The Rift Physical / Metaphysical Law in Abyrinth | World Anvil
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The Rift

The Source of Magic and Life

Written by Ragnok051

"The Rift. The Source. Nightbane. Core. The Rift has many names, known among many peoples. It is mysterious, and unknown."  
  • The Codex, Page 387.
  • Manifestation

    The Rift is the manifestation, or at least a gateway, for magic. It, just like the exact nature and mechanics of magic, is relatively unknown. The Light which the Rift projects is magical in nature, and is the source of all magic, except for Night Magic, which operates under a lack of Light magic. Many creatures hold it as an important light source, and it is a need for any magical creatures.

    The clearest explanation is told of mostly in story, highly changeable, and widely mythological. Tales usually begin with marvels of the Old World, how the peoples became greedy and delved too deep to find riches. The Unveiling destabilized the world, causing the world to slowly expand, forming the Realms, surrounding the Rift.

    The Rift itself seems to generate a pulling force, spinning the realms at a much faster speed than the movement of the Old World, where the realms balance between the gravitational pull of the Sun, and the pull of the Rift. Due to the speed of the realms spinning, centrifugal force allows humans and other creatures to survive on the underside of the crust, keeping them anchored. Occasionally, a gravitational quake will occur, where primary gravitational control will shift quickly between the Sun, and the Rift, throwing off this centrifugal force temporarily, and pulling things towards either the Rift of the sun. The gravitational forces also hold the rift in a slightly elliptical spin, where seasons are recreated.


    The Light of the Rift bestows magic only when the Light can reach an organism, so the outside surfaces of the Realm, facing outwards towards the sun, lacks Magic and atmosphere. In this way, the closer one gets to the Rift, the more magical things become. There is a danger in venturing too close, but some have ventured close, and returned completely different men and women.
    Metaphysical, Astral

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