Passage Pin Item in Starkeeper | World Anvil

Passage Pin

Passage pins are used by torens throughout Starweb space as markers of ally status, commonly being given or loaned to people of other species to signify they are associated with a particular clan or individual and thus should not be harassed or otherwise bothered while among torens or in their territory.


The pins themselves are usually small and come in many different styles, often bearing a little image of a logo or mascot (for a clan or an alliance of clans). The point with this is to make them unremarkable to outsiders who do not know what they are, thus providing some level of obscuration—desired since many torens face discrimination and prejudice from members of other species. When non-torens are to live and work among torens for extended periods, or travel through their territories, they are often given passage pins which they can wear to show their presence is authorized and they are not intruders looking to do wrong.
  The necessity of wearing them varies by location. Among some torens who have enjoyed good relations with human societies they have all but lost their original use, becoming just another means of identifying clan membership, while in places like the Green Zones of Mayhem, humans would do well not to wander too far away from the spaceports without one. Non-humans can sometimes get away without them, since torens tend to give species with whom they’ve historically had friendly relations the benefit of the doubt.


The use of passage pins by torens dates all the way back to around the time of the End of Earth, when torens, only recently uplifted at that point, first became free of human domination in large numbers. The pins were given to friendly humans and allied clans in the rebuilding Terran societies.
  Appearance-wise, the pins have not changed all that much since those times, though they are sometimes made of different materials and now tend to contain some means of additional identification, such as built-in datachips with information about the intended bearer, thus cutting down on the possibility for theft or misuse of the pins. Some fake pins are also made and allowed to fall into the hands of outsiders so that they think they've acquired a real one only to find it doesn't get them anywhere.
Related Species
Item type
Clothing / Accessory

Cover image: 100px Transparent Header by AntimatterNuke


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