Season 3: ______ in The Void Between | World Anvil

Season 3: ______

Welcome Back...

Mouse stared at a young woman. Her blonde hair was cut short and parted to the side. Her steel-blue eyes stared back. She was no older than Mouse when she chose a name of her own.   The girl, Amberlie, fidgeted with her hands. Her head turned toward a commotion gathering on the other side of the street. A crowd gathered around a makeshift stage.   Mouse shook her head. "You sure you wanna do this?"   "Yes," Amber replied.   "And is this really the name you want?"   "Well, at first I thought maybe taking my mother's name would be appropriate, but there are far too many bounties out on her." Amber replied with a smile. "Not a healthy choice."   "Good point."   Amber nodded. "Mhm, then I considered something more me. I mean a wayfarer's name is supposed to represent who they are, right?"   Mouse nodded. "Yes, but not as others see you."   Amber narrowed her eyes, "No, this is exactly who I am, to myself and to others. I appreciate all you've done. Not everyone gets to call a hero their mentor, but-"   "Hero? No," Mouse laughed and shook her head. "I started a civil war."   Amber returned the laugh and added, "Yeah, one that ended with the babysitter putting our entire species In timeout. You're still a hero, though. That's not me. I just want a way out."   "You'll have it, then. Lord knows you deserve it." The smile fades as years of memories pop up in Mouse's mind. "Amber, I'm-"   "Don't," Amber said, holding out her hand. "I don't blame you. You've said sorry more than anyone else and you don't even owe me an apology."   Mouse nodded and gestured to the stage. "It's time. Drive the knife deep, and don't forget to give a little twist."
Hello Everyone! Welcome to the teaser for Season 3, which is currently being planned for World Ember. If you have yet to catch up to the story as is, don't worry. If you manage to do so, this teaser will still be here to be enjoyed! Spoilers lie ahead.   I wanted to give a little glimpse into what this new season will bring, and some changes that are happening to the world as a whole. Before that, let's introduce our new narrator and protagonist.


This season will be much more focused. It follows Amberlie Hurst and is explicitly told through her eyes. While trickling in scenes of her past, the story will follow her as she seeks a way to fix her broken family, answers to her many pressing questions, and most of all, vengeance for her stolen childhood.   When last we saw her, she was alone and lost. Since reaching Safeharbor, things have only gotten worse. She's had a rough go. It's been fourteen years since the end of season two, and those on Safeharbor have not been kind...   As you will see, there are two quotes here, each written in different tenses, and different perspectives. While the POV shift will never be seen again, the tense matters. This is to demonstrate what is current and what takes place in the past. We will be learning much about how Amber grew up, often giving insight into her actions through flashbacks.
This season, we move back to Bring Me The Horizon for a theme song, and it's particularly in line with Amber's life, as well as her future. This one is gonna be just as emotionally driven, full of just as many moments of elation and sadness as the past seasons have been. I hope it will be a fitting conclusion. I think it's time for some answers, don't you?   Warning! Explicit Language.  
I stand before a crowd, one filled with those who were meant to be my peers. I speak, my voice amplified so all can hear the words. The edges glisten, for my words are sharp and all will feel the sting. "When I came to this planet, I expected to find people like me. I did not."   I can already see them laughing, a select few faces among the crowd. They mock my achievements, yet they still came to hear my name. I hold my anger in. "It's funny, actually. So many among you have contributed to what I'd call a life not worth living. Here you stand, though, ready to receive me as an equal only because I bested you at your own game. Despite your best efforts, I get to be a wayfarer too."   My thoughts flicker back to that night, my eyes fixed on the thousand-foot fall from the tallest building on Safeharbor, and the one woman capable of talking me down. "I stand here at the top of my field. I didn't gloat when I surpassed you. I didn't point and laugh when you came up short. There's a lesson in that fact."   I straighten my posture, my chest filled with pride. "You treated me like I was less than garbage. I felt every thrown stone. I've been berated, spit on, and chastised for something I didn't even do. The sins of my mother followed me everywhere I went. 'The apple doesn't fall far from the tree,' they said. I heard it from your parents, your elders. How right they were. You don't have a shred of decency either."   I notice them getting uncomfortable, some frowning as they come to regret their actions, others crossing their arms with a look of disgust. "I lived as a castaway for far too long, an outcast among outcasts." My voice rises more than I intended, breaking with every word, "I liked staring at the stars too, though you never stopped to ask me. I was turned away, night after night. I was forced to find my own stories in the sky. I didn't have anyone to share them with, like you."   I fight the tears in my eyes. I won't give them the satisfaction. "My father was the only thing I had for the longest time. He once told me the naming ceremony was sacred. I hope I've tarnished this tradition for you. I hope I've defiled it in every way possible. You want to know my name?"   I pause for effect. What came next was meant to cut the deepest. I spit the word out, a name I chose with both shame and pride; such an odd combination, "Pariah."   I smiled, the anger finally breaking through in a fevered stream of callous words, "Where will I go? The one place that leaves you shaking in your boots." I pointed to the sky, to the only constellation I really cared about. "You can have the rest. I'm obviously not welcome there anyway. I'll seek my fortune elsewhere. I'll trace the horizon, my ship forever fixed on The Old Dawn. Perhaps The Others will be more welcoming. Goodbye, and good riddance."

Changing times

Safeharbor has changed quite a bit. It's been fourteen years after all. Mouse is now an elder, the representative of Dawn. Caydie joins her alongside Lethe.   Mute and the other wayfarers continue to explore. Styx operates the pulse as always, and Argus prepares for an uncertain future with her adopted mother.   That's the gist of what's going on this season. While not forgotten, this story is Amber's, and she won't be on Safeharbor for long. We're heading somewhere we've never actually seen before...

No more seasons

The Void Between began with the idea of having seasons, each populated with articles detailing a cohesive story. This has to change, sadly. On top of how it creates an increasingly complex storyline, it also gets more intimidating for new readers who have yet to begin, and even those stuck in the middle.   More than that, there are many other perspectives and themes in this world. There are so many stories and even other characters outside of what's already established I'd love to explore.   For these reasons, I've decided to shift how the stories will be presented. Instead of seasons, I'll be creating stories in smaller cycles, most only having what would normally consist of a single season. The current cycle, which I've tentatively labeled "The Wayfarer Cycle," ends with this final chapter, what would have been called season 3.

Season 3


Whether reading about the past or the present, this conclusion can't be reached without a few scars. Preconceived notions will be challenged as we see through Amber's eyes. She grew up in a time of upheaval, a child with a broken family.   Her mother is still in cryo, her father is… not what she expected, and to top it all off, humanity forced her to bear the responsibility for her mother's breach of heaven, among other things.   I won't spoil much here, but let me give a taste of what's to come. It's likely only those who've been around since the beginning of the world will truly know of its significance, though they may not fully remember. It's a seed that's been growing for some time.
…I stumble through the rocky caverns, beyond the steel sarcophagi filled with lifeless bodies. I find myself faced with a console. Words appear on the screen, the translator quickly deciphering them.   Access requested: Name   I see the lens of a camera embedded in the black stone. It watches me hopefully. As if I'd refuse. I nod and a wave of heat passes through my body. It's hacking the hardware, scanning my mind for something, anything it could use for a name.   A name appears, one I didn't expect, "Caesar"   "Caesar?" I say with a laugh. "If that's what you want to be called."   I can hear the entire complex slowly preparing. It's about to take its first breath in a long time. Gears turn, machinery springing to action after millennia of gathering dust.   Before I can wake it up, I hear a voice from behind me. "Amber, stop."   I know this voice. I shake my head, my body freezing in place. "Of course they sent you."   "No one else cared enough to step in. Move away. All I need to do is give the trigger a squeeze."   "I need him," I say, my voice breaking.   "You can't trust it."   "It has a name," I scream.   The voice screams back, "I don't care."   "Do you have any idea what was taken from me? Again and again, I still can't seem to win. No more."   The voice is calming, like a mother's voice should be, "I can't even imagine. I'm sorry, but this isn't the way."   All the pieces are in place. I just need to press one button. It's funny how it always comes down to one button. "He knows something about Gibraltar. Shoot me or don't. I need to speak with him."   I let my hand fall, and the moment the button is pressed, I dodge to the side. Space warps around me and I find myself nearly twenty feet from where I was. Eden tech really is the best.   She hesitates. She fires far too late and the bullet ricochets off the stone. My attacker cries out but is cut off by a far bigger voice echoing throughout the complex.   Caesar speaks, and his words filter through the translator with ease. "Thought Grave operational…"      

Cover image: by Henry Be


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Oct 20, 2021 12:44

Oh, it's ON!!! Can't wait! Completely understandable about the change in format, btw, and I'm so looking forward to reading those other stories as well. First, though, I -do- think it's time for some answers :-)

Oct 20, 2021 16:06 by R. Dylon Elder

Yeah I've been hearing a complaint or two, especially with the nig events like summer camp. It's just too much to keep track of. I'm glad its understandable! Oh yes. Plenty of answers coming this season. I plan to tie up a lot of loose ends. It just prioritizing the ones that are most important at this point. May open a discussion board for that. Thanks so much!

Oct 20, 2021 15:47 by TC

OOOhh hell yeah new season! I'm exited to see how the shift in presentation and focus will look like, though part of me will miss the massive big and complex type of projects (it makes sense why you change though <3)   I'm trying to figure out what that last teaser is referring too, and its with great frustration I have to admit I can't remember. Ugh, such a fake fan xD   That being said I'm very, very excited to see Amber as a character. She seems like a very complex and interesting character, and it'll be interesting to see the world through her eyes. I'm disappointed in the way the wayfarers treated her, but not surprised. Anyway. Gosh. So excited!!!

Creator of Arda Almayed
Oct 20, 2021 16:11 by R. Dylon Elder

There may be a two part or at least a more complex storyline as well. Those stories havnt fully developed in my brain yet. We shall see, but I'm excited and happy to see others are too!   The last bit happened VERY early on. It's not even in the article listing on the table of contents. The thought graves were a spooky looming threat. The search bar is the only way to get to the article now.     She is definitely a complex character, and a really good one to see the galactic community with. I'm so excited! Thanks so much!

Oct 20, 2021 20:04 by Jacob Billings

Ooh! This will be exciting. But also. Curse you! I was planning on catching up on season two the next time I get a chance—after a few other things. I'm so behind... But I shall try to catch up! I can't wait to see where you take this world next.

Nov 4, 2021 18:11 by R. Dylon Elder

Take your time my friend. It's not a rush and you always give so much in your comments. It takes time and effort and I'd hate to make someone who's opinion I value so much stressed out about catching up. It's not going anywhere! We all got lives and its totally understandable, really.   I'm excited for this season, though I do plan for it to get quite dark. The science is also a fun thing I have planned. We get to see some fringe stuff people rarely tall about. Thanks so much!

Oct 20, 2021 20:54

The hype is real! I can't wait for Worldember now. I liked the season format, but the new one sounds very interesting too, with such a large world.   I'm curious about what happened to Safeharbor after all these years, especially how they got over the fact that their governors weren't exactly working for their good. And having an even more biased point of view will be great. Ah, such excitement, such hype!

Hoo~ Hoo
Nov 4, 2021 18:13 by R. Dylon Elder

Yes! I'm glad you're excited. I am too. We wont spend to much on Safeharbor but the changes and minute details will definitely be coming up.

Oct 31, 2021 22:12 by Stormbril

Ooooooooooooooh what a great teaser! I'm so excited for this, Dyl. Your work is fantastic and the shift in format looks fresh. The time skip is really interesting too! Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait :D

Nov 4, 2021 18:15 by R. Dylon Elder

Thanks so much! I'm hoping to get a good pay check in so I can take advantage of your css wizadry!

Nov 5, 2021 05:23 by Stormbril
Nov 5, 2021 22:56 by Grace Gittel Lewis

So excited for this! The change in format from seasons to cycles is totally understandable, as fantastic as seasons are I do agree— they can be intimidating to keep up with, as evidenced by it taking me literal months to catch up.   I didn't add this in with my season 2 finale thoughts as I'm still processing, but I wanted to note a few things. One, I don't know if this is odd or not but I got some big Animorphs vibes during the finale, somehow— I'm not sure I can entirely explain how. Maybe something about young adults leading a war against leaders that are compromised by an alien threat...   Those are good vibes, though, and not ones I've seen anyone yet recreate. You really created a strong cast of characters to pull something like that off, it's seriously impressive what you've done with this world. I don't mince words when I say you're my favorite writer on WA right now— as amazing as so many folk are here this just pushes an extra step ahead, I think it's largely due to how character focused a lot of your work is— and how we really get to know and connect with a familiar cast.   That's something I've only just figured out, too, and I think I'll have to start taking a page from your book with that. I've unconsciously done so to a degree with APRA already, but I think my other worlds could really benefit from recurring character quotes. Like that.   Anyway, thanks for the fantastic work! Looking eagerly forward to the future!

Nov 5, 2021 23:32 by R. Dylon Elder

True, but that's a good thing as well. Those that take a while really help just as much as those who keep up. I've made edits since then and it's nice to see what problems are fixed and what aren't, what's remembered and what isn't, and the luxury of not having to wait. It's a massive dopamine high that inspires and drives me to continue. As I'm often fond of telling my boss, "it takes as long as it takes." XD You know, I feel deprived because I never really got into animorphs when I was younger. I bet my kids might though. I might have a chance, lol but I totally get what your saying. In a lot of ways what's happening with generational goals now in the real world inspired a lot of this season. Mouse's eff you moment is verbatim a debate I had regarding millennials and gen Z. Probably a little on the nose but still. Stories like that are a big part of our upbringing. Not odd at all, in fact it's a huge compliment and I appreciate it immensely!     I cannot overstate how much it means to me to hear you say that, and all the other kind words you've given. Like that's high praise given the sheer talent on this site. Having character focus helps soooooo much and I love that these characters are so successful. It's funny when I read about nadalia cause Mouse and even Amber are exactly the same. They just kind of appeared out of nowhere and stole the show.   DO IT! I can't be the first to do a world like this or use recurring characters. By no means is it my book. I really wish I saw it more often. I plan on using it more often with my other worlds just as much, though smaller stories this time.   Thanks so much my friend! Till next time.

Nov 6, 2021 00:36 by Grace Gittel Lewis

Animorphs was a big influence on me growing up, and it's one that I didn't even fully recognize as an influence until this year. I think it's largely responsible for my love of gritty sci-fi, even! So yes, that was absolutely meant as a compliment, and I'm glad it was taken as such! I can't say how well the series holds up today so I don't know if it's worth recommending (especially since it's written for kids, and the writing style may not jive as an adult) but like— looking over a synopsis of the series it totally worth doing. Thing gets WILD, whole series was a weirdly like...mature anti-war story that got darker the further through you got.   Characters can really just sneak up on you, huh? Cool to know it happened with you, too! And believe me, I plan on doing more of it! The challenge I'm trying to figure out in my head is how like, I approach my worlds much more with the idea that any article could be someone's first (save for the APRA events)— because it really could be. So, how does one tell a story via disconnect articles, from the same character?   I'm thinking there are a few roads I can go down with utilizing recurring characters. Road 1 is one I've actually done in Qet— via a character I think literally no one has noticed is the same character, The Rektouzk Trader. (Yes, that's been one person the whole time!) They actually have a bit of a story you can piece together if you go back, Though it's mostly just them wandering around and bumping into things. I've been meaning to write an article on them but never have. Anyway— that road would be doing the same thing with other characters, telling their story but letting people stumble across it at any point, and decipher it Dark Souls style.   Road 2 is having relatively static character interactions and personalities, that just happen to recur. (This is pretty much the case with APRA, though it won't always be.)   Road 3 would be similar to Road 1, except any character moments would be from before the present day— allowing me to keep their futures for prose and whatnot.   Or I can combine all 3 into one, idk.   I know that, at least, Heliox has very strong potential for this— as it's got a pretty strong cast already set to go since it began as a collection of short stories rather than worldbuilding. The rest have mixed chances, I still want to utilize single-article character arcs for some things (like the horror focused one I'm writing for Qet right now), but I'll think of something I'm sure.   Anyway, thank you for the inspiration!

Nov 6, 2021 02:20 by R. Dylon Elder

Oooo horror article?! Yesss. I also had no idea they were the same person but it makes sense and know it just adds more to the world. I'll have to keep my eye out more. That really is the biggest struggle. It makes me sad that getting new readers can be a struggle but then again, this world has by far the most engagement out of all of them. I can count on one hand the number of people who consisrantly read The Web, but I run out of digits with The Void Between. It's a fair trade I think. If you figure out how to do it, pray tell cause that's the holy grail there. Lol   I did try with expedition demeter. It was easier when the characters are the same and they are always moving, probably like the trader in Qet. Hmm.   Regardless your worlds are awesome and I look forward to reading more. You are very welcome! Your work always inspires and it's awesome for it to be mutual.

Nov 6, 2021 07:23 by Grace Gittel Lewis

Yeah new readers are really a struggle right now, and I think part of that is due to people just...connecting with characters more than everything else in a world. Gotta hook em in with people they can relate to and get invested in. The fact that APRA seems to be growing more than anything else, even if still at a slow rate, seems to hint at this truth.   I will definitely be experimenting— and will let you know how it goes!   And YES mutual creative appreciation is always fantastic!

Nov 8, 2021 11:26 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Aw, it's a shame things are changing but understandable. I love your stuff and can't wait to see what Amber's story brings to The Void Between! <3

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Nov 27, 2021 23:07 by Spiritwolf

Cool stuff.

Dec 13, 2021 15:17

While seasons one and two are awesome, I do appreciate the more focused nature of season 3, and look forward to reading more!

- Hello from Valayo! Featured work: How to Write Great Competition Articles
Dec 28, 2021 20:48 by Avalon Arcana

I’m going to be honest here. I have purposefully not been reading your notifs because I knew i would get sucked into the story so fast then be heart broken when it left me on another heckin’ cliffhanger. So i was gonna wait unto season three finished and I could binge it all in one sitting but now I have run out of patience. I’m gonna binge it all, everything you’ve got, Cause this teaser was just so……Good. I can’t Not read it now.   :D

You should check out the The 5 Shudake, if you want of course.
Jan 30, 2022 06:19 by Morgan Biscup

I lied. I read this one before bed. And it does not link anywhere, forward or backward.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Jan 30, 2022 06:25 by R. Dylon Elder

Promptly fixed lol my apologies. It shall be ready for you. Thanks for letting me know!

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