of up to twice the amount used for the bribe
  4. Murder of a noble, official, soldier : death
  5. Using magic to influence noble, official, soldier without consent: imprisonment up to a year or fine and damages up to 1000 gp depending on crime
  6. Arson: death or hard labour up to a year with fines and/or damages covering the cost of repair plus an additional 2000 gp
  7. Fencing stolen goods: Fine up to the value of stolen goods and an edict
  8. Forging an official document: Flogging and exile for 10 years
  9. Obstruction of justice: fine up to 200 gp and hard labour for one week
  10. Littering:  fine up to 2 gp and edict
  11. Poisoning the city water source: death
  12. Theft: flogging followed by imprisonment up to a week, hard labor up to 1 year, or fine equal to the value of the stolen goods
  13. Vandalism: imprisonment up to a week plus fine and/or damages covering the cost of repairs plus up to 100 gp
  14. Assaulting a priest or lay worshiper: imprisonment up to a tenday and damages up to 500 gp
  15. Disorderly conduct within a temple: fine up to 5 gp and edict.
  16. Theft of temple goods or offerings: imprisonment up to a tenday and damages up to double the cost of the stolen items
  17. Assaulting a citizen: imprisonment up to a tenday, flogging, and damages up to 1,000 gp
  18. Blackmailing or intimidating a citizen: fine or damages up to 500 gp and edict
  19. Burglary: imprisonment up to 3 months and damages equal to the value of the stolen goods plus 500 gp
  20. Damaging property or livestock: damages covering the cost of repairs or replacement plus up to 500 gp
  21. Disturbing the peace: fine up to 25 gp and edict
  22. Murdering a citizen without justification: death or hard labor up to 10 years, and damages up to 1,000 gp paid to the victim's kin
  23. Murdering a citizen with justification: exile up to 5 years or hard labor up to 3 years or damages up to 1,000 gp paid to the victim's kin
  24. Robbery: hard labor up to 1 month and damages equal to the value of the stolen goods plus 500 gpSlavery: flogging and imprisonment up to 10 years
  25. Using magic to influence a citizen without consent: fine or damages up to 1,000 gp and ed


There is a defensive wall around Ishalko and a number of guards around the city and posted at each entrance of the city. The city also has protection from the fact that King Tulumak lives there and from the image of their powerful army.

Industry & Trade

Citizens of Zabishi mainly keep their economy afloat through their trade of handmade goods and their natural resources. There are many miners and farmers in Zabishi.


The city has any watermills along its river which power the grain grinders and other various sources of economy for the city. It also has a complex sewer system running underneath the city which is managed by the Sewage Department of the city.


A - Mountain Castle B - Sky Oasis C - Uwanja D - National Bank E - Ishalko F - Isibe - redlight district G - Askari H - Royal Guard Head office I - Sanctuary of Uohr J - Guild Office K - Commercial District L - Fields and Farms  



Butcher - Chops' Chops

Butcher: Vulgar Orc named Chops Attractive. Thick accent Assistant: Secretive Tabaxi. Fidgets. Always Whispers  

Hospital - Sanctuary of Uohr

Healers : Kenku and Changeling healers   Ati Kenku slow deep voice. Likes stories. Barbaric. Olowe Aasimar Gentle and curious. Very tall. Complex words.   Nurses: Head Nurse: Hethi Changeling. Optimistic. Realxed speaking. Lots of tattoos. Nurse: Eri Human. Clumsy. Gloomy. Booming Voice.  

Apothecary - The All Natural Cure

Alcehmist: Shifter longtooth piercings, Generous Herbalist: Druid Shifter longtooth Friendly Excited Short  

Armory: The Cold Hammer

Dwarf mountain armorer Horvath- refugee lots of tattoos, curious, stutters. Centaur weaponsmith Isimbi- Intellectual, smokes pipe, gruf.  

Bakery - Doola's Treats

Baker: Doola Old Leonin woman. Gentle kind. Soft spoken. Gray hair. Bakers assistant: Firbolg Lady. Clumsy slow deep voice. Optimistic.  

Bank - National Bank

Head of Bank: Tabaxi Damaca. Teller: Satyr Toly Sing song voice. Friendly. Always reading Teller: Human Ixa Proper. Friendly. Calm voice.  


City Guards Head : Viruthar Bugbear Strict. Low deep voice. Gruff. Slash on face. Various guards: Aaracockra Eagle Tai. Happy. Friendly. Lisp. Always eating. Dragonborn bronze Shaba. Humorless. Attractive. Gruff. Water Genasi Mato Clumsy. Optimistic. Deep Voice Orc Xoog.Loves gambling. Relaxed. Curious.   Soldiers: Emans Dude Gnome barb General: Leonin Fighter Jasiri. Like a general. Commander of Magic Unit: Human Sixir. Woman. Great mage. Happy. Intellectual. Glasses. Emans guy: Officer.  

Bathhouse - The Wade. Orchid Silence. Bubble Bloom. Weathering Rock.

The Wade: State owned. Large complex for the masses. Goblin named Ceriwil Hapopo. Stressed. Neat and Tidy. Breathy.   Bubble Bloom: For richer people. Red Hair Elf from Rangardia. Shera Phiro. Owner: Blonde Ralathas Ormanal Rich Elf from Rangaradia. May meet prince there on a 1-2. Masseuses: Elves. Brown hair Allisa Gensandoral - f - secretive, storytelling lover, never tells truth Blonde hair Cithrel Sartoris - f - Thick accent, Barbaric, Very Tall White hair Arlen Normoira - m - Cruel, Lots of Jewlery, Third Person speaking Blonde hair Elwin Kelkas - m - Honest, Muscular, Complex vocabulary Red Hair Helartha Enven - f - Vulgar, short, relaxed.   Weathering Rock: Half- Elf. Half Firbolg. Nusu. Gentle, Short, Stutters.   Orchid Silence: Tortle Maua. Relaxed. Soothing. Likes flowers.  

Bookshop - Arifa's Knowledge Corner

Owner: Arifa Robin Aaraockra. Intellectual. Soft spoken. Rhotic. Proper. Wizard. Apprentice: Niwadi Albatross Aaracockra. Clumsy. Curious. Jolly. Wizard Apprentice.  

Brothel - Siilka's House

"Scantily-clad men and women line this building’s large windows, reclining on crushed velvet pillows, rich silks, and gilded furniture. The sign hanging above the door depicts a feathered woman in the throes of ecstasy. As you enter, a beautiful Genasi dressed in a scarlet toga approaches you. “Welcome to the Siilka's House. Here, you can taste the finest fruits of immortality. How may we serve you?”"   Owner: Silka Air Genasi. Flirtatious. Extravagant Clothing Guard: Amora Half Orc Captain   Prostitutes:
Axios - Son of Qurux, the lost god of beauty - 100 gp False Seiyo - Daughter of a nereid (sea nymph) - 200 gp True Raka - Daughter of a naiad (river nymph) - 50 gp True Chirka - Daughter of an aurae (sky nymph) - 100 gp False Bariq - Son of Alaris and a mortal woman - 50 gp True Jua Son of Helios, the ancient sun god - 250 gp False Fjor - Son of a nereid(sea nymph) -100 gp True Milma - Daughter of an oread (mountain nymph) -50 gp False    

City Hall - Hall of Zabishi

Judge : Half-Orc Korti. Judge like. Bailif : Leonin Shuuja Knight.   Receptionist : Loxodon Tima Tax collector : Kenku Shiil   Accountant : Minotaur Utajiri  

Antique store/minor magical items - Duthoki's Hidden Treasures

Owner: Duthoki River Nymph (Naiad). Relaxed. Reading. Proud. Wizard. (order of scribes)  


Jailer: Centaur Mego Tough.  


Crops: Minotaur Mazao Animals: Vedalken Nyama Dairy: Kenku Maziwa Clumsy, thick accent, optimistic  

Gambling House - Turn of The Cards

Owner - Dragonborn Greedy. Secretive. Zawabi Duuna. Dealer - Falcon Aaracockra Pango.  

General Store - Ibithi's General Store

Owner - Ibithi Centaur. Flirtatious. Extravagant. High Pitched.  


Gravekeeper: Old Tabaxi Kifo  

Tailor - The Flowing Seam

Fishian tailor: Naguo  

Guild Building

Guildmaster: Hobgoblin Oribino Receptionist: Lizardfolk Nomura Sekiyo  

Jewellers Shop - The Better Star

Owner: Chicken Aaracockra Almasi Gloomy sleepy breathy  

Library - Library of Zihlena

Librarian: Goliath Buugga Low voice nervous Tall tattooed  

Stable - Horse-Minded

Owner: Tabaxi brown cat Farasi Happy. Smart. Merchant like  


The Spectacular Pig Inn Owner: Beasthide Shifter Guruwe Sketchy but nice   The Sickly Fly Bar Owner: Crow Aaracockra Tuke. Nice. Kind. Old   The Mammoth Leg Tavern Owner: Loxodon Keiari Kind Nice Knowledgeable   The Full Loaf Owner: Aasimar Protector. Former Soldier who started an Inn. Former commander. Gruff. Hardy. Thick accent.   The Singing Whistle Inn Owner: Tiefling Hakuda Mamachi Bartender: Human from Xylos Yoshida narinaka   Quiet Majesty Hotel Owner: Human from Ranagardia Alexander Highton Bartender: Gnome man Selanar Raloralei Receptionist: Half Elf Woman Lusserina Gylgwin   Riverside Luxury Hotel Owner: Kalashtar woman Toriiash Valaashtai Bartender: Firbolg man Omadan Receptionist: Dragonborn woman Erani  


Zabishi Institute - Headmaster: Kalashtar Khetara Lezed   The Academy of The Sky - Headmaster: Leonin female Majira Bayiri   Yvos Training Institute - Headmaster: Half-Orc Walimu Zaribish

Guilds and Factions

The main adventurers Guild has a large office in Zabishi with many staff and discounted lodging for guild members who wish to stay there. They have deepened their relations with the locals and are considered very trustworthy within Zabishi.


Zabishi was formed with the fall of the Dalaxian empire. King Pallus, the Fratricidal King, last Ruler of the Dalaxian Empire was executed in front of all of Zabishi after a long war of independence. This place was where the first free people and first King of Leonia, Barakos, settled and began to develop their country. Until the ascension of the Giant King the city was still only home to Leonins and Tabaxi, while all the other races of Leonia were in separate settlements with their own chieftains leading the. Following the great giant war Tulumak became the King of Leonia and called upon his newly created alliance to rebuild the city in an image of harmony between all races of Leonia.


Tourism is a big part of Leonia's economy. Tourists may come to see the large diaspora of wildlife in Leonia, they may come to see the competitions held in Uwanjam or they may be here to see the Sky Oasis. The many tourists stay at the various inns and hotels around Leonia with a range of price ranges to choose from.

Tourists may also be here to see the festivities during one of Leonia's many festivals, whether it's one to celebrate one of the gods of their Pantheon or one of their historical events, Leonia is know for its massive celebrations funded by the Kingdoms vast wealth.


Brightly colored African architecture with stone sandstone or limestone houses. Well kept streets with sidewalks made of cobblestone in some areas and sandstone in others. The commercial district has white painted stores with a very clean feel. Closed connected houses for the most part except for nobles who may have a yard and outer walls on their estates.


Surrounded by plains and the city is built on platformed ground with many levels. Ishalko is on a raised platform with one large stair set leading up to the nobles district and two large roads by its sides. Has access to a river that flows through the city along with a large groundwater reserve the is sourced by a mountain range not far from the city.

Natural Resources

Although Zabishi does not contain many forests near it, the nearby mountain and sandstone deposits provide more than enough building materials for the city.

The city also has vasts fields of grain and desert fruit trees to keep its population fed. For the meat eating population there are also many farms and animals to have feasts day in and day out.

The most notable resource of Leonia however is their mined resourced. Gold, Silver, Copper and Iron are abundant in Leonia as are gemstones. They were exploited in the past for this but have since gained control of their resources and have profited greatly.
Founding Date
10 CE
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank

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