Halinkazían Birthday Celebration Tradition / Ritual in Adynía | World Anvil
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Halinkazían Birthday Celebration

Among the dwarven Halinkazíans, both within the kingdom of Halinkazía in the Darka Mountains and in the neighbouring Sikíron Empire, birthday celebrations tend to be observed more closely by the aristocracy than among commoners, with the latter focusing more on celebrating certain milestones in a person's life, such as coming of age and marriage.
The festivities vary greatly depending on how wealthy both the person and their family is, ranging from slightly fancier dinner at home than usual, to lavish banquets where friends and extended family are invited, but aside from this there are certain rituals which are observed in the same way regardless of the person's status.
One such custom is to present the birthday boy or girl with a statuette of the animal associated with the month they're born in, which are later put in a special wooden box or chest, allowing people to count them and know one's age with certainty.
Traditionally, the statuettes are made from the kind of metal associated with the weekday, and are believed to grant protection to those whose birthday happens to be a day of ill omen.
Other presents often include a new set of clothes and tools, toys or jewelry, while the wealthy are sometimes given new weapons and arms along with rare goods imported from the Sikíron Empire. Halinkazíans outside the Darka Mountains, who have better access to such wares, are often given a pinch of herbs or spices to add into food and drink whenever someone comes to visit later on.
Different regions have their own variations of songs, dances and games enjoyed during birthday parties.
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