Csijo Character in Acaelica | World Anvil


Csijo is the god of the sea and destruction. Of all beings in Acaelica's present-day pantheon, he is likely the single most feared and despised. His followers are reviled in equal measure and are sometimes killed on-sight by those with the capacity to do so. The prevaliing wisdom suggests these acts to be justified, as to worship Csijo is usually to engage in wanton, remorseless destruction.


Unlike the rest of those who share his title of deity, Csijo takes up residence on the Prime Material Plane. He has more than once been responsible for catastrophic damage and loss of life in Acaelica. Wherever he turns his gaze, carnage is sure to follow. Embarking far into his waters is an all but certain death sentence.


Presence on the Prime

Csijo is thought to make his home among the oceans' distant, unknowable depths. Nothing is truly understood of his motivations or dogma (if he indeed has either one). However, his malice is rarely questioned. The tidal waves that strike at random times and places along the coastlines are unilaterally traced back to his interference and they never fail to take many lives when they come. These waves, as far as anyone has discovered, serve no greater purpose beyond death and destruction.


Of even greater insult to Acaelicans is the boundary that Csijo enforces upon them. No ship that has attempted a voyage through his waters has ever returned. Recently, this truth has come to include airships as well, with several distinct and verified sightings of "a fist of water" rising from the sea to smash them into pieces.


As a result, Acaelicans know very little of the world beyond their oceans. Many question whether it exists at all.


The Starving Sea

The well-documented and bloody history of The Starving Sea phenomenon is believed to be the direct result of Csijo's presence. Many even believe that the sea is not hungry at all, but rather simply fearful of its own god.


The expansion, according to these individuals, is a natural result of Csijo walking the ocean's depths too close to the continent. Others believe the expansion is just another opportunity for the god to be senselessly cruel--and Csijo is never known to pass on such an opportunity.


Storms from The Torrents

Although The Torrents themselves are undeniably linked to Csijo, the storms that constantly form above them are believed by scholars to be--at worst--incidental to his presence on the Prime. These scholars' argument is to point out that the storms are isolated to a small region. If Csijo could create storms and send them where he willed, he would most certainly be less conservative applying that power.


Regardless, this does not prevent most from blaming him for the storms. This erroneous belief has even become widespread, as few come to the defense of the dark god for any reason, let alone a semantic one.


Divine Characteristics


Csijo's evil is a present and documented truth for Acaelicans all over the continent. The god has been in some way responsible for the deaths of many unconnected and even adversarial groups. As a result, he has managed to alienate all but utter madmen and the most despicably evil individuals. Just as Csijo himself is despised, his followers are typically given no quarter when they appear.



Csijo is the god of the sea and destruction. He does not engender new growth when he destroys and it is generally believed that he destroys without purpose or agenda.


The only moral defense he is typically awarded is that it's possible he simply doesn't understand life or those who live it. This would allow for his actions to come from a place of ignorance rather than of malice. However, the uncrossable barrier his oceans impose around the continent--to say nothing of his frequent destruction of harmless passenger ships--is enough for most to consider him truly evil.


Symbols & Sigils

Concentric circles and octagons

Divine Classification
Greater Deity

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Character Portrait image: by Tsad De Lira


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