Abios Citadel of the Raven Secured

Citadel of the Raven Secured

Military action


A combination of Emerald Basin forces recapture and occupy the Citadel of the Raven in Redvale

In 2169, during a meeting with representatives of the other Emerald Basin cities, Zhentil Keep proposes a joint campaign to occupy and rebuild the Citadel of the Raven, located in the ruins of Redvale, into a garrison containing personnel from each Emerald Basin city. As a token of good faith, Zhentil Keep releases Bylyn as an independant city, withdrawing all Zhent occupation forces. Bhaevor, Bylyn, Valmere, Newshore, Inanepa, and Valmont agree to the idea and after several campaigns against the Orcs and ogres occupying the area, the Citadel was secured and refortified.