Saryyl Character in Aeorza | World Anvil
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Saryyl is devoted to serving every urge of indulgence. Their residence is atop a mountain in Yïksï Otchii overlooking Spiimi Sõknongi. At dusk every day Saryyl entertains any who seek to indulge, including residents of Yïksï Otchii and any inter-planar travelers as well as other demigods of any other prime.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

744 years before the Age of Wise Kings, Saryyl was a revered noble in what is now The Dael Lands region. He hosted extravagant parties, soirées, balls, dinners, and even orgies on an almost nightly occurrence. Sarryl was both lauded and condemned for his self-indulgent gallivanting but never let one or the other persuade him to cease his pursuits.

Gender Identity

In life, male. Now Saryyl identifies with both all and no genders


Saryyl promotes pansexuality, insisting that pleasure can be found wherever one desires
Divine Classification
Current Location
Year of Birth
744 AoA 1036 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Saryyl ascended after falling to an invading force of Agoran
8' 9"
184 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Celestial, Niiṭan

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