Mauranians Species in Aerelys | World Anvil
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Generally a secretive people due to the prejudice against them, the Mauranians are a halfling race that tend to keep to themselves, living in isolated communities throughout the kingdoms. Few will leave the confines of these communities, although many of these individuals find work either in travelling troops or as foot soldiers. In spite of their current hard earned freedom across all the Kingdoms of Aerelys, Mauranians still fall victim to illegal slave trafficking.

Basic Information


Physically, Mauranians are similar in stature to young children, standing at approximately 3 ft or 1 m. As such, they have been known to be mistaken for children from a distance. Mauranians of both genders tend to be stocky and well built. Most Mauranians have olive skin, although populations in the Kingdom of Summer and the northern clan lands of the Kingdom of Winter have been known to have slightly darker skin as a result of constant sun exposure.

Biological Traits

Mauranians are a humanoid race known for their small, stocky stature and their abnormal strength. For this reason, the Mauranians have been exploited and enslaved throughout history, with many of the races of Aerelys viewing the Mauranians as nothing more than 'ants'.

Additional Information

Social Structure

One of the only races of Aerelys, with the exception of the Wayfarers, to have a completely matriarchal society. In Mauranian culture, the head of the household or family is the eldest female or female-identifying individual, who takes on the title of Mother of the Home. In a similar vein, the eldest female or female-identifying individual of the clan is known as the Clan Mother, and acts in the role of leader and protector of the clan.

Facial characteristics

Physically, Mauranians share the same facial characteristitcs as the human races of Aerelys. In general terms, Mauranians of all genders and sexes tend to have strong, square jaws and prominant brows.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Originally from the Islands of Maur and Arborea in the Shores beyond the Horizon, the Mauranians were brought to Aerelys by the Fallmen as they fled the destruction of Arborea. From there, the Mauranians remained within the Fallmen Territories of the Kingdoms of Autumn and Wildwood for a number of decades, until their reputations as strong and diligent workers lead to slave trade routes being opened across the Kingdoms. By the time the Mauranians won their emancipation following the Freedom War, they were geographically spread across the whole of Aerelys.

Average Intelligence

The average intelligence exhibited by Mauranians is on par with the other human races of Aerelys.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Mauranians, strangely enough, are well known for their keen sense of smell. In fact, it is rumoured that some individuals are capable of detecting the scent of smoke up to 8 miles or 13 km away.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Mauranians developed a written language based on pictograms that could easily be drawn in dirt or dust and erased. These symbols are basic, but can be layered to provide more sophisticated meanings. Some symbols can have multiple meanings- this can be determined by the context of the message.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Much of the Mauranian slave culture still exists in spite of their freedom, however, cultural elements from the kingdoms in which clans reside in have been incorporated into the slave culture. This has led to several sub cultures within the population. For example, many Mauranian communities in the Kingdom of Winter have incorporated the spirit quest into their coming-of-age rituals, which require young Mauranians approaching adulthood to venture into the wilderness to commune with nature and discover their animal totem.


Originally a race enslaved by the ancestors of the People of Fall, the Maurs were brought to the mainland with the fleeing refugees, where they eventually grew in popularity as slaves due to their reputation as strong and diligent workers. This enslavement continued for generations until the Freedom uprisings. Following these coordinated guerilla attacks, targeting people and places with strong connections to the slave trade in the Kingdom of Autumn, and the Wildwood Kingdom, a tenuous treaty signed by all the kingdoms. A treaty that would result in the outlawing of the slave trade and the emancipation of all Mauranian slaves. In spite of this, there is still a great deal of prejudice directed towards the Mauranians, particularly due to their secretive culture. Despite the fact the slavery is banned in most of the kingdoms, Mauranians are often the target for slave traders.

Common Myths and Legends

Religious traditions generally associated with the Great Mother, a trickster/creator deity credited with the creation of the Mauranians. The Great Mother is considered to be everything and yet nothing, a genderfluid/agender deity that constantly shifts forms, but gives life as only a Mother could. Those born androgynous, transgender, genderfluid or agender are considered blessed by the Great Mother. A product of the generations spent in enslavement, the majority of the stories centred upon the Great Mother chronicle the trickster's many escapes from slavery and captivity.
Scientific Name
Homo Sapien Maurus
50 years (male) 55 years (female)
Average Height
0.9-1.1 m or approximately 3 ft
Average Weight
Average Physique
Mauranians are generally small in stature, and both sexes tend to be stocky and wellbuilt, although slighter individuals are not unheard of.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Typically, Mauranians tend to have skin ranging from olive to dark tan, depending upon where their clans have settled (many Mauranians settlements are located in the Kingdom of Summer and in the Northern ice fields of the Kingdom of Winter. Although brown and black hair is predominant, red hair prevelant in some regions, particularly in the Kingdom of Autumn and Wildwood Kingdom. Although rare, some individuals have also been born with pale colouring, white-blond hair and red eyes.

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