Alé’sa Fyvaro Character in Ma'rune | World Anvil

Alé’sa Fyvaro

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Currently in review

~ 21 Dusk Soar Moon, 1288 AL
~ 188 Years Old

The last child of the Fyvaro bloodline. Aid to Prince Lîvio of the Je’nasie Court. Alé’sa can strike one as cold and standoffish, but only to those foolish enough to cross or those that do not know her. To those that do know her or have gained her trust, her words are genuine and kind.

Alé’sa looks down at the young prince. Too young, as so many are, she thinks. Lips pursed and brows furrowed, torn between duty and sparing a child the stress of ruling.

“I understand that we are asking a lot of you, Alé’sa. But Prince Lîvio will need you if he is to survive the Court - not only ours, but that of daelin as well,” Fyorenz says softly. Lîvio almost stirs from his slumber, kicking out with a small, scrawny leg.

“The weight of the Court will crush him. You know this. We can approach the over Courts, seek permission to delegate his rule until he is ready,” Alé’sa argues.

She knows such an argument is weak even without Fyorenz scoffing.

“If we do that, we show weakness to the other Courts - and the weight of such backlash would crush all of us.”


Physical Description

Her skin is a dark purple, as is typical of those in the Je’nasie Court. She is 6’3” tall. Her eyes gleam silver and her ears are around three inches long, curving down into a pointed tip. Her hair is bright red and cut short.

Tall and lithe, Alé’sa is used to participating in dexterity based activities, such as moving through the thick forests to the south east of Yondar as quickly as possible. Her skin is mostly smooth and untouched, save for the scar arcing across her shoulder blades. Said scar was given to her by a Courtier of the Roliege Court when the Roliege massacred two thirds of the Je’nasie Court.

Legacy of the Fyvaro Bloodline

Born into a family of pulse arcanists, Alé’sa was taught pulse magic from the moment she could walk and talk. Her whole childhood was dedicated to two things: mastering pulse magic and preparing to take over as the Je’nasie Court Aid. Her parents - Mattio and Sa’vier - were firm but fair with their lessons. They never pushed her beyond her limits despite the outcry from her grandparents.

Alé’sa was the oldest of five siblings before the Roliege Court attacked. Three brothers and a younger sister, each of whom were also trained as pulse arcanists. As the Fyvaro bloodline was known to the other Courts to be a powerful one, the Roliege targeted her family and prioritised them during the attack. When the dust settled and the Roliege were defeated she remained the only survivor of the Fyvaro bloodline.

With no one else left, Alé’sa felt obliged to take up the mantle of Je’nasie Court Aid, despite feeling as though she wasn’t prepared for such a responsibility. She took it in her stride though and kept her concerns mostly to herself. The only other person who was aware that Alé’sa was terrified of the mounting responsibility placed upon her shoulders was Fyorenz - Sword of the Je’nasie Court.

Together, the two of them would teach and train a then 21 year old Prince Lîvio. Determined not to show weakness in front of the other Courts, Alé’sa secretly took on many of the responsibilities that were usually left to a King or Queen of the Je’nasie Court. She would make decisions and coach Prince Lîvio on publicly announcing them. She would divert the attention of the other Courts so that they never looked too closely at how the young Prince was running things. As more time passed and Prince Lîvio grew older, he kept allowing Alé’sa to govern the Je’nasie Court in secret - for the young prince was happier with the very few responsibilities that he already had and felt that simply being coached on what to say by Alé’sa was good enough. After all, under her guidance their Court had flourished.

Cover image: Character Banner Green by SunlanceXIII


Author's Notes

This article was created as part of the World Anvil Summer Camp 2020 event.

Summer Camp 2020
Generic article | Apr 10, 2024

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