Lycanthropy Condition in The Garden that Burned | World Anvil


Written by TailorOfFates

Brief Overview

This affliction is known to be a slippery slope for those who are diagnosed with it, usually ending in them becoming a raging beast. Oddly enough, however, some of the wisest minds known to Eden were Lycans that were able to not only harness their abilities, but to find a level of inner acceptance that many creatures struggle with.

General overview

The defining factors of this condition are that you either become a Lycan, or a Lykoi. The difference between the two being that the Lycan is a bipedal creature that is able to transform into a large wolf-like beast, and use these abilities to its advantage for survival purposes.
A Lykoi, however, is a quadruped that appears to be a monstrous rendition of what was once a wolf, but was disfigured by the hatred and malcontent within itself. These creatures are huge and hunt simply for the fun of killing other creatures.

Transmission & Vectors

Only the Lykoi can spread it, however, it can also be contracted by a curse. The Curse of Constrained Will.


The cause can range between being bitten by a Lykoi, or committing a specific act of atrocity which offends Hades, the god of souls and free will.


Overall Review:

  There are two different paths symptoms of Lycanthropy can manifest within a creature, If you were cursed the symptoms are as follows;
  • Within the first day the afflicted begins to hunger insatiably for meats, and nearing the end of that day their blood begins to feel as if its reached its boiling point. This incapacitates even the strongest of creatures, it is even fatal in some cases.
  • Dawn of the second day the afflicted will begin to experience their bones spontaneously breaking throughout the next 52 hours. They will have additional hair growth in small patches throughout their body, with the newly formed flesh and hair peeling off consistently as the body adapts to the curses effects.
  • On the third day those who are afflicted will experience a peak in their senses, this is described as excruciating as initial adaptation is impeded by the pain from their ongoing symptoms.
  • On the fourth day, the bones will stop breaking and the remaining excess hair will peel off with a layer of thickened flesh attached to it. At dusk the afflicted will turn for their first time, transforming into a full Lycan. In most cases the first turn is reported as a blackout, however the second turn will require the afflicted to contest in a battle of wills with the beast within.
The second set of symptoms arise from being bitten by a Lykoi, and they proceed as follows;
  • On the first day the afflicted is required to fight an incredibly difficult battle within their mind and body against the force attempting to overwhelm their will, should they succeed, their symptoms will then transfer to the cursed symptoms and they will become a Lycan instead. Should they fail, They will begin to bleed from all orifices as the subjects body begins a rapid transformation. Their face will break and contort until it forms that of a disfigured wolf from prehistoric origins, then their body will do the same, breaking down their bones and expanding their mass until they form a huge monstrosity. Overall this takes an average of 1 hour, depending on the subject afflicted.


  1. If The subject was cursed the only cure is to appeal to Hades.
  2. If the subject was bitten by a Lykoi they have until they fully transform to purchase or concoct a Lykoinull potion before they are trapped that way forever, however, these are rare and only known to be made by unique alchemists.


If cursed, the subject will now be able to regularly transform into a Lycan. Each time after their first transformation the afflicted is required to fight against the animal inside them when they choose to turn. The full moon grants them additional power, and this effect seems to stack when both moons are full.
The more often they transform, the easier this gets, however, if they loose this mental battle too often, they will instead become a full Lykoi. If the afflicted becomes a Lykoi, they can never turn back into either of their original forms, and they are forever trapped as the beast they've succumbed to.

  If bitten, once the infected has turned into a Lykoi they can never turn back. They are known to be so dangerous, most people will kill anyone they see with a Lykoi bite before they get the chance to transform. These beasts are always hostile and exhibit sadistic tendencies, often hunting for sport. It is even rumored that these are the hounds Lucifers Forsaken collect for the pits of hell.


Even when the subject survives and remains in control of their will they appear to exhibit many canine tendencies, often falling into a pack mentality and chasing things that move too quickly.

Hosts & Carriers

Lycanthropy seems to be able to affect any humanoid creatures that have a sentient mind.


Either don't offend Hades, or avoid contact with Lykoi. Additionally, it never hurts to have a Lykoinull potion on hand.


Other than the curse of Constrained Will and a Lykoi bite there doesn't appear to be any way to contract or enhance the effects of Lycanthropy, however, It has been noted that both Lycans and Lykoi can breed, and their genes are recessive and dominant.


The first recorded case of Lycanthropy was a story told by a surviving Lycan of the occurrence. He stated that a small colony of humans had found a gateway into the underworld and entered Hades domain. He refused to speak of what it was they did to offend him, but the summary of his tale was that they had committed a great atrocity and offended Hades himself. In response, Hades declared that if they wished to act like animals, then they would be forced to face the beasts within themselves. After the curse was cast, only three people walked out as Lycans, the rest would fall to all fours and become Lykoi. Of the remaining three, only two escaped the underworld while one remained trapped there. It is speculated that the curse eventually spread by a Lykoi following the survivors through the gate that they had left open in an effort to hunt those who gained the freedom the Lykoi had forever lost. After that, the secondary method of the curses spread became genetic and reoccurred as the survivors bred and spread their genes.

Cultural Reception

In most places Lycans and Lykoi alike are feared for their power and the possibility of them loosing grasp on what makes them humane.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital

Cover image: by Unsplash
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