The Righteous Path in A Guide to Aslandia | World Anvil
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The Righteous Path

By Alexion (The Golden Knight)

Strauda is a small village located in Eastern Maresia and isn't too far from the Elephants Pass. It is situated on the base of the mountain range. Its quite a cosy town with a thread shop as well as a small market place. The village used to be a lot bigger in the past however its diminished in stature since the mines nearby closed several years ago.
Near the base of the mountain stood a large shrine that use to be used to worship the gods and bring offerings to them however that tradition had died hundreds of years ago and hadn't been practised since the land was governed by Ziian the neighbouring region. The shrine stood tall into the rockface and was peppered with gold and sapphires. to commemorate the divine province of the gods. I used to wander around the grounds when I was little, taking in the shine as the light seeped in through the ripped paper walls and the wet leaves from creeping vines caught the draft. It was peaceful, tranquil and calming being in the architectural splendour.   However, now having looked back on the times I ventured down the corridors and through doors. Nothing quite amazed me more than the large door that was situated at the back of the Main Hall. The double doors where thick interlocking planks of wood held together with steel nails and golden embroidery. The handles were large rings of iron and gold and the corners of every beam of wood had a large sapphire embedded into yet more gold. There were enough gold and priceless gems to feed the whole village for over a year. and by god did they try and take it all but to little success. This magnificent door that stood tall and sparkled in the sunlight could not be budged nor touched or it would backfire and send you sprawling across the grounds. I had often wondered what was behind that door that was so important or valuable to require such a powerful enchantment. I'd spend countless days sitting in front of the door pondering the contents.   It couldn't last forever though. I was at the door wondering how to lift the spell. The sun seeping in just as it had done all the days before. But that day was different. That day was the worst day of my life.   A boy slightly younger than me stumbled into the hall his footsteps echoed down the walls and cascaded down to stairs to where I sat. The boy told me of the village. Of the raiders that were attacking our home. I ran sword in hand and a face full of fear, desperation, confusion and determination. Trees smacked my face as my legs carried me down the hill towards the plume of smoke rising in the distance. The soft ground pulled at me drawing me down and my chest pumping from the adrenalin. I skidded into the town square to find every building around me had been set ablaze and people were running around frantically throwing water on the flames to calm them. Desperate attempts to save valuables or pieces of importance were futile as the sound of beams cracking and splintering echoed around the plaza. Time was moving at a snail's pace while I stood there spinning on the spot not sure what to do. My mind swirling with thoughts and feelings seeing the place I live in and loved crumbling down around me. It didn't feel real like I would wake from my slumber, my cold but dry room, in the house I had been born in and had lived in for all my 17 years. The sounds around me drew further and further away leaving me to myself as I slipped into the cold and dark waters of despair. I was drowning in my sorrows a dark and barren expanse of black.   A pain in my chest.   A spear through my heart.   The loss of a soul.   That could have been it. The dark world of pain, loss and anguish seeping through me for the rest of my life. But I felt something burning something warm in the cold. I opened my eyes to see a young girl. She must have been 6. She sat there crying staring back at me. huddled in a corner as people passed her bye. I stood up clearing my mind of all previous thoughts and began to fight back. A new drive forced my hand. my sword swung back and forth cleaving at the attackers driving them back as best as I could. I did not fight for myself nor for fighting itself but because I had to try. I knew that it was futile but I swung and slashed and drove myself at them in hopes that I could make some amount of damage. To create enough time for people to escape.   A large man grabbed me from behind and threw me to the ground. He was tall and his right arm was covered in tattoos. A large scar ran across his face and his head bore short black hair and a red bandana. He had light armour on and a belt that held 3 or 4 round explosives but the main thing that stood out to me was the insignia that was painted onto the front plate. Three red spikes with two dots below it. The sign of The Red Raiders. The same people who took my mother from me. One of the other men that I had been fighting took my sword and passed it to another member. The man with the scar placed his foot on my chest and pointed his sword at my throat and snarled. "Your quite a fighter aren't you, boy". He pondered over me looking me up and down. "I'm surprised you managed to best two of my guys. You don't seem to be strong, yet I suppose you're nimble". His voice was smooth yet it held a sinister tone. "Aren't you going to say something or are you a mute". The other guy who was equally as tall and strong looking chuckled. "End him he said. we have no need for him" the man with the scar raised his sword in preparation to strike. I turned to look at the girl but she had long gone. I then looked up at the man and a sense of triumph filled me. I had saved someone. and that was a win in my books.   Suddenly a bolt embedded itself into the man's gut causing him to stagger back and clutch the wound. It had penetrated through the thin metal plate and whilst it hadn't caused significant damage it was enough to allow me to escape. I managed to run behind a pole just as a bolt whizzed past. I ran into one of the burning houses in hopes to lose them amongst the flames and falling rubble. I felt the flames licking at my face the searing heat making it hard to see ahead of me. I made it out the other side and ran towards the largest house located at the edge of the village. However, to make it to the house, I would have to get past the large open space. See the house was located on a small hill on the way up to the shrine but there were no other buildings nor trees on the same hill making it visible to everyone in the village and most importantly a perfect place to make a last stand. It also hadn't had any inhabitants for many a decade and as of such The Red Raiders didn't see a need to burn it to the ground. I took a leap and ran towards the house. I had made it the hill and began climbing it before a bolt planted itself in my left shoulder causing an explosion of pain to wash down my arm. I had to keep on moving so I stood up and zigzagged to the front of the house. several bolts had near misses but none of them hit their target. I burst through the door and closed it behind me before slumping to the ground. I was tired in pain and had lungs filled with smoke and soot.   I lay there for a moment before getting up again. I briefly searched the house for weapons however having been deserted for many many years the weapons available were somewhat lacking. I only found a knife and a couple of spoons left in the cooking area. I could hear them climbing the hill. it would be a matter of minutes before they would burst through that door and I would be dead. At least that is what I thought until I heard the man who had a scarred yell up the hill. "Leave him he's not worth it. We have enough people". The men turned around and headed back down the hill.   "Why do they need people? Are they selling people?" I sat on the floor and caught my breath. I was in no shape to go after them but something else was nagging me. Why was there a brick under the stairs with an engraving of a Samangathon? The same symbol that is on the shrine door. I edged over to it and placed my hand over it. It was cold and moss surrounded its edges which could mean that there is a hole behind it. I placed the knife between the bricked and used it as leverage to try and ply the brick out. It wasn't easy but it slid out and lo and behold there was a piece of cloth wrapped around a long object. I pulled it out and slowly unwrapped it. It was a stunning looking sword with the shrine's symbol engraved into the golden handle. A beautiful sapphire was embedded in the middle of the crossguard.   I took the sword in hand and felt a rush of energy flow up my arms and into my heart the pain I had felt in my shoulder disappeared and was replaced by a numb sensation. I closed my eyes and saw a vision. It showed me the shrine and the door. A deep warm voice told me of the power the sword possesses and all of its previous owners and how its last owner over 130 years ago had become corrupt with the power of another source and had to be defeated by the swords creator. The sword was called Samangatheir and was sharper than any blade. It could make its owner into the perfect fighter or the perfect killing machine and thus can only be wielded by someone who is pure of heart and has the power to take a life but most importantly know when to spare one. when I opened my eyes I felt like I had known all its forebears.   I ran down the mountain, the wind pushing me forward. I was going after them. I was going to save the people who were taken captive by The Red Raiders. I tracked them down quickly as they hadn't gotten far. They had crossed a river using a ferry and it would be a while before the ferry got back. The nearest bridge was miles away and even if I had waited for the ferry I would have lost sight and night was quickly coming leaving me with no choice but give up tracking and to find another way to find them.   I made it back to the village as the moon began to rise. The remains of where the fires had sweeper the village glowed in the dark. It was empty. Those who weren't captured had taken the opportunity to escape for good. I slowly made my way up to the shrine and sat at the great shrine door. It had only been a day yet so much had changed and so much was lost so much has now been forgotten.

Since then I have trained in the arts of swordsmanship and earned the title The Golden Knight and have saved many lives. My goal? To rid meresia of Belligerents, Tyrants and The Red Riders.

  The Red Riders raid and pillage a village near the Elephants pass. A young boy stands up to the raiders and is beaten down until he finds something that can change the tides.   This story is about being courageous and powering through to do the right thing and to not give up. Its also about finding your strength as the Samangathon is a symbol of courage and will.
Location Event:
Aslandia, Meresia, Strauda
Alexion (The Golden Knight)
Authors Age on Event:
Year of Event:
Year Written:
Word Count:
Read Time:
8mins 8secs

The Red Raider Emblem

Shrine Emblem


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