Introduction (Overview) in Oblivion Engine | World Anvil
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Introduction (Overview)

The Oblivion Engine RPG system came into being after my frustrations with trying to license a few of the generic RPG systems currently on the market. Besides the FATE system, most of them don't allow you to charge for your original adventure modules or products like T-shirts and mugs with your setting artwork on it. This system is free for all under the creative commons attribution share-alike 4.0 International license. Worldbuilders should have a system for their adventures and not have to worry about how they will monetize.

As much as I like the FATE Core system. It doesn't fit all campaign worlds and sometimes you need a more "number crunchy" system. The Oblivion Engine was designed to fill that gap. Like FATE, this system is designed to be used in any genre. The modern horror roots of our playtest setting definitely show its bias in the Skills list though. If you are running a medieval or fantasy setting, you will have to add and remove some skills to fit the setting better.

You know what a generic tabletop RPG is

Most RPG systems start with an explanation of what a tabletop RPG is and the basics of roleplaying. This one doesn't. If you are new to roleplaying, playing a system that in its alpha phase isn't the best idea. That being said, this system's raison d'etre is total creator empowerment. Do what you will, who are we to argue?

You need a "Virtual Tabletop" first RPG system

Most games are designed for pen and paper first and online as an afterthought. We have no intention of publishing a book or PDF while sites like exist. Everything created for the Oblivion Engine RPG will assume you play with a Virtual Tabletop and need electronic resources instead of print materials and you enjoy full-text search over incomplete book indexes.

You need a flexible, royalty-free RPG system for your own creations

All we wanted to do is write some adventures for some else's game system and publish them on World Anvil. Unfortunately, we soon discovered that game publishers are working in an older paradigm two steps behind current technology. So when life gives you lemons, you squeeze them into the eyes of your enemies. After refusing to accept the less than desirable choices before us, we decided to resolve this issue for ourselves and anyone else willing to jump off the cliff with us. We don't care how you monetize your fictional creations but if you come up with great rule add-ons please pass the love on to others.

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