Central Organization in Abyss | World Anvil
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Central is the ruling organization of Abyss comprised of a parliament, seemingly ruled by the Elder Council.   Established 179 years ago, Central was found during The Founding , at the end of the bitter fight against the Monster Tides of the abyss.


A parliamentary republic, Central, located at Sanctuary , governs the nation of Abyss.   Each major city, inclusive of Sanctuary are responsible for different aspects of government. Due to the exclusivity of governmental departments and industries within each major city, local laws may vary slightly from one another.   There is a Council of Elders, nominated and voted for by the members of each race, that make up the nation of Abyss. It is said that the Elders act as advisers to the parliament and do not interfere with the internal affairs of each city

Public Agenda

Central maintains an order that claims to benefit all, to explore and develop the abyss for the greater good. By recruiting and training adventurers, they promote the pursue of exploration of the abyss in finding ancient technologies and/or resources that benefit people of Abyss.


The founding fathers of the nation of Abyss once lived in a massive subterranean structure, also referred to the Vault, that were self sustaining. No one knows who built the vaults or how they came to be, but what was recorded was that the Vaults opened on an unknown date 21 B.F, and the residents came to the Surface for the first time.   It is said that when the founding fathers of Abyss emerged from the Vault below Sanctuary, they found towering walls surrounding an open-flat area whereby streets and key infrastructure were all built and in-place, albeit without buildings. The place seemed to have existed time immemorial; these walls and infrastructure were seemingly built with materials and technologies lost to time. The initial years prior to The Founding were rife with worry and fear. Amidst the years of expansion and development, they were attacked on two major occassions by Beast Tides that set back progress. But eventually, the people overcame the Beast Tides, and came to found the nation of Abyss, alongside Central.
Founding Date
The Founding year
Government, Leadership


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