Titan God's of EverMoore in EverMoore | World Anvil

Titan God's of EverMoore

  Royal Creation Research Society has started a huge task of mapping the beginning of the Genesis story. Although many researchers and scholars from great institutions work on establishing the chronological historical events, however, due to the infinite scope that this entails, most of the debates have taken place in favour of this data, this should, therefore, be considered an estimation of our existence. The chronological timeline has been established through the assessment of religious text, ancient literature, and the study of the behaviour of matter. The chronological timeline has been established through assessment of ancient literature, religious text, and studying the behaviour of matter.

  In the mists and swirls of violet, crimson and flashes of mauve, emerald & citrine, beyond the galactic barrier of time and space; before the oceans, mountains, or lands, before dark and light, the immortal hive consciousness of the Astari existed, omnipresent and omnibenevolent.
- Scroll of the Word

History of Creation ... The beginning

The Celestials

Before the existence of time, matter, or space, existents a collective continuum of hive consciousness called The Astari. In the forgotten tongue of the lands, Astari means 'relievers'. They were neither physical nor corporeal in form but of infinite scope due to a collective consciousness, which could shape matter and all things. The best way to imagine the Astari is a comparison with Q from Star Trek.   In the beginning, creation started with Astari's reverie. A race advanced beyond measure, which created consciousness, science and magic, forming the three spheres of consciousness 'Power, Love, and Justice to set foundations, establishing everything that could be brought forth in all times. The Astari, through millennia and aeons, collectively visioned the birth of all creation, with supernova brushing into life, galaxies forming, collapsing, and reshaping. The Astari's collective consciousness thought of one thing, a being of infinity scope. The Astari, therefore, commanded with infinite power to form Ouranos, a being imbued with the limitless scope and power to bring forth the reverie within the three spheres grand plan.   As time passed, Ouranós collected the Astari reverie, which formed the three conceptual spheres. This saw Ouranós speak with one utterance from all that Astari had imagined. He used one word that vertebrated across all space and time from that utterance, making him the God of creation and infinite in all things.  

The Creation of the Word of Creation

From the Astari, Ouranós became infinite, and as such, fashioned 'the word of creation' from a single utterance that could change the very fabric of the hive consciousness reverie. In so doing, the 'Vallar' was created. The 'Vallar', who was known in the common tongue as the Elder Titan Gods, had all the power to change all that is, will, or was. This was because the 'word' was powered by the concept of creation and that this could change the reverie itself, shaping the hive consciousness and thoughts, and as such shape the original design of all that was possible.  

The Three spheres

The three spheres, ' Power, Love, and Justice', established the primary foundation of the Astari's reverie to create all things. Scholars have debated the Astari's reverie and creating the three spheres and their meaning in scripture. It has been established that the three spheres represent the embodiment of Astari's concept and principle in future creation.  

The Golden Stone of Creation

Ouranós, from the 'Word', constructed the never-ending golden stone, which radiated rays of pure light in colours of purple and red. Ouranós bestowed a gift to the' Vallar' to enable the deities to shape creation within the divine gifts and planes specified within the confines of Ouranós' 'Word' and bound by the portfolios and dominions.  

The Domains

Ouranós established the' Vallar' 's divine domains and portfolios, which were split by the three spheres of 'Love, Power, and Justice'. Each sphere came with pillars of dominions, including, Ethereal, Sun, Moon, Light & Dark, Rivers, Water, Nature, etc.  

The Threads of Destiney

The 'Vallar' caused the reverie from Ouranós' Word' to shimmer and stir, and from the never-ending Golden Stone Domi was created, the 'God of Destiny', which was also called 'Weaver'. Domi wove from the using goldern thread of creating a tapestry from being immersed in Time and Destiny's consciousness. The threads are the paths we walk on and depict our lives' interconnectivity into the Great Tapestry of all creation.   Once Domí had weaved the future, the past and the present and all things, it was presented before Ouranós 'The One' and was given ascension from 'The Stone' to 'The Word'. The tapestry depicts all fate & paths of Destiny, which is the very trails and paths of all realities formed for all creation immortal and mortals alike.   Domí depicted a great entity bringing light to dark, and as commanded by the Elder Gods, the 'Stone' brought forth Hyperion, whose brilliant light shone upon all things so all knowledge may be seen, known and created. Hyperion of Heavenly Light , also known as the God of Light, is the son of both the Vallar and Ouranós and was crafted from the 'Stone'.

The demise of Domi The God of Destiney

After creating the tapestry, the Vallar shifted after Ouranós transformed Domi to be from 'The Word'. After assertion, Domi began to not only depict the future, past and present but began to weave new threads which had never been intended of his design, shifting the very original hive reverie to increase his dominion and power, stealing the divinity of others. Ouranós, through 'The Word', commanded for balance to be restored and stripped of Domi of his godly power, transforming his divinity and destroying Domi and commanding that 'The Vallar' act and take control to restore the threads of fate & destiny and ensure balance.  

Fates hand

After the demise of the former God of Destiny, 'Domi' from the command of Ouranós 'The One'. The Vallar using 'The Stone' enhanced this task by 'The Word' to allow the very reverie of the hive conciseness to be shaped, fashioned from the spiritual energy three entities defining the dominion as per the command to oversee every mortal, and Titan.   The Vallar defined the three entities as 'The Sisters of Fate', giving them the ability only ever to control one aspect of fate and destiny each. One to control the Goldern Threads of Fate, beginning all life. Another would measure the threads, determining how long a mortal and Titan's life span would be and lastly, one to cut the threads, ending the life. Although the sisters would have dominion, they would forever be accountable to those of higher power such as; Elder Titan of Death & Darkness, who has ultimate jurisdiction on death & darkness.  

God of Heavenly Light

Hyperion, from the 'Word', brought light to the darkness. His light shone upon all things so all knowledge may be created, known, and shared. Hyperion's bright gaze fell upon the Golden Stone, radiating the gaze and light of truth as set forth from the 'Word'. The gaze was so great that a crack appeared and a segment of the Golden Stone broke off. Hyperion transformed it, and Tzin took form was tasked from the 'Stone', made by Ouranós from the 'Word', to ensure balance with all the creation. This gave rise to the popular and common phrase, Tzin, which means to wish someone good luck and good fortune.  

Balance to Creation

Through the collective gaze of timeless eyes, from the Children of 'The Vallar' within their dominions and the Elder Titans' command, the reverie of the hive conciseness shifted, bringing forth life. This took form under the threads of fate controlled by the sisters, overseen by Tzin to ensure the balance of 'Power, Love, and Justice'.  

God of Nature

From the Light and Balance, Fysi took form, from the power of the 'Stone' commanded by the 'Word'. The Light and Balance connected with Nature and Earth to form the creation of many things. In doing so, Ouranós transformed Fysi from the 'Stone' and from the 'Word' to be the Elder Titan God.  


From the Astari came Ouranós 'The One' and the three spheres came the domains, but where there is creation and reverie their also nightmares, and where there is light, there is shadow. From the free will given from the 'reverie', brought to being by the Gods. Darkness & shadow took shape formed from both 'The Word' &' The reverie' due to the freewill given under the spheres to creation immortals and mortal alike, shaping justice and thus fate. A creation was sacred the Immortals and mortals argue over claim to domains, power and knowledge, the balance shifted as the actions and beliefs rotten took hold and the forbidden was committed... murder! Thus through the destruction of creation due to the nature of balance darkness entered the world forever balance to light.  

Creations of the Son's & Daughters of the Elder Titan Gods

The 'Vallar' created Children of their territories, who were the first eternal physical beings able to walk among creation, and their creation forged new reveries commanded by the 'Stone'.    


  The history of the Gods as written by the scholars Riquier Psaquale

Deities of EverMoore

The Astari

The Relievers (palioí dáskaloi tis dimiourgías)

The Astari, are a collective hive consciousness of omnipresent and omnibenevolent entities which formed creation. Their names are unknown or forgotten. Few know that they even existed, and very few worship them. However, at the moment, the number of devoted followers is on the rise.


God of 'The Word' 'The One'

Over many aeons, the reveries were repeatedly created & refined, from the conception of creating the creator who created 'The Word' to shape the reverie & create anew. None know the true name of the creator, but Scholars claim that no mortal can pronounce or even conceive of the True name of Ouranós, for encoding in the real names is the very Word/blueprint of reality.

Vallor / Elder Titan Gods

Gods from The word 'Θεοί από τη λέξη'

Created from the 'Word' and the 'Word' from the reverie. The 'Vallar' are commonly worshipped and known as the Elder Titans, as the Greater Gods. Many scholars believe that the true name of the 'Vallar' can relieve the paths of the threads of destiny.
List of Elder Gods below:


Elder Titan God of Etherical & Mancy

Ulva was created from 'The Word' within the the command of the reverie of Love, acting as the bearer of Ouranós might. Ulva is alongside Domi teh most powerful of all the elder Titans wielding the sun domain of creation.


Elder Titan God of Destiney' -

Domí, who was created from 'Word', is the creator of the Tapestry of Destiny. Domí was granted ascension to Elder Titan to command the 'Tapestry of Destiny'. Scholars have for years been fascinated by the Domi domain. They have identified that Domi depicts the threads of destiny which everyone takes, forming them together to create a collective tapestry of creation.


Elder Titan God of Balance (Τζινγκ και Γιανγκ)

Tzin, the God of Balance created from 'The Word', commands 'The Elixir' to amended all things for balance. Scholars have for centuries wondered & speculated on the purpose of The Elixir. The name Tzin is a common phrase for best fortunes and luck used widely.


Elder Titan God of Heavenly light

Hyperion, the God of the Heavenly Light, brought forth by the Great Tapestry, made from 'The Word', took shape to bring all things Light.   Light is truth, and truth reveals, has established many religious orders. Religious orders and Scholars have looked at Hyperion, due to light being life for many centuries and Hyperion is famed for giving light both to gods and creation.


Elder Titan Goddess of Nature -Φυσικός

Portfolio: Plants, Earth & Natural

Fysi - Elder Titan Goddess of Nature by Gamez
Fysi is the representation of the Earth & Nature and was one of the Children of the Vallar. However, she was given ascension from 'The Stone to 'The Word', becoming a primordial deity and member of 'The Vallar' to command earth, nature and all-natural.


Elder Titan God of Darkness -Έρεβος

Portfolio: Darkness, Death, Destruction, Decay & Damnation

Erebus, the God of eternal Darkness, in the creation from the Word and the reverie. Erebus has command over the domains of darkness and is an elder titan greater than most.

Gods from 'The Stone'

  Children from 'The Stone' are God's underneath 'The Vallar'. The Vallar Children are given portfolios by the Vallar to command and rule as deities of that portfolios or plane.

Below is a list of the children of the Vallar:


Titan God of The Sun (Ο ήλιος)

Portfolio: Fire, Sun & Sight

Ilios Titan God of The Sun by Gamez
Ilios is the son of Hyperion, the Titan god of the sun & guardian of 'Oaths' the Golden Palace, where Ilios rides a sun-chariot drawn by four winged steeds. Ilios shone upon the earth, brought to being by 'The Word' for the first time & from the warm, life took roots.


Titan God of The waters (Θεός του νερού)

Portfolio: Water & Ice

Vepous - Titan God of The waters by Gamez
Vepous, the God of the Waters, is the daughter of Tzin and controls the waters. It is believed in the legend that Vepous & Ilios are lovers.


Titan God of Justice (δικαιοσύνη)

Portfolio: Justice, Truth & Law

Alítheia is the child of Hyperion and granted the portfolio of Justice, Truth & Law.


Titan God of Stars, Moon & Purity

Daughter of Fysi and Hyperion, Astraeus has been granted a wide portfolio offering the stars, the starlight, the moon in the heavens, and purity of things nature. Due to the nature of Astraeus domains, Alítheia and Astraeus work to achieve Justice and Purity, with one coming in hand with the other. Commonly, you would see the temples of Alítheia and Astraeus together.


Sister of Fate - Beginnings

Sister of Fate created as one of the three divine Primordials entities to command destiny and fate. Made from Domi remains and born on the celestial plane. Klotho was the youngest of the Three Sisters of Fate, and the spinner of the Threads of Fate, often referred to as the Threads of Life and the very paths of all mortals and immortals.


Sister of Fate - Life Alloter

Sister of Fate created as one of the three divine Primordials entities to command destiny and fate. Made from Domi remains born on the celestial plane. Diatíthetai is the second oldest, who defines the destinies of God's and mortals alike. It is her duty to "embellish" the Threads of Fate, which determines how a person lives their life.


Sister of Fate - Cutter

Sister of Fate created as one of the three divine Primordials entities to command destiny and fate. Made from Domi remains born on the celestial plane. Móra is the sister who ended lives by cutting their thread of life. She is the most well-known sister due to her job. Móra is the smallest in stature but the oldest and, some belief, more powerful. However, like the other sister Móra is cruel. Once Móra cuts any goldern thread with her razor-sharp scissors, it is impossible to tie them back together.
Rights Reserved- Artwork has been developed on Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator editing and creating content. Some of the artwork original elements prior to editing and additions have come from Google search material within the Public Domain ... All information is held under legal privillage.

Cover image: EverMoore Logo by Gamez

The Astari Dream

21000000000 13800000000

  • -21000000000 BC

    The Astari The Astrai's reverie & formulate the 3 spheres 'Love, Power, Justice'

  • -19000000000 BC

    Creation of the The Three spheres
    Construction beginning/end

Ouranós 'The Word' & The Vallar

13799999999 0

Ouranós created the 'The Word'

  • -13799999999 BC

    -13799999999 BC

    Ouranós creation of 'The Word'

  • -13700000000 BC

    Creation of the Vallar

  • -13000000000 BC

    Creation of the Vallar Goldern Stone

  • -12000000000 BC

    Creation of Destiney

    From the never-ending Goldern Stone was born Kathos 'The God of destiny'

  • -11400000000 BC

    Kathos Destiny tapestry & Kathos Ascension

    Kathos created tapestry of Destiney, & Time and became a Elder God from the Word

  • -10000000000 BC

    Birth of Light

    Hyperion of heavenly light through The Tapestry from the word brought light to dark.

  • -9999899989 BC

    Birth of Balance to Creation

    Elder Titan God Tzin God of Balance tasked to ensure balance in creation

  • -7999099999 BC

    Children of the Vallar were created - Titan Gods

    The Children of the Vallar were created, the first true eternal physical being and matter from the new dreams

  • -7989099999 BC

    Creation of the Suns

    Ilios from his father Hyperion was tasked with the creation of Sun.

  • -7899099999 BC

    Creation of Nature

    Fysi From the stone was eleveated to from the word and asked to manage and create all things natural.

  • -7889099999 BC

    Birth of God of Waters

    Vepous was created from the stone to mange the water & Ice

  • -5889099999 BC

    Creation of Justice

    Alítheia from the stone was created to manage justice.


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