The Creation of the Aels Myth in Aels | World Anvil

The Creation of the Aels


Before the time and beyond the space, there lives the Outsider, the principal creator of everything. In one thought, he brought to life the Overgods and gifted every one of them with a Primal Seed. Ael, the overgod of our realms, was responsible for creating our world. He created the crystal sphere, which circumscribes all the Aels, and filled it with the Primordial Essence. He put the Primal Seed in the centre of the sphere and then started his job as the overgod over everything.   Feed by the Primordial Essence, the Primal Seed started to grow. It grew until it broke apart, bringing to life five goddesses, extraordinary in beauty, majestic in power: Elysa, the goddess of the light, Hadassah, the goddess of the darkness, Limbo, the goddess of luck, Nirvana, the goddess of the mind, and Nuria, the goddess of justice. The Five Sisters were born with great erudition and the power to control and change the Primordial Essence. Together, they started to create the Aels. Using the Primordial Essence as the raw material of the realms, they created the Astral Sea and planted in there the World Tree.   As the tree started to grow, every goddess was made responsible for one of its branches and roots, and the goddess spontaneously generated other gods, as their sons. Elysa, reunited with Limbo gave life to Arvandor, god of the forests, and joined with Nirvana, generated Celestia, god of the peace. Hadassah with Limbo gave birth to Abyss, god of destruction, and with Nirvana, to Baator, god of damnation. Together, the five goddess and the four gods formed the Nine Nobles, responsible for the control and overseeing of the main branches of the World Tree.   During these days, there was no heat over Aels. Elysa walked through the realms and brought light with her silvered hair, while Hadassah, coming after her, brought the darkness with her raven hair. Arvandor, although, was not satisfied with this, and asked for the Five Sisters to gave him heat so that he could bring life to his realm. Hardly he knew that would start a fight between the sisters. Elysa and Limbo were supportive of the idea of creating life, by the side as Hadassah and Nirvana were not. For a long time, the sisters fought each other, and in the process of the fight, they gave life to Barbel, the goddess of war, and Eisuhr, the elemental god. The last one created the original material plane, bounded to its own body, with the four regions of the four elements, and put it in the middle of the World Tree trunk. This plane soon would form the material plane where some of the mortals live today.   In the end, Elysa and Limbo won the war between the light and the darkness, and the goddess of the light put pure flames of the Fire Plane high in the heavens and sparkles spread all along the World Tree, creating our sun and the other stars through the entire realms. Aels finally met the warm hug of the heat. That, although, was not enough to create life. Seeing that she had no other choice, Nirvana chose to help her other two sisters who won the war. The three, all together, from the four elements and the Primordial Essence, forged Mazdrael, the god of life. But not everybody was happy with this decision. Hadassah, attempting to change the course of the realms, induced Mazdrael to lie with her, and from this were born the Primordials.   Another war began: the Dawn War, goddesses and gods against primordials. A fight to decide who would reign over all Aels. The battles lasted for a long time. The primordials were in more significant number, and the goddesses were deeply wounded from the last war. Limbo and Nirvana then made a plan to arrest Hadassah and used a Five Golden Rings Lace to capture her. They used her energy to bring to life Rhena, the goddess of death. From the power of the divine war, Barbel brought to life two powerful beings, Dreemur, goddess of thought, from a strand of Limbo's hair, and Gahlia, goddess of instinct, from a drop of Nirvana's spit. With the help of these three new goddesses and Hadassah out of the way, they finally could win the war against the primordials.   In the end, the goddesses finished the war with the victory over the primordials. Elysa, Limbo, Nirvana and Nuria them banished Hadassah to an imprisonment plane, but first, they tore out their divine essences over the evil sister to weak her power. When the essences of the four goddesses found the essence of the other sister, their energy combined formed Myone, the goddess of magic. She was the first one that was created in the shape of a child and not a grown woman. The sisters felt that the energy of Myone was even more potent than their own and incubated Nuria, the goddess of justice, to be her tutoress and guide her through the right way. Since then, Hadassah received a new title - the goddess of evil - and Ursula, daughter of Rhena and Mazdrael, became the new goddess of darkness.


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