Tome of the Six Prose in Aegimius | World Anvil

Tome of the Six

Before the Age of Vudos, before the start of the great city of Kia Pai, Disment Umbrus ruled the land. Then came the Atu. The Atu Tara unleashed their mighty power, breaking the Disment Umbrus and freeing the land. The vudo of the Atu spread, like ragnis, forming and shaping the land, making way for Kia Pai and the champions.

Kota-Morth seeing the danger of one of the atu-tara, called upon Noaldin, his champion. A container was forged by Kota-Morth and the da-atu-tara to contain the power of the other. Noladin was to take the container to Dinas Marama. Noladin accepted the charge of Kota-Morth, took the lanern and made his way to the city.

With his mission complete Noladin returned to the forge of of Kota-Morth. With in the forge he found Kota-Morth working with others, crafting the basis of what would be their greatest achievements. Rivals of what Kota-Morth refered to as the children of the Rundiamhra, the Atu-Vudo. The Whenua Geard.

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