Eye of Ettuna Item in Aecenys | World Anvil
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Eye of Ettuna

Lost to the ages, the Eye of Ettuna is an artefact prized by her worshipers. It is an amulet that produces 'tears' in the form of rare silver arcane ink. As an artefact, it is a singularly unique item that cannot be replicated. It was created by Erelim using a combination of arcane and divine magic, along with the power of the first arcane wellspring.   Elven historians describe it as an amulet hanging from an ornate silver chain, with a pendant of opalescent sapphire exhibiting a burst of blue and black, with just a hint of purple. It coalesces into a black circle, reminiscent of an eye. The pendant is then encased in an intricate weave of silver, holding the entire artefact together.   Once a prized possession of the Valorion Dominion, it was rumored to have been stolen by the wayfarers of the Idhren Dominion and transported to Tusnya. There have been no records of any recent sightings of the artefact.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

When the right phrase is uttered, the amulet produces silver arcane ink in a small capsule at the bottom of the amulet casing. The eye becomes alive, as if searching for a nearby source for the arcane, guiding its owner to the wellsprings location.


The amulet draws its history from the origin of the arcane within Aecenys, serving as a reminder of the very influential and world altering power of the wellsprings. It's origin connects the divine with the arcane, and its observance as a religious artefact only cements that fact. However, as it has become lost to the everyday mind, only a few spell casters recall its existence, and even fewer know of its whereabouts. It has the power to not only locate wellsprings throughout the material plane, but also serves as an integral part of a wizards transition to lichdom.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Location


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