Rathragians Species in Aclia | World Anvil


The inhabitants of Rathragia are people often considered to be the master race of the world, possessing the best equipment, the best kingdom, the best security, the best food, the best magic, the best smiths, the best military and the best natural talents.   At least that's what people say. But as we all know what people say isn't always true. Yes overall they possess the best innate talents of any race or species, their smiths are generally the best, and their military is the same. But there's something people fail to see, and that is latent talent.   Yes, Rathragians have the best starting skills of any nation in any craft, but they reach their crafts peak earlier than others.   An average forge master of Rathragia will always beat an average forge master of the dwarves. But the absolute very best of rathragians forge masters will only be 95% as skilled as the dwarfs forge masters of the same age.   Though give a Rathragian 500 years and he will surpass the Dwarf. But that still requires that the Rathragian lives past the Dwarfs lifespan.   And that is the key. Rathragia is only considered the very best at everything because they managed to build their nation in the safest place on all of Aclia which in turn has led to their death tolls to be almost 0.   In fact, the only way for Rathragians to die is by way of war, and accidents. They possess eternal life their ageing stops at 28, are immune to poison and disease, as such only external matters can kill them.   Their entire population nears 667 million this day. Their food source is stable, being able to make any food they lack by ways of magic, though they prefer to farm.   Rathragians are kind-hearted by nature and will help those in need, though they are greatly suspicious of outsiders and are overly protective of their families. Take the requirements to cross into their territory as an example.   There are ten gates made out of silver gold in each of the 4 passes to get into their territory which is otherwise blocked by mountains.   each and every single person/trade caravan that comes through no matter how important will be searched thoroughly. Every single item and piece of clothing looked at, into, and checked with magic. Then to say they got through the first checkpoint each and every person gets a specially enchanted flag that they need to hold up at all times. The children and infants get searched too but because they don't always understand the importance they get ribbons tied to their arms that can't be removed. the entire time they go through the pass and until they reach the city they will be watched by rangers that have their bows ready. The mountains there have ranger tunnels in them and there are slits on the side of the mountains looking over all the gates in the pass and the areas in between. If they see someone not with a flag that person no matter who it is will get shot right in the head. If a person lowers their flag an arrow gets shot between their legs as a warning. And if not raised they get shot next. If someone holds another person's flag they get shot. If people are repeatedly found without their flags or flags are lowered repeatedly each archer picks a target and every single person gets shot with no exceptions, even infants are killed. The first gate gives a specially enchanted flagpole and flag, and the rest add flags onto each and every pole. If you miss a single flag or have a flag that doesn't belong to you or even if you're still in the territory the very second the flags enchantments expire you will get shot. Even in town if you're found without a flag you get killed right there on the spot. There are always rangers watching you in Rathragia, even when you think you're alone invisible rangers watch you.   They will most definitely help you in your time of need, but getting into their territory is another matter. All weapons and magic items are confiscated and then returned when you leave.   Rathragia has enjoyed millenniums of peace thanks to their extensive security and their continued contact with other nations has made sure their technology was not behind the times. And, unlike the elves, Rathragians have not grown arrogant, they remain ever vigilant for they know that there time's of peace is at an end. They have always known. They train diligently and they send out small expositions of rangers to allow them to gain combat experience. They have been preparing for the eternal war since the founding of their nation. Their military is the strongest in the world. Their country the best protected there is. Their security net the greatest. Their spies, assassins, diplomats, and other agents, the very best at their job. They have countermeasures for every situation. They are as prepared as any nation can be.   Soon their gates will close for the last time. Their defences strengthened and there vigil beginning.   Their plan is not to beat back the darkness. It's simply to survive it. For they know that there is no other choice.   There is no hope of victory. Only survival. They have seen what happens and they have made their decisions.   They shall watch the world burn and then rebuild it afterwards.   That is the only way for life to survive the coming darkness.   That is their plan. And they have everything prepared, they are ready.... or so they think.   ~Garwen

Basic Information


Rathragians are humanoid in shape, some adventurers even mistaking them for tall humans or elves at a distance. Their wast difference from them, however, is clear as day at a second glance. Their blood is a dark purple and their bones thicker than any human's. They're covered in a feathery plumage. They each possess a long tail that can grow up to twice or thrice the length of their body. It can detach from their spine, akin to a lizard's, and will grow back over time. Compared to the average human, the Rathragians' fingers are longer and end in sharp claws. It's a matter of preference to trim them or not. Their hind legs are digitigrade and have claws like a bird of prey. Their arms have an extra joint. All of their joints, regardless of placement, are able to bend in any direction (ball joint). The chest, to down the torso, is protected by wide, thick and movable ribs that layer over each other, which is why they often appear hunched as the ribs would open up if they bent backwards leaving there organs unprotected, they tend to over correct and hunch over leaving the ribs poking into the flesh on there back, causing lil bumps. Their head is long and snouted, with large front facing eyes. Their pupils are slitted and their long, wide ears can swivel in any direction. They have two rows of fully grown teeth, the outer sharp for meat eating and the inner specialized for a herbivorous diet. Baby teeth grow behind each row, ready to replace any teeth that may be lost with time.

Genetics and Reproduction

They only have one sex and are compatible with any other individual of their species.
Average Height
1.8 - 2.5 meters
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The feathery plumage covering their body is a hue of purple and often has patterns in bright colours or iridescence.


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