The Four Commandments of Oberon Organization in A Shattered Empire - Vardania | World Anvil
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The Four Commandments of Oberon

No my child, it is not as easy as falling on your knees and praying to the sun. To reach Oberon one must follow each of his commandments with great care.
— First Acolyte Marin Getaris
  While the followers of Sol believe their god to be everywhere the light touches, the Tome of Oberon tells a different story. Oberon's realm is the furthest away from the mortal world, his duty the hardest of all gods as it is his light that keeps Chaos from seeping into Genesis. As a result, their tenets differ from those of the disciples of Sol.  

1. Oberon is the only salvation.

  Oberon is chief among the Vardanian Pantheon, for creation rests upon his shoulders. His light keeps Chaos at bay, his light gives life and warmth. He brought the First Dawn and beats back the shadows of the night every day anew. Only through the sun can one's soul reach the Great Garden.  

2. The Vardanian Pantheon is to be honoured.

  The remaining gods, while not as mighty as Oberon are nonetheless powerful influences within Genesis. For their part within the ordering of creation and the boons they give upon humanity, they are to be honoured and worshipped. Their shrines are not to be disturbed, their priests are to be respected.  

3. A strong soul is the only way to reach Oberon.

  For his court is farthest from the realm of man. To reach him one must utterly focus his mind. Do not waver from your prayer and your devotion or your thoughts shall be lost within the darkness.  

4. Chronos is the great enemy.

  The Titan Chronos, who has in ancient time ruled Genesis and betrayed Humanity is to be removed from the mortal world. Burn his temples, slay his followers, rip his texts and smite his artefacts.

Obera Invicta, Sola Aterna!

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Jul 19, 2019 16:36 by Éric Almeida Taborda

Does faith makes the gods more powerful?