Thri-Kreen Species in Adventures Along the Sword Coast | World Anvil
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The thri-kreen are an insectoid monstrous humanoid race that primarily lived in the Shaar. The thri-kreen are a race of nomads and hunters. They are also known as mantis warriors and sometimes called "tri-kreen".   A thri-kreen resembles a giant praying mantis, bipedal and standing 4.5–7 feet (1.4–2.1 meters) high and weighing 100–375 pounds (45–170 kilograms a full-grown adult averages at 6 feet (1.8 meters) and 200 pounds (90 kilograms). They have exoskeletons over their entire bodies. They have six limbs protruding from their thorax: two for walking and four for use as arms, ending in four-fingered claw-like hands capable of tool- and weapon-use. Their insectoid heads have two black, multi-faceted compound eyes; two small antennae sprouting from the top; and a complex jaw structure with large sharp mandibles. It is extremely difficult to distinguish the males and females.   The carapace of a thri-kreen is typically a sandy yellow in hue but can vary from a sandy brown to a pale green color, as best suited for the environment. This enables thri-kreen to blend in with the dry savannas and grasslands they dwell in.   Thri-kreen wear little to no clothing or armor. Instead, they wear only simple leather belts, harnesses, or slings to hold their food, equipment, and weaponry, and only as much as they needed. They do not make or wear any kind of adornments.   A thri-kreen's four claws and a bite from its mandibles are dangerous natural weapons. They secrete a paralyzing poison from their mouths, sufficient for a single venomous bite per day. This can hamper a victim's agility, or cause paralysis for several minutes.   Thri-kreen are naturally psionic beings and they primarily communicate telepathically. However, they do have their own language—simply called Thri-Kreen—made up of whistles and clicks and snaps of their mandibles. Typical thri-kreen names are Chak-tha, Chit'al, Drik-chkit, Gulnik, Kacht-ta, Kat'chka, Kiktul, Klaktuk, Krik, Pak'cha, Pik-ik-cha, Pok, Ptekwe, Tak-tha, Tal'tich, Tilnak, and Tik-tik; there are no gendered names and no surnames.   They can see in the dark through darkvision, and do not sleep at all, making them immune to sleep spells and the like.


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